HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1967-10-04 . . . e e MINUTES OF PL~NING CO~~II5SION MFETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1967 The Seal Beach Planning Comm1ss~on met 1n regular c;eSS10n on Wednesday, OCLober 4, 1967, 1n the Counc~l Chamber at C1ty Hall. Present Absent Boeger, Crowley, Lann1ng, Murphy, Peterc; None Meet~ng was called to order by Cha1rman Boeger at 7'35 P.N. M~nutes of the meet~ng of Septembpr 27, 1967 were approved as corrected. 1. Puhl1c Hear1ng - Charles E. and MclrJ or1e J. Tozer, V-25-67 Charles E. and HarJor~e J. Tozer propo&e to construct a 7-un~t apartment bU1ldl.ng aL 227 - 10th ~treet, Seal Beach, Ca11f. Requested var1ance ~s for a reductl.on of requl.red 1nter10r s1de yard set-back from 6 feet to 5 feet, also two other yard var~ances would be requ1red. The upper story encroaches 1 1/2 feet 1nto the re- qU1red 9 foot rear set-back. Lower story 1S O.K. Legal dec;cr1pt10n Lots 25 and 27, Block 109, Bay Cl.ty Tract, known a9 227 - 10th ~Lreet. No protec;ts were rece~ved. Mrc;. Lann1ng moved that thl.s var~ance be granted. Seconued by Mr. Peters and pac;sed unan1Mously by all members. Rec;01ut10n No. 162. 2. Pub11c Hearl.ng - Charlec; and Shl.rley Ledbetter, V-26-67 Charles and Sh1rley Ledbetter, 644 Island V1ew Drl.ve, Seal BeAch, Ca11f., reprec;ented by Lou1s A. Trev1no, 16760 CoasL H1ghway, Sunc;et Beach, Ca11f., requested varl.ance to conc;truct a fam1ly room add~t10n attached to the rear of the house, allow1n~ a 6 foot set-back from the rear property l1ne 1nstead of the requ1red 10 feet. It \11a& noted that th~s case was s1m1lar to thoc;e approved 1n the past for tins type of house plan (w1th 1nterl.Or open pat10). Legal descr1pt10n ~s Lot 216, Tract 2590. Harvey Webb, 701 Taper Dr1vP, commented ~t would be too crowded. No other protests were rece1veu. Hr. Crowley moved that tIns var1ance be granted. Spconded by Mrs. Lannl.ng and passed unan1mously by all members. Rec;01ut10n No. 163. 3. Publ1c Hear1n~ - Mr. & Mrs. Bened1ct Baudo, V-27-67 Mr. & Mrs. Bened~ct Baudo, 8518 East 6th Street, Downey, Ca11f., reprec;ented by Carl H. Irw1n, Arch1tect, 3631 Atlant1C Avenue, tonp, Beach, Ca11f., requestea var1ance to perm~t construct10n of a 2-un1t res1dence, second floor construct10n to encroach 5 feet l.nto the requ1red 9 foot rear set-back, or 4 feet from the all~y l1ne. Property 1S descr1bed as Lot 14, Block A, Tract No.1, located at lIS Dolph1n Street, Seal Beach, Cal1f. Mr. Dudley, 121 Dolplnn, complal.neu that \uth only 4 feet from the alley, the upper story would block h1s V1ew. There were no other protests. Mrs. Lann1ng moved thdt th1s var1ance be granted. Seconded by Hr. Peters and passed unanl.mously by all members. Resolut~on No. 164. NOTE: Cha1rman Boeger requests that ord1nance be amended for th1c; type s1Luat~on for proJect1on l.nto rear yards on alleys at upper storl.es. . . . e e 4. Pub11c Hear1ng - Olson-Stangeland, UV-3-67 Leonard E. Olson, 319 - 12th Street, Seal Reach, Ca11f. owner of an eX1st1ng bU11d- 1ng 10catea at 1510 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway, Seal Beach, Ca11f., legal descr1pt1on 1S Lots 30, 32, 34, and 36, Tract No. 10, C-1, Block 215. Dav1d J. Stangeland, 1422 Ocean Avenue, Seal Beach, Ca11f., represent1ng himself, proposes to estab11sh a restaurant w1th on-sale beer 1n th1S eX1st1ng bU11d1ng. Request 1S for Use Var1ance to allow th1s bus1ness 1n a C-l Zone, wh1ch does not prov1de for on-sale 11quor. Mr. ~tan~eland stated this bU~1ness would be l1m1ted to 11ght lunches, sandw1ches, and beer, w1th hours from approx1mately 7:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.cl. Several people own1ng homes 1n th1S area spoke aga1nst th1S fear1ng devaluat10n of the1r property. Mrs. Judy Taylor, 1420 Crystal Cove, was def1n1tely aga1n~t 1t be- cause of the n01se and late hours. Mr. V1ctor Re1nhold, 1510 Emerald Cove Way, was aga1nst the n01se, late hours, more traff1c, danger 1n cross1ng the h1ghway as there 1S no Cross Walk across Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. lie sa1d a sandw1sh shop would be o.k. but was opposed to a beer bar. Both Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Re1nhold feared that once approval 1S g1ven for on-sale beer even 1f the present owner close9 at 10:30 P.M., there 1S noth1ng to prevent a new