HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1970-06-03 e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1970 . The Planning Comm1ss~on of the City of Seal Beach met in regular session on Wednesday, June 3, 1970, 1n the Council Chambers at the City Administrat~on BU11ding. The meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Barton and Vice Chairman Knapp led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Absen t: Barton, Crowley, Knapp, Lann~ng, Morr1s None The minutes of the meet1ng of May 20, 1970 were approved as presented. 1. Pub11c Hear~ng - John C. Morrow, V-12-70 Mr. Morrow, 247B 17th St., Seal Beach, requested a var1ance to permit a S1X foot fence w1th1n 8" of the front property hne. Code prohibits a fence over 42" in the front yard setback. Mr. Morrow exp1a1ned the purpose was to provide a private patio area for the lower dwell1ng unit. The fence has been installed and the owner was not1f1ed by the C1ty BU11d1ng Department that it was in violation of the Code. A petition of 9 ind~vidua1s was presented request1ng the var~ance be approved. During d1scussion 1t was p01nted out that a fence defeats the purpose of the front yard setback, would be precedent sett1ng and also would obstruct ne1ghbors view. Hear1ng closed. Mr. Crowley moved to deny the variance on the bas1s that 1t would be privilege and set a precedent. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and passed by the fo11ow1ng vote: . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Crowley, Knapp, Lann1ng, Morr1s Barton None Mot10n carr1ed. Resolut~on No. 440. App11cant was advised of h~s r1ght of appeal. 2. Oral Communicat10ns Kris Lindstrom asked for an exp1anat~on of the Arch~tectura1 Review Board. The Secretary explained that certain areas of the C1ty have review boards as requ1red through deed restrictions. The C1ty has no such board, but the Comm1ss~on acts in th1s capac1ty by plan review. 3. Written Commun1cat~ons Bernard Soloman, Mills Construct1on Co., requested that the R-zoned property parallel to Montec1to be determ1ned to front on Montec1to Road for the purpose of determ1ning required setbacks. Mr. Barton moved to make the determ1nation ~n the case of specif~c properties zoned R-4 paralleling Montecito Road to have their front lot lines along Montecito Road. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and passed unan1mously. Resolution No. 441. 4. Unf~n1shed BUS1ness - Cont~nued Pub11c llearing - Joseph P. Carollo, V-11-70 . Mr. Carollo, 8105 Imper1a1, Downey, requested a variance to permit construct1on of a two unit three-bedroom apartment bU11d~ng w1th four parking spaces, two .of wh1ch are ~n tandem. No protests were made. PreV10US similar variance had been granted. Mr. Barton moved to approve'the var~ance subject to the cond1t10n that a covenant be recorded maintaining the park1ng for vehicular use only and l1m1ting the total number of units to two. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 442. e e 5. New Bus1ness . A. Plan Review - Secur1ty Pacif1c Nat~ona1 Bank, PR-14-70 Security Pac1fic National Bank presented plans for signing and 1andscap1ng for their proposed building at 770 Pacif1c Coast Highway. A lengthy discuss10n was held regard1ng the he1ght and size of the free standing 1dent1fication s1gn, the effectiveness at various heights as well as the need for it. The app11cant agreed to reduce the overall s1gn to 8'10" x 11'3" with a he1ght of 21' to the bottom of the sign. Mr. Barton moved to approve the sign1ng with the free standing sign in the Fevised propotions. Seconded by Mr. Morr1s and passed with the following vote: AYES: NOES: Barton, Crowley, Lanning, Morris Knapp Mot10n carried. Resolut10n No. 443. Mr. Barton moved to approve the landscaping plans as subm~tted. Seconded by Mr. Crowley and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 444. B. Plan Review - United California Bank, PR-23-70 Plans were submitted for revised s1gn1ng at the United California Bank located in the Leisure World Shopp1ng Center. Facility ~s being remodeled and eX1st1ng s1gns are being replaced. Mr. Barton moved to approve the plans as submitted. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning. Mr. Morr1s disqualified himself because he is employed by th1s company. . AYES: Barton, Crowley, Knapp, Lanning NOES: None ABSTAIN: Morris Mot10n carried. Resolution No. 445. C. Plan Review - Walter Babcock, PR-24-70 Plans were subm1tted for fascia identification signs for Walter's Wharf at 201 Main St., Seal Beach. Signs are a carved wooden type w1th exter10r spot1ight1ng. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the plans as subm1tted. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and passed unanimously. Resolut10n No. 446. D. Plan Review - R & B Development Co., PR-25-70 R & B Development Co. presented plans for f1na1 review as required as a condition of approval on the prec1se plan. The plans are essent1al1y the same as or1ginal1y submitted w1th minor changes such as the recreation bui1d~ng redesigned as a one story bU11ding, exterior shape changed on one 11v~ng unit bu~lding, e1~minating 15 units and the parking structure for better f1re access. The revis~on of the one living un1t bui1d1ng reduces the number of bachelor un1ts and changes the average unit S1ze to 701 sq. ft. excluding ba1con1es, patios, hallways, etc. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the final plans w1th the cond~t10n that f1na1 landscape plans be subject to review. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Mr. Crowley disqualified h1mse1f since he had not been present during considerat10n and approval of the preC1se plan. . AYES: Barton, Knapp, Lanning, Morris NOES: None ABSTAIN: Crowley Mot~on carri~d. Resolution No. 447 e e . 6. Secretary advised that selection of officers would be necessary at the first meeting of the new f1sca1 year. Secretary and Chairman Barton gave a br1ef report on the meet1ngs they had attended dur1ng the first day of the Inst1tute of Planners held at the Disneyland Hotel. Chairman Barton adv1sed staff that he was st111 witnessing vio1at10ns of cond1tions of the variance at the Red Candle Restaurant. Staff directed to not1fy the owner. Mr. Knapp advised that the City Council was referr1ng the Hornbeack appeal back to the Commission for further cons1deration. No furbher bus1ness. the meet~ng was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ~~~ Lois Arnold Recording Secretary . .