HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1971-11-03
The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beaeh met in regular session in the
Council Chambers at the City Administration Building. The meeting was opened at
7: 30 P.M. by Chairman Knapp and Vice Chairman Ripperdan let the Salute to the FU.g.
Dunn s Knapp s Lanning. Ripperdan
Chairman Knapp excused the absence due to business of Commissioner O'Toole.
The minutes of Oetober 20 and Oetober 27s 1971s were approved as presented.
I. Public Hearings
A. Adeline Fechter (Kay Hillman)s CP-1-71
Kay Hillman as authorized agent of the property owner presented plans for the
remodeling of the "Sun Place" and described the proposed changes in use which
would inelude on-sale consumption of beer and wiDe. Mr. Ripperdan questioned the
preposed dual use of the facility in that existing sidewalk food sales would be
retained and be in conjunction with a restaurant serving beer and wine with no
age limit placed upon the clientele. There is further coneern expressed. by the
eommissioners regarding the applieant's sineerity with regard to providing
landscaping. It was noted that the applicant during an earlier action (CP~3-70)
agreed to provide landscaping and eonsequently did not. Landscaping was discussed
at length as well as the fact that no age limit would be imposed upon the elientele
of the restaurant and the possible problems that could arise. Mrs. Lanning read
a memorandum from Pollee Chief Case into the record. (Exhibit A attaehed) The
applieant responded indicating that she felt there would not be any problems at
her plaee of business. Hearing elosed. Motion by Mrs. Lannings seconded by Mr.
Dunn to deny applieation CP-1-71. Unanimously passed by the members present.
Resolut10n No. 586.
2. Oral Communications
There were no oral eommunieations.
3. Written eommunications
There were no written eammunications.
4. Unfinished Business
A. Stan Miller Publle Hearing on Appeal A-4-71
Mr. Dick Deavers representing Mr. Millers spoke regarding the plan which is
unchanged fram that which was first presented to the Commission on August 18, 1971.
New evidenee is introduced by Mr. Deaver in the form of an economic study whieh
outlined the alternatives and demonstrated that the proposed new construetion is
the only one which is eeonomieally acceptable. In addition. Mr. Deaver spoke to
the question of parking indicating that boats would no longer be stored on-site and
that substandard or interior tandem park1ng spaces would be assigned to employees
only. Mr. Gilkerson. lOll Eleetric, indicated that he is worried about customer
parking. Stan Miller responds to the effect that it is his understanding that the
City would develop municipal parking on the abandoned P.E. right-of-way. The
Secretary explains the current status of the right-of-way. Mr; Dunn asked about
the number of employees who will be working in the sail loft and also the required
number of spaces. Miller then discusses the possibility of a change of use fram
the beauty shop at lease end to a less intense use requiring less parking space.
It would be possible, Miller contended. to eliminate six required spaees. Parking
is discussed at length. Ralph Peterson, 1901 R1VO Canal, Long Beach. Miller's
architect, spoke regarding the opening up of two additional spaces should the
project be approved. Mr. Ripperdan quested the applieant regarding the required
loading zone and to what extent it would be used. Mr. Deaver answered these
questions. The question of lot eoverage is disaussed. It is noted that the new
addition judged by itself does not exeeed requirements. Chairman Knapp closea
the public hearing. D1scussion continues among commissioners. Mr. Dunn indicated
that it is his feeling that additional parking spaces could be provided if
addi tional tandem arrangements were incorporated into the layout. Mr. Dunn moved,
seeonded by Mr. Ripperdan to approve A-4-71 subjeet to the fOllowing conditions:
(I) That when the present lease with the beauty shop expires, it not be renewed
and be replaced with a less intense use requiring no more than two parking spaces.
(2) Parking stalls to be redrawn to the satisfaetion of the staff. (3) The
placing of two fifteen gallon street trees in front of the building (New Zealand
Christmas Trees - - Metrosideros excelsa). (4) The recordation of the four lots
of the building site as a single pareel with the County Recorder's office.
