HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1988-01-20 I ' . . . ..., \ . . MINUTES OF MEETING SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 1988 The Plannlng CommlSSlon of the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular seSSlon wlth Vlce Chalrman Suggs call1ng the meetlng to order at 7:37 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Vlce Chalrman Suggs. ROLL CALL Present: Commlssloners Sharp, Suggs, Rullo Absent: Chalrman Covlngton Note: Chalrman Covlngton arrlved at thlS meetlng at 8:03 p.m. and stated an buslness meetlng wlth a cllent delayed hlm unexpectedly. Commlssloner Jessner Note: Absence lS authorlzed due to lllness 1n hlS lmmedlate famlly. Also Present: Ed Knlght, Dlrector of Development Servlces Pam Walker, Adm1nlstratlve Asslstant/Development Srvcs. CONSENT CALENDAR Both ltems "A" and "B" were approved wlth one motlon. MOTION by Sharp, second by Rullo to accept as printed the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 6, 1988 and Plan Review 1-88. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Condltlonal Use Permlt 15-87 Tentatlve Parcel Map 87-132 222 7th Street Resolutlon 1485 Resolutlon 1486 Mr. Knlght reported that CUP 15-87 and TPM 87-132 lnvolved Wayne and Darlene Shaddox' appllcatlon to convert three eXlstlng apartment unlts to three condomlnlum unlts at 222 7th street, Seal Beach. It was noted that the property lS 5,875 square feet (501 x ll7.5110t), that Unlt "A" lS 2,234 square feet (flve bedrooms and three bathrooms) wlth two parklng spaces, Unlt "B" lS 1,066 square feet (two bedroom wlth 1 1/2 baths) and two parklng . . . . " Page 2 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - January 20, 1988 spaces, and Unlt "C" lS 1,070 square feet (two bedrooms, one bath) for a total of three unlts wlth C.1X garage spaces. It was noted that thlS proJect led to a zone text amendment (ZTA) beglnnlng the process toward a ZTA coverlng condomlnlum converSlons. ThlS was consldered by the Plannlng Commlsslon and passed on to the Clty Councll, who adopted lt on second readlng on 12/22/87. The converSlon standards cover several areas: Development Standards: The property meets development standards for RHD zoning --- mlnlmum hl~lght, setback and parklng requlrements have been observed. The 5,875 square foot lot can support 2.7 dwelllng unlts. As stated under Subsectlon (C)(3) of Ordlnance No. 1261, the denslty works out to 2.7 dwelllng unlts belng rounded to 3.0 and thus, the subJect property meets the denslty requlrement for the zone. All 3 unlts are ln excess of 950 square feet. BUlldlng Condltlons: BUlldlng In~pector Ed Hurst lnspected the property in December 1987 and found lt acceptable. H1S report requlred the provlslon of secllrlty llghtlng and smoke detectors. Appllcants are to satlsfy the Clty that one-hour flre rated walls separatlng the unlts have been constructed. If that hasn't been put ln place lt wlll have to be provlded through the converSlon process. PubllC Works: Condltlons regardlng separate utlllty meters, plantlng street trees and reconstructlon of curbs, gutters and sldewalks were drawn up the the Clty'S Englneerlng Department. Plannlng: CC&Rs were submltted to the Clty for reVlew. Corrections have been made to them by the Englneerlng Department and the Clty Attorney. Revlsed CC&Rs wlll be submltted to the Clty for reVlew prlor to approval of the Flnal Parcel Map. Tenant Notlflcatlon and Relocatlon: These requlrements have been satlsfied. Tenants have been notifled and a relocatlon plan has been submltted to Staff's satlsfactlon. Addltlonally, Staff clrculated the Tentatlve Parcel Map to the Orange County Flre Department, Recreatlon Department and the Pollce Department. CHARLES ANTOS - 148 14TH STREET, SEAL BEACH Mr. Antos spoke on behalf of the appl icants, both of whom were present. He addressed the lssue of waier meterlng for the three unlts, statlng one master meter wlth the bllls belng pald by the unlts' Assoclatlon would be preferable to havlng three lndlvldual . 