HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1970-12-02 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1970 The Planning Commiss10n of the City of Seal Beach met in regular session on Wednesday, December 2, 1970, in the Council Chambers at the City Administrat10n Building. The meet1ng was opened at 7:37 P.M. by Chairman Knapp with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Absent: Dorr, Knapp, Ripperdan Lanning, Morris Mrs. Lann1ng's absence was excused. Mr. Morris has moved from the City and subm1tted a letter of resignat10n to the C1ty Council for the~r meet1ng of December 7, 1970. The minutes of the meeting of November 18, 1970, were approved as presented. 1. Pub11c Hearing - David Ward, V-23-70 Mr. Ward, 11442 Harrisburg, Los A1am1tos, requested a variance to permit construction of a four unit apartment w1th a second story encroachment of f1ve feet 1n~ the rear yard and three tandem parking spaces on Lot 50, Block 106, Bay C1ty Tract. The property 1S commonly known as 250 Sixth St., Seal Beach. Hear~ng open. Mr. Ward explained he had consulted w1th the building department about tandem parking, was advised it had previously been approved and proceeded with h1s plans on th1s basis. Secretary p01nted out th1s proposal d~ffered from prev10us approvals where all units had park1ng w1th direct access to the alley. Mr. Dav1s, arch1tect for Mr. Ward, stated that the concept of 3 tandem spaces had been allowed in Hunt1ngton Beach and Long Beach with no problems. Mr. Phelan, 1524 Marine Ave., felt that it would create a hardsh1p to disapprove this plan after City representat1ves had advised them to proceed. Kr1s Lindstrom, 209 Ocean, expressed concern about setting a precedent. Present regulation adopted to avoid th~s problem. He also felt the narrow alley creates sufficient problem. Mr. George Garrity, 245 6th St., owner of the property d1rect1y Oppos1te from the alley, expressed opposition because of existing park1ng problems 1n the area and the narrow alley. Mr. Ward stated that six spaces were provided and that he had another bU11ding nearby where tenants would not pay extra for parking. He also stated four units were econom1ca11y feasible, but 1f he was limited to three would bU11d cheap one~ and sell as soon as poss~b1e. Mr. Lindstrom felt renting of garages to tenants was appalling. The purpose was to furn1sh and was d1smayed at the lack of concern by builders to follow the intent of the ord1nance. Hearing closed. Discuss10n by Comm1ssioners pointed out the attractiveness of the building and no problem with the proposed cantilever. However, parking was a problem, the three sets of tandem not feasible for four units, and 1t would be an~UDdesirab1e precedent. Secretary d1rected to contact the Building Department regarding misinformation. Prior to offica1 action, the Secretary adv1sed of the alternative actions poss1ble: 2 to 1 vote not f1nal; continuance for applicant to revise plans; approval or denial. Den1al would prevent resubmiss10n of app11cat10n for a period of one year. Mr. Ripperdan moved to deny, but w1thdrew h1s motion upon request by app11cant for a continuance until the December 16 meeting. 2. No oral communications. 3. Wr1tten Communications. Commission adv1sed of rece1pt of Orange County P1ann1ng Program. Cop1es will be furnished each member w1th their next packet. e e 4. Unfin1shed Business . Proposed Amendment to Ordinance 628 (748), Automobile Service Stat10n, Performance and Development Standards. A proposed amendment incorporating changes discussed at the public hearing was presented for discussion. In addition, a report was presented by the staff on a survey of other cities concerning signs and merchandise displays. After discuss10n, it was the consensus of opinion that the present ordinance d1d not create a particular hardship and was about at a med~an range of other beach city requ1rements. Mr. Knapp moved to c1arificat10n amendment as proposed and recommend its approval by the City Counc11. Seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and pasged unanimously by the members present. Reso1ut10n No. 502. 5. New Bus1ness A. Plan Rev1ew - John Elbertse (Frank Lopez), PR-54-70 Mr. John E1bertse, 4681 Hazelnut Ave., presented plans for a proposed addit10n over an eX1sting garage. They were compatible w1th existing residence and acceptable. Mr. Knapp moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and passed unan1mously by the members present. Resolution No. 503. B. Plan Rev1ew - J. F. Knisley (Kess Construct10n Co.), PR-55-70 . Mr. Kn1s1ey, 1020 Marv1sta Ave., presented plans for construction of a "rumpus" room over an exist1ng garage. All m1nimum requirement9 are ma1nta1ned and access through existing residence only. Miss Dorr moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Knapp and passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 504. C. Plan Review - Cuthbert Jackson (Bill Gearhart), PR-56-70 Use Variance for a seven unit apartment at the southwest corner of 4th St. and Marina Dr. was previously approved subJect to plan review for rev1sed elevation and modified parking pattern. He1ght of bui1d1ng was reduced to 35 feet as requ1red. One column 1n parking area eliminated to increase drive width and improve exiting conditions. After d1scussion, rev1sions were accepted as the best for the irregularly shaped lot. Mr. Knapp moved to approve as presented. Miss Dorr geconded the motion and it passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 505. D. Plan Rev1ew - Dan1e1 Boone (George Fuentes), PR-57-70 Mr. Boone, 605 Bayside Ave., presented plans for the enclosure of an existing patio abutt1ng the sideyard. Approval by the Arch1tectural Committee as required by deed restrict10n was submitted with the app11cation. M1ss Dorr moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 506. 6. Other Business . Miss Dorr asked if any method ava11ab1e to enforce the use of garages for parking. General discussion. No further bus1ness, the meet1ng was adjourned at 9:16 P.M. ~~ 4< .R' __A L is rno tI '-- Recording Secretary