HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1970-07-15
The Planning Comm1ssion of the City of Seal Beach met in regular seSS10n on Wednesday.
July 15. 1970. mn the Counc~l Chambers at the City Adm1n1strat10n BU1lding. The
meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Knapp and V1ce Chairman Morris led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Barton. Crowley. Knapp. Lanning. Morr1s
The minutes of the meet1ng of July 1. 1970. were approved as corrected.
1. Pub11c Hearing - Jerry Moss & Co. (Monroe Bounds). UP-2-70
Mr. Bounds. 19001 Summerf1e1d Lane. Hunt1ngton Beach. author~zed agent on the
app11cation. advised the staff he was discontinuing this act~on. However. the
fees had been pa1d and all legal notices had been f11ed. Hearing opened. Mrs.
Co111er. Mrs. Schuck. Mr. W11ford. and Mr. Robb1e. all of Coastline Drive. expressed
opposition to having an amusement ride in the shopping center as not a compatible
use and generat1ng noise and traffic. Mr. Owens and Mr. Cline of Marlin Ave.
concurred in opposit~on. Two wr1tten commun1cat1ons in oppos1tion were received
from Dr. Co111er and Mr. Glen Jones. Hearing closed. Mrs. Lann1ng moved to
deny the Unclass1fied Use Perm1t. Seconded by Mr. Morris and passed unanimously.
Res. No. 458.
2. Public Hearing - E. W. Mullins (Fotomat Corp.). UV-4-70
Fotomat Corporation. author1zed agents of the property owner. requested a Use
Variance to install a drive thru kiosk selling photographic supp11es and process~ng
at a serV1ce stat10n s1te (Texaco) at 12th St. and Pac1f1C Coast Highway. Mr.
Garner of Fotomat adv~sed that many similar 1nsta11ation had proved to be successful
and compatible throughout the United States. K10sk would be placed toward the
rear of the lot and most traffic generated would use 12th St. and not affect the
traff1c on Pac1fic Coast H1ghway. This tnstal1ation would not be franchiEed. but
company owned and operated. In discussion. Mr. Barton felt th1s could be an
oriented business 1n this part1cu1ar location. No free standing sign would be
installed. but identification would be by the standard roof sign. No protests
were rece1ved. Ilear1ng closed. Mr. Barton moved to approve the application
subject to renewal in one year and ratif1cat1on by the City Counc1l. Mr. Morris
seconded the motion.
Barton. Crowley, Morr1s
Knapp, Lann~ng
Motion carried. Resolution No. 459.
3. Oral Communications - none.
4. Written Commnnicat1mns.
A fact sheet on d1str1cts and plans for the future from the Orange County Transit
Commission was received by the Commiss10ners for their 1nformat10n.
5. New Bus1ness
. (A) Plan Review - Andrew H. Logan, PR-31-70
Mr. and Mrs. Logan. 300 Harvard Lane. presented plans for an addition to their
existing home. Mr. Barton moved to approve the plans as submitted. Seconded by
and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 460.
Mr. Knapp
Chairman Knapp expressed the P1ann1ng Commiss10n's concern about the role of the
Arch~tectura1 Review Board and the need to estab11sh better gU1de1ines.
B. Plan ReV1ew - Barton F. Stratton, PR-27-70
Mr. Stratton, 1527 E. Harmony Lane, Fullerton, requested approval of plans to
perm1t the removal of an eX1st1ng attached garage and the add1tion of a bathroom
at 140 12th St., Seal Beach. The garage 1S in a deteriorated cond1t10n and 1tS
removal would ~mprove the ne1ghborhood. The Staff recommended that a requ1rement
be made that the rear of the lot rema1n open for park1ng. Mr. Morris moved to
approve the plan reV1ew w1th the cond1tion recommended by Staff. Mrs. Lanning
seconded the motion and ~t passed unanimously. Reso1ut1on No. 454.
C. Letter of Intent - Nar1and Corporat10n (UV-3-70)
A requ1rement of Resolut10n No. 433 approv~ng the Use Variance for construct1on
of an 8 story hotel was a letter of 1ntent from Nar1and Corporation ~ndicating
w1111ngness to assist in prov1d1ng a solut~on to any parking problem that m~ght
develop. A letter was presented ~nd1cat1ng the1r good fa1th and 1ntent. Mr.
L~nton, president of Nar1and, was present and expressed the1r w111~ngness to
cooperate should addit10na1 park1ng be necessary. Mr. Knapp moved to approve
the letter as fu1f111~ng the requirement of Resolut1on No. 433. Seconded by Mr.
Morr~s and passed unanimously. Reso1ut~on No. 455.
6. New Bus1ness
A. Plan ReV1ew - Dr. Ramchandan1, PR-29-70
Plans were presented for construction of a single fam11y res1denc~ at 1509 Catal1na,
Seal Beach. Garage d~mens10ns appeared to be substandard, but the arch~tect,
Mr. Gary Potter, agreed to revise the plans to meet minimum requirements. Mr.
Barton moved to approve the plans with the condition that the garage meet m~n1mum
requ~rements. Seconded by Mr. Morr1s and passed unan~mo\lsly. Reso1ut~on No. 456.
B. Plan Review - Seal Beach Auto Parts (Ka11nowski), PR-30-70
Plans were presented for instal1at1on of a roof mounted sign in l~eu of the
ex~sting front mounted 1dentif1cat10n s1gn at 327 Ma1n St. The porposed s1gn would
project 5 feet over the public right-of-way 1n conformance w1th the Un1form S1gn
Code, be illuminated and be approximately 32 sq. ft. The eX1s1tng s~gn to be
removed, the exist1ng "Auto" roof s1gn to be removed, and the pa1nted wall s1gns
would be removed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the plan reV1ew subject to the
cond1t~on of removal of eX1sting signs as agreed. Seconded by Mrs. Lann~ng and
Passed unan1mously. Resolut1on No. 457.
7. Other Business
A WT1tten report on the violat~on of conditions of a var~ance was subm1tted to
the Comm1ss10n.
Mrs. Lanning, speak1ng for the
whose term 1S eXp1r1ng for h1s
Commission, expressed appreciat~on
many J l' [a-1 years of ;1Jerv~ce.
~ , ,W(14 t-
was adJourned at 8:50 P.M.
to Mr. Crowley
No further business, the meet1ng
L01s Arnold
Recording Secretary