'I, \ . Page 3 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - January 20, 1988 water meters wlth each unlt paYlng ltS lndlvldual blll. He requested the Plannlng Commlsslon c0l1s1der one master meter. a 1 so ask ed 1 f the C 1 t Y wo u 1 d P run e t h EI t r e e s, the p 1 ant 1 n 9 0 f Whlch were requlred by thlS actlon. I~r. Knlght noted the Clty had one tree prunlng crew for ltS 5,000 trees. MOTION by Rullo, second by Sharp, tIt) approve Conditional Use Permit 15-87 by the adoption of Resolution Number 1485, with condition number 9 being rewritten to ullow for one master water meter and billing through the CC&R process to be paid by the Association, and to approve Tentative Parcel Map 87-132 by the adoption of Resolution 1486 subject to the following conditions: 1. Condltlonal Use Permlt 15-87 lS hereby approved for the converSlon of three eXlstlng dwelllng unlts at 222 7th Street to condomlnlum unlts. 2. Securlty llghtlng shall be provlded on the subJect property as approved by the Department of Development ServlCes. 3. All unlts shall be provlded wlth smoke detectors as requlred by the Department of Development Servlces and the Orange County Flre Department. . 4. The return alr plpe ln the garage celllng shall be patched as approved by the Department of Development Servlces. 5. The appllcants shall allow the lnspectlon of the wall materlal separatlng unlts, and lnstall flre-rated materlal as requlred by Ordlnance 1261 and the Department of Development Servlces. 6. The appllcants shall perform the prlmary correctlons recommended by the pest reports prepared for the subJect property by the Western Extermlnator Company and dated December 21, 1987. Upon completlon of these actlons, a Certlflcate of Correctlon shall be submltted to the Department of Development Servlces. 7. The appllcants shall remove and reconstruct the parkway borderlng the subJect property on 7th Street, lncludlng curb to grade. The reconstructed parkway shall contaln a sldewalk, four and one-half (l~ 1/2') feet wlde, and a three-foot wldth of grass adJacent to the curb. The depressed curb drlveway approach shall have a mlnlmum wldth equal to the wldth of the garage door openlng. . . .. . . . ... Page 4 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - January 20, 1988 The appllcants shall plant trees 111 the grassy portlon of the parkway ln accordance wlth Clty standards. 9. There shall be separate meters for all utilities with the exception of the water meter. The CC&Rs shall structure payment of the water bills through the Association. 8. 10. Revlsed Covenants, Condltlons and Restrlctlons shall be submltted wlth the flnal parcel map, and shall be subJect to reVlew and approval by the Clty Attorney. 11. All taxes for the flscal year 1986 - 1987 shall be pald ln full, and eVldence of payment provlded upon submlttal of the flnal parcel map. 12. The property owner and/or developer shall abide by the tenant relocation plan approved by the Planning Commission. Approval on Tentatlve Parcel Map 87-132, subJect to the followlng two condltlons: 1. Tentatlve Parcel Map 87-132 lS hereby approved for the converSlon of three dwelllng unlts at 222 7th Street to condomlnlums. Approval of TPM 87-132 lS subJect to compllance wlth all condltlons attached to Condltlonal Use Permlt 15-87. MOTION CARRIED 3 - O. 2 . B. Condltlonal Use Permlt 16-87 600 Marlna DrlVe Resolutlon 1487 Mrs. Wal ker reported that CUP 16-87 15 a request by August/Palm Ltd. (d/b/a Radlsson Inn Seal Beach Hettel) for approval of the addltlon of an on-sale beer and Wlne bar to an eXlstlng hotel. Mrs. Walker requested the Staff Report of 1-20-88 on thlS matter be amended at page 1, paragraph 3 to rl~ad: The hotel 1 s located on a parcel ln the C-2 (General Comml~rclal) Zone, bounded by Marlna Drlve, Electrlc Avenue and 6th Street. The appllcant lS proposlng to convert a storage room on the thlrd floor, approxlmately 340 square feet, to a beer and Wlne serVlce area. The proposed hours of operatlon