HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1988-06-15 e MINUTES OF MEETING SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 15, 1988 The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach met in regular sess~on w~th V~ce Cha~rman Suggs call~ng the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commiss~oner Jessner. ROLL CALL Present: V~ce Cha~rman Suggs Commissioners Jessner and Sharp Also Present: Ed Kn~ght, D~rector, Development Serv~ces Dept. Commissioner Rullo Absent: e CONSENT CALENDAR A. M1nutes of June 1, 1988 MOTION by Sharp, second by Suggs to vote separately on Consent Calendar Items A and B. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 MOTION by Sharp, second by Suggs to amend the Planning Commission Minutes of June 1, 1988 by correcting the time of adjournment from 8:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. MOTION CARRIED 2 - 0 Commissioner Jessner Abstained B. PLAN REVIEW 9-88 99 WELCOME LANE MOTION by Sharp, second by Suggs to approve Plan Review 9-88 as printed. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 . e Page 2 - Planning Commiss10n Minutes of June 15, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CUP 5-88 VAR 5-88 13980 Seal Beach Boulevard Resolution No. 1508 Resolution No. 1509 Mr. Kn1ght del1vered the Staff Report on CUP 5-88 and VAR 5-88 stating there are two separate actions here for one property. CUP 5-88 requests the remodel of the existing service stat10n by adding a new single lube bay, extending islands, install1ng a mansard around an existing canopy, 1nstalling a new masonry block wall refuse enclosure, approving a comprehens1ve sign program and increasing landscap1ng. VAR 5-88 seeks variance from certa1n Code sect10ns of the City'S serV1ce stat10ns section. These 1nclude min1mum lot size, pump island setback and canopy setback. COMMISSION OUESTIONS e Mr. Sharp requested further detail of CUP 5-88, cond1tion #7 which says veh1cle repairs ... and related activit1es (other than the sale of motor fuels ...) shall be proh1bited outside the main building. Referring to Tai t & Associates draw1ngs, Mr. Sharp noted that if they were work1ng on cars on the ramp it would be almost impossible to put a car in one of those stalls and to get it out. The distance between the main building service station and the property line 1S 32'. They have proposed parking of four spaces directly behind two of the existing stalls 1ns1de the service station. Mr. Knight said UNOCAL would have three lube bays and they would work on all cars in those bays. Mr. Sharp asked 1f there was some type of enforcement? Mr. Knight said that condition #7 is straight out of City regulations and 1 t' s the City's intent to enforce that --- to keep them working 1nS1de. Mr. Jessner questioned the correct number of parking spaces for this fac1li ty , noting 6 spaces along the north side and two tandem/compact spaces at the west side. Mr. Knight said that 8 is the correct number of spaces. e e Page 3 - planning Commission Minutes of June 15, 1988 Mr. Jessner questl.oned the distance of the drive aisle between the compact/tandem parking spaces and the planter at the west side of the station. He felt there may not be enough space for driving safely. Mr. Knight said that driveway is aprox. 11' now (the compact space is 8'and the landscape space is 4'). Mr. Jessner suggested havl.ng curb markl.ngs at the planter showing "No Parking" in that area. Mr. Jessner asked if this property was deeded separately from the Center? Mr. Dassler sal.d l.t's a leased parcel that's part of the Center. Mr. Knl.ght said the applicatl.on shows the ownership as UNOCAL and that's not the ownership of the Center. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED e Dave Dassler. Unl.on oil Co. Representative * 3701 Wilshire Blvd. Mr. Dassler agreed that the planter on the west side could be made shorter and wider, cutting it back 10 ' and making l. t 2 ' wider. He also agreed to mark in yellow "No Parking" in that area on the asphalt. The outsl.de tire storage cabinets will be removed: inside secured storage wl.ll be provided for the dealer. PRICE SIGNS. Regarding the price sl.gns, Mr. Dassler said it would be a hardship on UNOCAL to comply with the City's request to set a maximum sign limit of twelve (12) square feet. He outlined thel.r need for fifteen (15) square feet: (a) the UNOCAL standard prl.ce sign size is 3' x 5': l.t would cost more to recut the another size: (b) the 3' x 5' Sl.ze vl.sibility works well--- it can be read by motorists passl.ng by in traffic. He sal.d that Californl.a law regulates the proportion of letters to numbers: ( 3 ) he took his own informal survey by drl. ving by Seal Beach service stations. He noted a Chevron with two 3 ' x 5' price signs, a Shell statl.on at Balboa & PCH Wl.th two 5'x 5' price signs, and an Arco station at Marvista with two 4'x 4' sl.gns. Mr. Dassler will provl.de Mr. Knight with State requirements on signage in regard to this discussion. Staff will review for possible Code amendment. