HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1970-05-20
The Planning Comm1ssion of the C1ty of Seal Beach met in regular session of Wednesday,
May 20, 1970, in the Counc11 Chambers at the City Admin1stration Building. The
meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Barton and Vice Cha1rman Knapp led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Barton, Crowley, Knapp, Lanning, Morris
The m1nutes of the meet1ng of May 6, 1970, were approved as presented and the minutes
of the meet1ng of May 13, 1970, approved as corrected.
1. Public Hear1ng - Annabelle Luraschi, V-8-70
Secretary exp1a1ned that the Planning Comm~ss10n Rules and Regulations requ~re a
aff1rmat1ve or negative vote of at least three members. At the previous public
hearing, a motion to approve th1s app1~cation rece~ved a vote of 2 - 2. The case
has been readvert~sed to be reheard at th1S meeting. Laurence A. Peters, attorney,
represented the applicant, Mrs. Lurasch1, her son, and Mr. Passero, architect, were
all present. Mr. Peters spoke and described the 10cat~on c1t1ng the open area
adJacent and the unusual locat10n bounded by streets and alleys on all s1des. He
pointed out that th1s is a maJor entry to the C1ty and the app1~cant 1ntends to
improve the appearance of the area. A model of the pDoposa1 was d1sp1ayed for
v~sua1 concept. M1nor changes have been made 1n the plans including the garage
be1ng no long depressed due to unstable subsoil and local f1ood1ng. In regard to
~ncreased density, the General Plan calls for h1gh dens1ty ~n the immed1ate
neighborhood. Elevator shaft excepted, the roof ~s at a height of 37 ft. Mr.
Peters c1ted other bui1d~ngs in the C1ty where var~ances have been approved on
the he1ght limitation. Mr. Passero pointed out ament1es planned for th1s building.
Mr. James Dunn, 510 Ocean, expressed h~s approval commenting on the ability of the
arch1tect and the plans including the large units planned. He felt the area needed
such high class units. Mr. Ken Leedom, 1400 Ocean, stated he was a realtor as well
as property owner in the city and th1s is the type of unit the people want. Mr. C. J.
Slawson, 712 Seabreeze, stated he had been a member of the c1t~zens committee working
on the General Plan and he felt th1s development followed that ~ntent. Mr. Glen
Jones, 427 Ocean, felt th1s proposal was what the General Plan 1ntended. Mrs.
Steinman, 11th St., sa1d she liked the plan and felt it fit the General Plan and
also was impressed w~th the excellent amen1ties included. Mr. Boisvert, 405 Opal
Cove Way, asked about the sub-standard soil, nearness of other bu~ldings to th1s
proposal and square footage of the proposed units. Mr. Peters explained the water
table as d1scovered during construct1on of the C1ty'S beauty and ident~fication
area next to this property, neighpors southerly were one story, no buildings
on the other s1des, and that the m1n~mum S1ze of unit was 750 sq. ft. with the
maX1mum 1350 sq. ft. Written communications from Mr. & Mrs. Dominico Dimare, 204
3rd St., Mr. & Mrs. Hutchens, operators of the Seal Beach Cleaners, 410 Mar~na,
Donna Brown, 208 Central, B. W. Ferguson, 209 2nd St., all indicating approval of
the proposal. The hearing was closed. Commission members discussed location and
points brought out 1n the hear~ng as well as personal observat10ns of the site.
Mr. Crowley moved to grant the var1ances as requested: 37 foot height, 21 units,
and upper story cantilever into setbacks on the alley s1des. Seconded by Mrs.
Lann~ng and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 435.
2. Public Hearing - Joseph P. Carollo, V-11-70
Mr. Carollo request the approval of tandem parking to meet the requ1rements for
off-street parking at 113 6th St. for two three-bedroom units. No representat1ve
for the applicant was present and the Chairman ordered a postponement of the hearing
unt11 the next regular meeting.
There were no oral or written communicat10ns.
3. New Business
A. Plan Rev1ew, Dexter & Constance Savage, PR-18-70
Mr. and Mrs. Savage presented ~lans for a second story addit~on to their existing
residence. All m1nimum requirements of the code are met and the add1tion to
blend with the existing architecture. Mr. Barton moved to approve the plans as
presented. Seconded by Mr. Crowley and passed unanimously. Reso1ut~on No. 436.
B. Plan Review - Don Richardson, PR-20-70
Mr. Richardson, operator of a men's sports shop 1n the Le1sure World Shopp1ng
Center, requested approval of a fasc1a s1gn, illuminated from the interior. There
would be no f1ash1ng or rotating features. Mr. Barton moved to approve the plans
as presented. Seconded by Mr. Morris and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 437.
C. Plan Review - Belmont Savings, PR-21-70
Belmont Savings, 2999 Westminster Ave., requested approval of the wording "Belmont
Savings" on the four sided parapet of their new location. Th1s had previously
been subm1tted under the name Great Western Sav1ngs and included a free stand1ng
1dentification s1gn. The free standing sign has been e1im1nated and the original
name 1S being retained until all legalities of the -merger,'have been completed.
Leters would be indiv1dua11y mounted with muted 1nter1or illumination no higher
that three feet. After discussion, Mr. Barton moved to approve PR-21-70 as
presented. Seconded by Mr. Knapp and passed unan1mous1y. Resolution No. 438.
D. Plan Rev1ew - Bixby Ranch Co., PR-22-70
Don Emerson, representative of the Bixby Ranch Co., presented plans and a model of
an identificat10n s1gn for the Old Ranch Tenn1s Club. Sign would be approximately
4' x 4' and spot11ghted only when the club is open. Mrs. Lanning moved to approve
the plans as presented and seconded by Mr. Crowley. Passed unanimously.
Reso1ut10n No. 439.
4. Other BUS1ness
Mr. Barton reported that the Red Candle has not been observ1ng conditions agrees
upon for approval of their Use Variance. Staff instructed to give them official
No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:~0 P.M.
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Lois Arnold "'--
Recording Secretary