owner from keep1ng open unt11 the 2:00 A.M. curfew. Mrs. Margaret Ordway, 327 - 15th Street, and ne1ghbors, were concerned w1th ~treet park1ng 1n front of the1r homes. Also two formal letters of protest, wh1ch had been rece1ved from attorneys for G11der Inn and 101 Ranch House Re~taurant, were read stating concern over use of the1r park1ng fac11~t1es thus denyin~ the1r customers of park1ng space, result1ng 1n loss of business. Mr. Stangeland assured these people there would be ample parking w1th 14 places 1n the rear of the bU1ld1ng and also that parking 1S perm1tted on Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. Mr. Stratford say~ there are only 8 legal spaces poss1ble plus one in a garage. Code requ1res 12 spaces for park1ng for the proposed use, plus 7 add1t10nal spaces for the eX1st1ng 2 uses 1n the bU1ld1ng, or a total of 19 spaces. Mr. Peters feels that the Beer Bar 1S the ch1ef concern and reasons aga1nst the request. Mr. Murphy concurs w1th Mr. Peters. Mr. Crowley 1S aga1nst 1t because of 1nadequate park1np,. Mrs. Lanning concurs w1th what other members report as she has made no personal inspect10n. Mr. Peters moved that the var1ance be den1ed because of 1nadequate park1ng fac1l1t1es. Seconded by Mr. Murphy and unan1mous1y agreed by all members. Var1ance den1ed. Resolution No. 165. 5. Pub11c Hear1ng - UV-4-67, Dunn-Laugher James E. Dunn, 1700 South 2nd Avenue, Arcad1a, Ca11f., and Harmon Laugher, 1201 Ocean Avenue, Apt. F, Seal Beach, Ca11f., represented by Lovely Homes Inc., M. Gregory, Agent. Request Use Var1ance to construct a 3 story apartment bU1ld1ng of 6 un1ts and 6 garages 1n a C-l Zone. Variance 1S also requested for balcony en- croachment of 3 feet into the requ1red 5 foot ~1de yard. Also requ1red would be a rear yard var1ance to allow upper story encroachment of 4 feet lnto theLr~quired 12 foot rear yard. Property 1S descr1bed as Lots 6 and 7, Block D. Tract ~-. of the C1ty of Seal Beach, Orange County, Ca11forn1a, known as 1425 Seal Way, Seal Beach, Ca11f. Accord1ng to Code Requ1rements, th1s area 1~ suff1c1ent for only 5 un1ts. . . . A e e A general discuss10n followed concern1ng d1fficu1ty 1n park1ng 1n the garage lay- out, as there can be no dr1ve-through prov1s10n to get out t,e front. W1th the ded1cat10n of a 5 foot str1p across the rear of th1s property for alley w1dening, thus forc1ng the bU1lding to be shortened by f1ve feet, there would not seem room for a f1rst floor apartment and 6 garages. Mr. Dunn was very recept1ve to reV1S- 1ng h1s plans. It was agreed that this request be held for further study. Mr. Peters moved th1s matter be cont1nued to the next regular Plann1ng Comm1ss10n Meeting, October 18, 1967. Seconded by Mr. ~lurphy w1th all AYES. 6. Continued Pub11c Hear1ng - Myron L. Baker, V-18-67 Myron L. Baker, 1235 Cata11na Avenue, Seal Beach, Ca11f. appeal for var1ance to per- m1t construct10n of 11v1ng quarters over eX1st1ng garage w1th a 6 foot encroachment 1nto front yard set-back was sent back from C1ty Counc11 for recons1derat10n. There had been no add1t10na1 f1nd1ngs 1n favor of grant1ng th1s var1ance. Mr. Murphy read "Dangerous Trends 1n Zon1nB - M1suse of Var1ance Dev1ce", a talk g1ven by Byrs1s N. \Vh1tnall at a Meet1ng of the Ca11forn3a Plann1ng Congre~s August 10, lQ67, and asked that the ent1re "talk" be made a part of the Resolut10n. ~lr. Crowley moved that th1s Matter be returned to f1nd1ngs subm1tted by Council to change the case. Boeger, Crowley, Lann1ng, and Murphy. Mr. PeLers 1ng of the prev10us Ilear1ng. Resolut10n No. 166. C1ty Counc1l on the bas1s of no Seconded by Hr. Nurphy. AYES: abstained because he knew noth- 7. Cont1nued Pub11c Hear1ng - W. J. McK1nnon, V-16-67 W1lfred J. McK1nnon, 121 Stanford Lane, Seal Beach, Ca11f. appeal for var1ance to perm1t converS10n of present garage 1nto l1v1ng quarters was sent back froM C1ty Counc1l for recons1deration. There be1ng no add1t10nal f1nd1ngs in favor of grant- 1ng th1s request, Mr. Crowley moved that th1s matter be returned to C1ty Counc1l on the same bas1s as above. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng. AYE~: Boeger, Crowley, Lann1ng, Murphy. tlr. Peters absta1ned as he knew noth1ng of the two prev10us Hear1ngs. Reso1ut10n No. 167. There be1ng no further bus1ness, the meeting was adJourned at 9:45 P.tl. -[~~~- Record1ng Secretary ~