HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1971-05-19
The Plannlng Commisslon of the City of Seal Beach met ln regular
seSSlon on Wednesday, May 19, 1971, in the Council Chambers at the
Clty Admlnlstration BUlldlng. The meetlng was opened at 7:35 P.M.
by Chalrman Knapp and Vlce Chalrman Rlpperdan led the Salute to
the Fla~.
Present: Dorr, Lanning, Knapp, O'Toole, Rlpperdan
Absent: None
The minutes of the meeting of May 5, 1971, were approved as presented.
1. PubllC Hearings
A. Conslderatlon of Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 572 (Fences)
and Ordlnance No. 628 (Zonlng), Vlsion Clearance, Alley or Alley
and Street Intersections (contlnued)
A reVlsed amendment prepared by the Deputy City Attorney was presented
and sectlons that were changed were read. Hearlng reopened. Mr.
Ferguson, 216 2nd St., asked for statistlcs on accidents. Mr. Knapp
advlsed that no serlOUS accldents had taken place, but the amendment
was proposed to prevent any. Mr. Neprud advlsed that there had been
mlnor accidents lnvolvlng vehlcles and bicycles. Mrs. Owen, 401
Central, requested reVlew of her orlginal objections and added that
lower rear fences could be a safety problem for residents and that lt
would be unfalr to remove fences if existlng bUlldings could remaln.
Mrs. Dorr, 231 6th St., also objected to buildlngs obstructlng vlsion
if fences, walls, etc. must be moved. She asked lf pavement pumps or
stop slgns be used lnstead. Ellzabeth Marshall, 240 14th St., stated
the 6' fence was needed for prlvacy. Hearlng closed. Discussion
followed by the Commisslon lncluding retroactive requlrement.
Mr. Rlpperdan moved to approve the proposed Section 1816.1 for future
constructlon only and recommend the adoption of the amendment by the
Clty Council. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng and passed unanimously.
Resolutlon No. 538.
Staff requested to investigate speed and no parking zones wlth the
Clty Engineer.
B. Mr. & Mrs. A. Brown, V-8-7l
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, represented by Mr. Siverson, requested a variance
to permlt constructlon of a commerclal bUlldlng at 207 Main Street
with a portion of the required loadlng zone being used for parklng.
Hearlng opened. Mr. Siverson pointed out that mlnimum parking
requlrements were belng met and sufficlent loadlng, area was available
for the building. No protests were recelved. Hearing was closed.
M1SS Dorr moved to approve V-8-7l as submltted. Seconded by Mr.
Rlpperdan and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 539.
C. J. R. Braitsch, V-9-7l
Dr. Braitsch, represented by Howard I. Sm1th, requested a variance
to perm1t construction of three units w1th four on-S1te parking
spaces, two of which would have access from an eX1sting street
curb cut. Hearing opened. It was pointed out that a variance
had been granted 1n February, 1969, for encroachment 1nto the
front and rear setbacks, however work on"the project ceased over
a year ago. In March, 1969, the Zon1ng Code was amended 1ncreasing
the required number of on-site park1ng spaces.
Mrs. Sk1nner, 125 6th St., stated she l1ved next door to the subJect
property and that they had cut the curb, 1nstalled the driveway
and three sides of the garage w1th nothing-further done in a year.
She had lived w1th mess and weeds and disapproved of 1ssuance of
another var1ance since Dr. Bra1tsch and Mr. Sm1th are both businessmen
and were aware of the change 1n the law. She reiterated her Oppos1t10n
and felt the curb should be replaced and the app11cant required to
abide w1th the present ordinance. She felt th1s could be precent
Joel Freeman, 115 6th St., opposed any variance. Mr. Sk1nner, 125
6th St., expressed h1s concern about problem parking in the area
now. Mr. Earl Lake, 119 6th St., was concerned about parking
problem in area without generating more and asked for regulat10ns
to be enforced. Mr. C. W. Shepherd, 135 6th St., stated there was
never enough parking and asked for the ordinance to be upheld.
Two written communications were rec1eved; one from Mr. & Mrs. V1ch1er,
208 Ocean, stat1ng no obJection, and one from Mr. & Mrs. Lake
expressing their opposit10n. Hear1ng closed. D1scussion followed.
Mrs. Lanning moved to deny V-9-7l. Seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and
passed unanimously. Resolut10n No. 540.
Secretary advised app11cant of his r1ght of appeal.
D. Cons1derat10n of Proposed Amendment ot Ord1nance No. 707 to
Provide Time Extens10n for Wall Construction 1n the Rossmoor
Hear1ng opened. Mr. Zyg Taube, of the Rossmoor Center, and Mr.
Bernard Solomon, developer of a condom1n1um at the Center, were
present. Mr. Solomon expiained they had been cutt1ng through red
tape for three years to enable them to bU1ld the type of quality
un1ts that were best for the area. As soon as the bU1ld1ng is
constructed, the wall will be 1nstalled attractively. In answer
to Mrs. Lanning, Mr. Taube expla1ned the reason for a second
time extens10n was due to inexperience, that they had no 1dea it
would take so long process this type of development. No further
comments, the hear1ng was closed.
Mr. Ripperdan moved to approve the time extension and recommend 1tS
adopt10n by the City Council. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and passed
unanimously. Resolut10n No. 541.
2. Oral Communicat10ns
Mr. Ferguson asked for clarif1cat10n of the proposed amendment
regarding fences and also asked for the present garage requ1rements.
3. Wr1tten Communications
4. Unfin1shed Bus1ness
The Commiss10n d1scussed the proposed plan by the City of Los
Alam1tos for the Naval Air Stat10n. A resolution of findings
regarding the plan was subm1tted by the staff. Miss Dorr moved
to adopt the proposed resolution. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and
passed unanimously. Resolut10n No. 542.
5. 'New Bus1ness
A. Seymour Lew1s, PR-16-71
Mr. Lew1s, 305 Harvard Lane, presented plans for a proposed room
addit10n wh1ch meet all min1mum code requ1rements. Mr. Knapp moved
to approve the plans as subm1tted. Seconded by MIss Dorr and passed
unan1mously. Resolut10n No. 543.
. 6. Secretary's Report
A. Mr. Neprud presented the proposed goals for the General Plan.
A study session w1th the C1ty Manager was proposed for May 26
to d1sGUSS these goals and agreed upon.
B. The Secretary reported that the C1ty Attorney had not completed
proposed amendment to the ord1nance to change the plan review
procedure. Th1s w111 be presented at a later meeting.
C. Staff is mak1ng further 1nqu1ries regarding a Design Rev1ew
Board and will report later.
D. Mr. Neprud has documents regarding a San Gabriel River Plan, but
they are not very detailed. They are ava1lable for Comm1ss10n
E. Secretary reported on the poss1ble Long Beach Airport to be
constructed seaward of the breakwater that it is Just one of
a number of proposals and would have many problems, expense
and env1ronmental concern to be cons1dered.
Miss Dorr reported on the Legacy of Parks program and also asked
how to obtain copies of env1ronmental acts passed 1n the past year.
Mr. Keeler w111 check 1nto these and obtain them.
Mrs. Lanning pointed out that Councilman and Mrs. Sales were 1n
at tendan ce .
~~eet1ng was adJourned
Recording Secretary
at 9:00 P.M. unt11 May 26 at 7:30 P.M.