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Sharp, second by Jessner to adopt Condl. tional Use Permit 5-88, subject to the following conditions, by the approval of Resolution Number 1508: e 1. That future submittals of constructl.on plans shall be in substantial conformance with the site plan and elevations approved through CUP 5-88. 4It Page 4 - planning Commission Minutes of June 15, 1988 2. The owner shall submit exterior materials and colors for Planning Department reV1ew and approval pr10r to bU1ld1ng permit issuance. 3. The owner shall be responsible for the construction, reconstruction or replacement of any missing or damaged pub11C improvements, includ1ng street trees. 4. The owner shall replace or repa1r damaged asphalt or concrete drive areas on-site. 5. D1splays of merchandise shall not be located further than five feet (5') from the service station building. 6. All lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the sUbJect property. 7. Vehicle repairs and adjustment, and all related act1vities, other than the sale of motor fuels and services incidental to such sale of motor fuels, shall be prohibited outside of the main building. 4It 8. Future landscap1ng submittals shall be in substantial compliance with the plans approved for CUP 5-88. A final landscape plan shall be required for review and approval by the Planning Department. 9. A sign permit shall be requ1red before any signs can be constructed. A final sign plan is required for Plann1ng Department review and approval, and shall be in substantial compliance with the approved sign plan. Pr1ce boards shall be limited to a size of twelve (12) square feet, with a total of four (4) s1gn faces. All illegal or non-conforming signs shall be removed prior to sign permit 1SSUance. A price board could be increased to fifteen (15) square feet if the Zone Text Amendment is facilitated through the City to allow for it. 10. The Planter box on the western boundary shall be shortened to maintain a fifteen (15) foot drive aisle. 11. Red markings showing RNo parking" will be placed along the western boundary line. MOTION CARRIED 3 - o. * * * MOTION by Jessner, Second by Sharp to grant Variance 5-88 as tit printed by approving Resolution Number 1509. MOTION CARRIED 3 - o. e Page 5 - Plann1ng Commission Minutes of June 15, 1988 B. CUP 19-86 909 OCEAN AVENUE Amended Resolution Ho. 1448 Mr. Kn1ght gave the Staff Report on amended CUP 19-86. He said that the applicant, Richard Song, was requesting to amend conditions numbered 4 and 5 of amended Resolut1on No. 1448 to permit the converS1on of approximately 200 square feet of storage area to customer waiting area. COMMISSION OUESTIONS e Mr. Jessner quest10ned the poss1ble change of use of the restaurant at 909 Ocean Avenue (Pappa Joe's P1zza) by allowing two tables w1th chairs to be added to the proposed waiting area. Mr. Jessner said his difficulty was not with a waiting area but with allowing food to be consumed at tables. He said the Planning Commission might be send1ng the "wrong signal" to other area restaurants --- he would consider the addition of two tables and chairs to be chang1ng the use of the restaurant. Mr. Suggs sa1d the Plann1ng Commiss1on was very strict when Mr. Song f1rst came before 1t and spec1fically made no provision for seat1ng. Mr. Sharp said he felt it would be better to have a waiting area with the two tables than to have people eating on the sidewalk, with the subsequent crowd1ng and l1tter1ng. PUBLIC HEARING Richard Son9 * 909 Ocean Avenue Mr. Song proposed two tables, wi th chairs, and a counter with stools in the 200 square foot wait1ng area because (a) it takes about 25 minutes to prepare a pizza and his customers are milling around on the s1dewalk wait1ng; (b) in the summert1me, any given day can br1ng 30 - 50 kids wa1ting around for p1zza, eating it on the sidewalk, and litter1ng. He stated 75% of his business is pizza delivery. Hearing no one further, the Public Hearing was closed. MOTIOH by Sharp, second by Suggs to approve Conditional Use Permit 19-86, by the adoption of Amended Resolution Humber 1448, amending conditions numbered four and five to read: e 4. A total of 200 square feet of storage area immediately adjacent to the entrance can be utilized as a waiting area only with seating at benches only. The remaining former - Page 6 - Planning Commiss~on Minutes of June 15, 1988 d1n1ng area shall be maintained and used exclusively for the storage of goods used in conjunction with the walk-up/take- out restaurant. 