(5) Complete working drawings be submitted for the entire building to the BuU.dli:gg
Department and that the entire structure be brought up to code. Plan must also
be reviewed by the F1re Department and meet any conditions wh1ch they might require.
(6) All engineering conditions as required by the City Engineer must be met.
Motion P9:ssed unanimously by the members present. Resolutilon No. 587.
B. Emanuel Gyler, Public Hearing on Appeal A-6-71
The Seeretary outlined the history of the appeal whieh was initially eonsidered
as V-21-7-1. Mr. Dunn indieated that he would abstain. The applieant, Emanuel
Gyler, briefly discussed a number of questions raised during the City Council
meeting at whieh his appeal was referred back to the Commission. He presented
revised plans showing a ground level 5 foot rear yard setbaek and elimination of
the overhang at the front of the building. It is brought out that it is his
opinion as well as the City Attorney's that limiting use to single families
through Land Use Agreement would be unconstitutional. Leasing of space in the
munieipal parking lot to the west of Gyler's property is discussed with no
conclusion reached. The Seeretary outlines the staff's position regarding the
case. Gyler then ~dicated the City Council gave him the impression that the
set backs were acceptable and that if the proper eonditions were imposed, the
proposal would be approved. Chairman Knapp indicated that he also attended the
Couneil meeting, but did not reeeive that impression.
The Chairman then asked if the applieant had eonsidered maintaining the rear yard
setback. The Secretary indicated that the existing garages are presently set
baek 9 feet, the current code requ1rement, and that if the plans were so revised
three varianees would be eliminated; namely. that of lot coverage, rear yard
setback. and turning radius into required parking space, and also pointed out
that staff investigation has shown that less than the required turning radius
makes parking space almost unusable. Gyler indicated that his archi teet, Stanley
Goldin, had in fact explored the possibility and that Mr. Goldin had prepared
plans Wh1Ch show a 9 foot rear yard setback, however. the plans were not aeceptable
to Mr. Gyler because the building would not be symmetrieal and the rear stairway
could not be designed to allow access to the dwelling unit which Gyler intends to
reside. Mr. Goldin and Mr. Gfl.r present the plans to the Commission.
Mr. Ripperdan, a licensed architect, indieated that,:in his opinion, a stairway
eould be eonstrueted whieh would allow aceess from inside the garage at the rear.
Secretary Neprud once again indicated that the 9 foot setbaek would eliminate
three variances and the precedent that would be created by approval of less than
the 9 foot rear yard setback and consequently the 24 foot turning radius would
be extremely difficult for the staff to work with. Gyler presented photographs
showing buildings with 3 foot setbacks located on Seal Way. The Secretary
pointed out that many of those shown front on Ocean Ave. with parking aeeessprovided
by curb cuts off Ocean Ave. The remainder apparently were built prior to the
adoption of the uerrent ordinanee which was predieated upon the fact that the prior
ordinance did not allow suffieient access to on-site parking. The Chairman felt
that due to the desirability of some features of the proposal a compromise might
be in order. Motion by Mr. Knapp, seconded by Mrs. Lanning. to approve the plans
subject to the condition that the 9 foot rear yard (24' turning radius) be maintained.
Knapp, Lanning. Ripperdan
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 588
The applicant instrueted the recording seeretary to have the record show that the
nine foot setback is not acceptable to him and asked for his plans showing the
9 foot setback to be returned.
5. New Business
A. Humble Oil & Refining Co., PR-36-71
The Chairman asked if a representative of Humble Oil is present; there is none.
Ralph Jensen, 392 Clipper Way. suggested that something be done about the
appearance of the separation facility; namely, publie improvements and lor
landscaping. With the eonsent of the Commission, the Chairman ordered this
item eontinued.
6. Secretary's Report
The Secretary indieated that staff will advertise a publie hearing for three
ordinanee amendments to be considered at the next meeting. He also reminded the
members of the Southern California Planning Congress meeting on November II.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Recofding Seeretary