HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1970-05-13
The Planning Comm1ss10n of the City of Seal Beach met in regular adjourned seSS10n
on Wednesday, May 13, 1970, 1n the Council Chambers at the C1ty Admin~stration BU11d1ng.
The meeting was called to order by Cha1rman Barton at 7:30 P.M. and Vice Chairman
Knapp led the Pledge of A11eg1ance to the Flag.
Barton, Crowley, Knapp, Lann~ng
1. Plan Rev~ew - R1chard Grossgo1d, PR-19-70
Mr. Grossgo1d presented 1andscap1ng plans as required by the approval for
Var1ance V-9-70. Plans appeared to control the illegal park1ng problem. Mr.
Crowley moved to approve the plan reV1ew w1th the condit10n that the area not
landscaped be properly posted for 111ega1 parking. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning
and passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 432.
2. Publ1c Hear1ng - Nar1and Corporat10n, UV-3-70 and Ho11day Inns of Amer1ca,
CP-5-70 (concurrent hearings)
Nar1and Corporat10n, as property owner, requested a Use Variance to perm1t the
construction of a hotel in a C-3 zone, Variance from he1ghtl1~m1tation in the C-3
zone, and Var1ance fnom number of required on-site parking spaces. Ho11day Inns
of Amer1ca, Inc., as lessee of the property, requested a Cond1tiona1 Use Permit
to allow serving of alcoholic beverages in the proposed hotel. S1nce both requests
concerned the same proposal, the hear1ngs were held concurrently. Th1s use is both
compat1b1e and desirable for the area as well as conforming to the General Plan
wh1ch designates the area for highway or1ented commerc1a1 development. The proposed
building height is 72 feet with an additional 'penthouse' extension to house and
disguise mechanical equ1pment. The more restr~ctive C-2 zone which perm1ts hotels
allows up to 80 feet for th1s use. The proposal provides 185 parking spaces on-s~te
1n 11eu of the requ1red 221. App1~cant stated that through their exper1ence 1n
1200 hotels this parking would be suffic1ent. A number of locations in the Southern
California area we~eudisdussed. The hotel would have a restaurant and meet~ng rooms
and on-sale 11quor is a compat1b1e use.
~t? Aakn McKenzie, Pres1dent of the Board of D1rector for the Golden Rain Foundation
express the Hoard's unan1mous approval of the proJect. Ellis Burge, representing
Frank Ayres & Son, owner of the Le1sure World Shopp1ng Center, favored the develop-
ment but was greatly concerned about the 1im1ted park1ng and the poss1b11ity that
overflow park1ng would 1nfr1nge upon the shopp1ng center facilities. Guy Mensch,
president of Mutual No. 2 and the Pres~dent's Counc11 in Leisure World, ~ndicated
the unanimous approval of both organizations. The Secretary read the following
wr1tten commun1cations: Golden Ra1n Foundat~on approving; Mutual No. 2 approv1ng;
Le1sure World Bus1ness and Profess~ona1 Assoc1ation approv~ng; Seal Beach Chamber
of Commerce approving; Belmont Sav1ngs and Loan Assoc1ation approv1ng; Frank Ayres
& Son approv1ng with reservations about the parking; A~pha Beta Acme Markets, Inc.
greatly concerned about overflow park~ng affecting the shopping center but not
d1sapproving of the use. Mr. LaDue, represent1ng the Nar1and Corporation, assured
the Commission that any parking problem would be solved if it arose through the
acqu1s~t10n of the railroad right-of-way or cooperat1ve use of a port10n of the
North American Rockwell park~ng lot adJacent to the hotel s1te.
Landscap~ng was discussed but it was not a part of th1s subm1ssion. S1gns were
subm1tted for approval 1nc1uding one free standing s1gn and the scr1pt type hotel
s1gn on two s1des of the mechan~ca1 equipment structure on the roof. After
add~tiona1 d1scussion regarding the park1ng the hear1ng was closed.
Mr. Crowley moved to approve UV-3-70 subject to the cond1tion that the 1andscap1ng
plans be subJect to plan review and that they 1nc1ude buffer zones between the
boulevards and the park1ng areas s1m11ar to North American Rockwell landscaping,
that the pub11c 1mprovements and traffic patterns be subJect to approval of the
C1ty Eng1neer, and that a letter of 1ntent be filed by North American RocKwell
express1ng their willingness to prov1de a solution: to-any pSDking problem ~f 1t
is found to be necessary, said approval to include s1gns as subm1tted w1thout any
flashing or rotat1ng features. Use Var1ance to become effect1ve upon affirmation
by the City Counc11. Seconded by Mr. Barton and passed unanimously by the members
present. Resolution No. 433.
Mr. Crowley moved to approve Cond1tional Use Perm1t CP-5-70 as submitted. Seconded
by Mr. Knapp and passed unanimously by the members present. Reso1ut10n No. 434.
3. Other Bus1ness
Mr. Mcqueen of the Seal Beach Car Wash adv~sed the Commission he had ordered the
s~gns as approved on May 6, 1970, but could not get them delivered and installed
pr10r to the 30 day t1me 11mit ~mposed by the Commission on Apr~l 15, 1970. Mr.
Barton moved to extend the t1me period for removal of exist1ng signs until June 1,
1970. Seconded by Mr. Crowley and passed unanimously by the members present.
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No further business, the meeting was adJourned at 8:45 P.M.
Lois Arnold ---
Recording Secretary