5. A sign will be posted in the waiting area. It will read "This area ~s for waiting for your food. only." * * * MOTIOR by Jessner, second by Sharp to rehear Plan Rev~ew 9-88 and to allow public input. MOTIOR CARRIED 3 - O. Scott Wildman * 99 Welcome Lane Mr. W1ldman introduced himself as the owner of the trailer at 99 Welcome Lane. Although the Planning Commission approved Plan Review 9-88 on the Consent Calendar, Mr. and Mrs. Wildman requested time to state their object1on to Condition #4, which reads: e 4. A life safety spr1nkler system shall be installed throughout the tra1ler and cabana. Mr. Wildman sa1d his tra1ler was built and fully completed in 1980 and he interpreted the requirement for sprinklers to be for new second story cabanas. His said he was requesting the enclosure of an existing deck area and, therefore, interpreted the requirement to be putting spr1nklers in the new deck enclosure. He said it would be very expenS1 ve for h1m to retrofit his entire trailer and cabana with sprinklers and that the sprinkler system itself would ruin the aesthetic look of the open beamed ceiling. Add1t10nally, he sa1d his mobile home located in such a way that the fire company could pull up very close in case of emergency/fire. Mr. Suggs stated that the Planning Commission requires sprinklers in all new construction 1n the Seal Beach Trailer Park. Mr. Jessner gave some background. The Orange County Fire Department consented to the build1ng of second stories on cabanas only if they were spr1nklered. When this was adopted the Fire Department required all partially constructed two-story cabanas under construction (that had permits issued at that time) had to go back and retrofit. e The State of California granted a once-in-a-lifet1me except10n to allow two story cabanas in this park. Additionally, Mr. Jessner mentioned City liability if the Planning Commission didn't follow the Code and insist on sprinklering. e Page 7 - Planning Commission Minutes of June 15, 1988 Mr. Knight addressed some of the p01nts: 1. In 1985 the Orange County Fire Department conducted extensive research on the Uniform Code section on sprinkler systems. This tra1ler is approx1mately 1000 square feet and would need about 4-5 sprinkler heads. These heads are zoned and seldom will all 4-5 heads come on at one t1me. The 13D sprinkler system, requires an independent water source, and would cost about $6500. There 1S a modified 13D spr1nkler system which utilizes the existing water lines and costs about $1.00 per square foot. 2. Instead of a 13D sprinkler system, Mr. Wildman would be allowed to install a modified 13D sprinkler system if it was deemed suff1cient by Orange County Fire. OCFD 1S allowing for a modif1ed 13D system on residential structures. Nancy Wildman * 99 Welcome Lane e Mrs. Wildman said her mobile home is constructed of the same materials that the houses in SurfS1de are constructed of-- because the original trailer was basically stripped and rebuilt. She noted the houses in SurfS1de are much closer together than her trailer 1S to its neighbors and they were not required to be retrof1tted w1th sprinklers. Regard1ng the C1ty's l1ab1lity, she asked if the Planning COmIussion would require everyone in the Seal Beach 'frail~r Park with a second story cabanas would be required to retrofit? Mr. Jessner said only if they came before the Plapping Comm1ssion for construction would they be required to retrof1t with sprinklers. I The Plaqning Commiss1on adv1sed Mr. and Mrs. W1ldman of their right to appeal the- Planning Commiss1on' s decis10n to the City Council with1n ten (10) calendar days from June 15, 1988. trey refeFred him to Mr. Knight for further paperwork processes. e e Page 8 - Planning commission M1nutes of June 15, 1988 MOTION by Jessner, second by Sharp to add a sentence to Condition number 4 of Plan Review 9-88 to read: 4. A life safety sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the trailer and cabana. A modified 13D sprinkler system may be used on this retrofit, subject to the review and approval of the Orange County Fire Department. * * * SCHEDULED MATTERS There were no scheduled matters. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE There were no oral communications from the audience. STAFF CONCERNS There were no staff concerns. e COMMISSION CONCERNS There were no Commiss1on concerns. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully SUbmitted, . C\~~~- Joan F1llmann secretary THERE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. * * * The M1nutes for the June 15, 1988 Planning Comm1ssion Meeting were approved by the Planning Commission on July ~~ , 1988. e