of beer and Wlne serVlce would be from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The serVlce wlll conslst of a bar; there wlll be no table secltlng or food serVlce ln .a .. . . . . . , Page 5 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - January 20, 1988 Blll Stearns has revlewed thlS appllcatlon and has no reservatlons about permlttlng the operatlon to commence, notlng there have been no pollce problems lnvolvlng the Radlsson Inn. Mrs. Walker sald the AlcohollC Bever,:lge Control (ABC) has not flled an appllcatlon pendlng the Clty' s actlon on thlS CUP. The Radlsson was developed ln 1986, with 72 guest rooms and 73 par k 1 n 9 spa c e s - - - 0 n e spa c e per room 1 s the par k 1 n 9 rat e for hotels. The addltlon of llquor serVlce could attract addltlonal trafflC not approprlate wlth the eXlstlng parklng slte. However, appllcant lndlcated that beer and Wine serVlce would not be advertlsed to the publlC. It was felt thlS would mlnlmlze parklng problems. Chlef of Pollce Stearns has approved. RAPHAEL METZGER, ESQ. - 711 ELECTRIC AVENUE, SEAL BEACH Mr. Metzger sald that In speaklng wlth the Radlsson's General Manager, thlS Wlne and beer on-sale llcense was belng sought for llmlted use only - such as an occaslonal "happy hour" and group gatherlngs. There was talk of provldlng room serVlCe at some future tlme. Mr. Metzger felt thlS mlght cause problems wlth the ABC. He requested the optlon be left open and asked the Plannlng Commlsslon to proceed to approve thl~ llcense lncludlng room serVlce but wlth the provlslon that lf that lS unacceptable to the ABC such approval should not lnvalldate the Plannlng Commlsslon's actlon. If the ABC has a problem wlth that then the addltlon should not be construed as part of the approval. MOTION by Sharp, second by Rullo that Conditional Use Permit 16-87 with nine (9) conditions be granted by the adoption of Resolution 1487 and that condition number 4 read as follows: 1. Condltlonal Use Permlt 16-87 lS approved for on-sale beer and Wlne at 600 Marlne Drlve, and lS lssued to August/Palm Ltd., d/b/a Radlsson Inn Seal Beach Hotel. 2. Condltlonal Use Permlt 16-87 lS nontransferable. 3. The appllcant shall comply wlth all restrlctlons placed on the ABC llcense by the Callfornla Department of AlcohollC Beverage Control. 4. The appllcant shall have no off-sale prlvlleges. All alcohollC beverages sold by the appllcant shall be consumed wlthln the area approved for beer and Wlne serVlce by the Plannlng Commlsslon. Room service shall be included in this, subject to the approval of the ABC Board. . ~ .. . ~. . I .... Page 6 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - January 20, 1988 . 5. No on-premlses advertlslng of the alcohollC beverage serVlce shall be vlslble from the exterlor of the premlses. 6. Wlth the consent of the appllcant, the avallablllty of beer and Wlne serVlce wlll not be advertlsed to the general publlC. 7. No vldeo games or slmllar amusements shall be permltted on the premlses. 8. Any expanslon or structural alteratlon of the serVlce area shall be subJect to approval by the Plannlng Commlsslon. 9. The term of thlS Condltlonal Use Permlt shall be twelve (12) months, after WhlCh tlme the Plannlng Commlsslon may extend the permlt lndeflnltely, provlded that all condltlons of approval have been satlsfled, and no slgnlflcant pollce problems have occurred. MOTION CARRIED: 4 - O. . SCHEDULED MATTERS There were no scheduled matters. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE There were no oral communications from the audlence. STAFF CONCERNS There were no Staff concerns. COMMISSION CONCERNS There were no Commisslon concerns. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adJourned by Vlce Chalrman Suggs at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, ~o...... ~ '- _ _ --........ Joan Fillmann Secretary THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Mlnutes of January 20, 1988 approved by the Seal Beach Plannlng . Commlsslon on Tebrt..\...~ 3,c\.. 1988.