HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1971-05-26 e e . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 26, 1971 The Planning Commission of the Clty of Seal Beach met in regular adjourned session on Wednesday, May 26, 1971, ln the Councll Chambers at the City Administration Building. The meeting was opened at 7:38 P.M. by Chalrman Knapp and Vlce Chairman Ripperdan led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Dorr, Lannlng, Knapp, O'Toole, Ripperdan Absent: The Commission met with Robert E. Myers, City Manager, to study revised goals for the General Plan. Copies of the existing adopted Goals, the recommended goals as well as minority report by the General Plan Review Committee, and a staff proposal were supplied for study. The flrst 8 goals were dlscussed and tentative revislons made as follows: 1. Community Identity Wlth lncreasing population pressure experienced throughout the metropolitan area, the City should attempt to maintaln its own ldentity and seek new ways to preserve its unlque character. Seal Beach's lndividual identity is due ln part to ltS physical separatlon from other centers of urban development. . 2. Features of the Communlty People have been attracted to Seal Beach because of ltS geographical locatlon, educatlonal opportunity, attractive beaches, ldeal climate and friendly character. A goal of the Clty should be to maintaln and promote those soclal, physical and environmental quallties WhlCh enhance the character of the communlty. 3. Waterfront Seal Beach's coastal settlng dlstlnguishes lt from adJoinlng communities. The shorellne, one of the Clty'S most valuable assets, should be malntalned with the further objectlve of acqulsition of beachfront property and developed to provide maXlmum beneflts to both residents and visltors. Preservation of the ecological balance of the waterfront and marshlands shouQa be considered durlng reVlew of any proposed developments in thlS area. 4. Population Seal Beach has experienced rapld population growth durlng the past decade. In the face of lncreasing populatlon pressures, the Clty should encourage controlled growth whlle still malm~aining ltS frlendly atmosphere. . e e . 5. Housl.ng Seal Beach has developed over an extended period of time and does experl.ence a wl.de varl.ety of types of housl.ng. Low and medium density resl.dential preval.l and this communl.ty character should be preserved. It should be a goal of the Cl.ty to encourage the development of varl.OUS types of neighborhoods, thus offerl.ng a wide chol.ce of ll.vl.ng accomodations and ll.fe styles. 6. Commercl.al The City should explore aval.lable means to support and encourage commercial development within the communl.ty. Local, State and Federal facilities should be developed and maintained within or adjacent to busl.ness districts in the City. Development of a precise plan for the downtown business district should be emphasl.zed. 7. Parks and Recreatl.on and Communl.ty Beautl.fl.cation . An important goal of the Cl.ty should be to acqul.re and develop recreational facl.ll.tl.es at strategl.c locatl.ons, throughout the City. Beeause open land l.S rapidly being developed, acqul.sitl.on of park sites should be accompll.shed at the earliest possl.ble date. The Cl.ty should cooperate wl.th other governmental agencl.es to promote a comprehensl.ve plan of park acqul.sitl.on and development. and to adopt a comprehensive beautification and tree planting pOliey. 8. Publl.c Facill.tl.es The Cl.ty should antl.cipate population growth and plan for l.ncreased public service demands. Schools, librarl.es, munl.cl.pal facl.ll.tl.es should be located in such a manner as to provl.de the maXl.mum level of service to all members of the community and to promote the objectl.ves of the Cl.ty. It was also suggested that the goals be rearranged to show the goals for the waterfront and recreational facill.tl.es l.n closer context. It was also suggested to develop an additional goal for the Anaheim Bay, marshland area. Addl.tl.onal reVl.ew of these goals and the other four goals will be continued at the next regular meetl.ng. Meetl.ng adjourned at 10:45 P.M. oGAr~~ Recording Secretary .