HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1972-04-19
The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach met in regular session in the
Council Chambers at the City Administration Building. The meeting was opened
at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Knapp and Vice Chairman Ripperdan led the Pledge to the
Dunn, Lanning, 0' Toole, Ripperdan, Knapp
The minutes of April l2, 1972 were approved as presented.
l. Public Hearings
A. Nina Bennis (Home Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n), CP-2-72
Home Federal Savings presented plans for construction of a permanent facility
at l350 Pacific Coast Highw~ with a portion of the on-site parking on 1/2 of
a lot in the R-2 Zone. In addition, variance consideration was needed for less
than the required number of on-site parking spaces and a waiver of the alley and
loading zone requirements. Hearing open. Mr. Paul U. Banks, 12th St., asked
for an explanation of the request, but had no objection. Represent of applicant
not present, hearing delayed until later in the meeting.
B. Dr. J. R. Braitsch (Howard Smith), v-14-72
Plans were presented for the construction of 2 three-bedroom units with tandem
parking at l23 6th St. Hearing open. Mr. Earl Leake, l2l 6th St., asked if
the tandem was in front or rear and if curb would be restored. Howard Skinner,
125 6th St., asked about the timing for the curb replacement. Secretary advised
the proposed engineering conditions and explained the condemnation proceedings
in process. Bill Lane, 130 6th St., felt tandem garage completely enclosed met
the legal requirement but was not used as a carport type would be. Mr. Skinner
concurred. Chairman asked about front elevation not shown on plans. Mr. Smith
explained he had only had time to prepare a floor plan but the building would be
attractive. It was discussed that the property was weedy, cluttered and unsightly
for the neighborhood and it was asked if any improvement had been made. These
conditions had existed for two years and neighbors felt something should be done
to alleviate this prior to any consideration for the applicant. Plans, lack of
needed views and information, was discussed again as needed to enable the
Commission to properly consider the application. Hearing Closed. Mr. Dunn
moved to postpone action until exterior elevations were provided. Seconded by
Mr. Ripperdan. Discussion followed with Mr. Knapp pointing out that applicant
had sufficient time to provide the necessary information. Use of existing tandem
parking was reviewed.
Dunn, O'Toole, Ripperdan
Knapp, Lanning
Motion carried.
C. Robert Dalton, V-l5-72
Applicant ~as requested a variance to permit the addition of a roam to an existing
residence at 633 Island View which would increase the lot coverage to 44+%. Maximum
allowable lot coverage in an R-l Zone is 40%. Hearing open. Roderick Briggs, 637
Island View, stated he had no opposition if the addition does not exceed the existing
roof line. No physical hardship could be shown due to size, shape, topography or
location of the property. Applicant felt proposed size of the roam was minimal
and could not be revised. He also stated that he had called City Hall and talked
to a representative and was told there was no lot coverage problem in this area
of the city. Mrs. Lanning moved to deny because of no hardship, seconded by Mr.
Ripperdan and passed unanimously. Resolution No. 627. Secretary advised of the
right of appeal.
D. Michael & Ann McGlone (Carl Irwin), v-l6-72
The proposal is to construct a room addition encroaching into the rear yard and
increasing'lot~coverage to 4l%. Hearing open. Mr. McGlone stated the house
was small and they needed additional room badly. They felt be expanding to the
rear would keep lot coverage to a minimum. Roofline would match the house.
Discussion followed regarding possible revision to eliminate excess lot coverage
and minimal encroachment. Reduction in size of the room would make it unusable.
Applicant pointed out that other variances had been granted in the area. It was
clarified that none were tor lot coverage or encroachments on regular sized
lots. Mr. McGlone pointed out they had an atrium style home which precluded a
second story addition. Applicant requested continuance to consider revision of
plans and the Chair ordered the hearing continued until the next regular meeting.
A. Nina Bennis (Home Federal Savings), CP-2-72 continued
The applicant' s representatives, Mr. McDonald and Mr. Stutts, were present and
the hearing continued. Discussion of number of parking spaces. Mr. McDonald
stated that they were providing larger than minimum spaces to make them more
easily usable. More spaces could be provided if only minimum size. He also
pointed out that drive-up window offset need for some spaces. He reviewed their
other branches and showed that some were larger facilities with less on-site
parking available and it had been satiSfactory. Eula Cummings felt the business
would improve the area and that it did not generate large parking demand. Other
savings and loan compan1es in the city were discussed, but all are located in
shopping centers with combined parking use. George Pearson, Enco Station, stated
he had observed there operation and felt no parking problem would develop.
Applicant assured additional would be found and provided if it proved to be needed.
Hearing closed. Mr. Ripperdan moved to approve CP-2-72 subject to compliance with
engineering conditions. Seconded by Mr. Dunn. Additional discussion followed
regarding parking. Mr. Ripperdan claried his intent that the drive-up window
could offset need for a portion of the required spaces.
Dunn, Lanning, Ripperdan
Knapp, O'Toole
Motion carried. Resolution No. 628.
E. Consideration of an Amendment to Ordinance 628 (Zoning) Defining
Restaurmtt ,Restaurant Semi-Enclosed, and Restaurant Walk-Up/Take-Out
and Establishing General Requirements for Said Uses Where Not
Presently Defined.
Secretary reviewed proposed amendment. Hearing open. No comments or objections
received and hearing closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the proposed amendment
and recommend its adoption by the City Council. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and
passed unanimously. Resolution No. 629.
. 2. Oral Communications
There were no oral communications.
Chairman declared a five minute recess.
The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m.
. 3. Written Communications
A letter from Mrs. Mimi Olshausen, Surfside, was received and filed.
4. Unfinished Business
Secretary advised that requested items at the last meeting would be provided
at the next regular meeting.
5. New Business
A. Grace Campbell, PR-7-72
Plans to accompany the application were not received. Chair ordered review to
be held until the next meeting.
6. Report from Secretary
Mr. Neprud reported on his discussion with Mr. Davis regarding the Leisure World
Library. Meeting to be scheduled with Mr. Davis, Mrs. Lanning, Mr. Tom and
County library representative to discuss possible changes.
Mr. Neprud advised of the revised list of elements required by state law for
the General Plan. He also advised that funds were being requested in the budget
for consultant to assist in development of elements and revision of the plan by
providing technical advise and guidance. Discussion followed on schedule and
required implementation date.
Chairman Knapp reported on the Underground Utility Committee meeting and its
recommendation to the City Council to establish Underground District 2 to under-
ground utilities along Pacific Coast Highw~ trom 1st St. to l2th St.
Secretary reported on parking restriction provisions presently in the Code and
the Council's ability to restrict parking in areas by adoption of a resolution.
Mr. Antos, staff member, advised on the Airport Land Use Commission and the
action by the Orange County Planning Commission regarding the moratorium in the
zone of influence. Affected cities to be asked to impose their own moratorium.
All files to be forwarded to affected cities.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Lois Arnold
Recording Secretary