HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-02-21
The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach met in regular session on Wednesday,
February 211) 1973, in the Council Chambers of the City Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ripperdan at 7:35 p..m.. and Mr.. Knapp
led the Salute to the Flag.
Hammondl) Knapp, Lanning. Ripperdan
Mr.. Dunn's absence was excused due to a death in the family..
The minutes of the meeting on February 71) 1973 were approved as presented..
Secretary Neprud explained the procedurll,~for taking testimony at public hearings.
1. Public Hearings
A. Raul Dedeaux, V-1-73 (continued)
Applicant submitted revised plans which deleted some of the undesirable features.
Hearing open. Carl Irwin, representative of the app1icantl) felt the problems
had been resolved. Board of Directors of Surfside unanimously approved the
revised plans.. He explained the door on the second floor was needed as a fire
deterent 'and to aid the heating. Mr.. Dedeaux I) 747 Kenneth Rd.. Glendale, advised
he had owned the home for 17 years. never rentedl) but needed additional space
because of growing family. He also felt it imperative to have fire escape from
third floor. Discussion with Commissioners followed. Tom Conlon. B-10 Surfside.
felt app11cant had tried to make the plans acceptable and meet requirements and
recommended the Commission give favorable consideration.. Hearing closed..
Mr. Knapp moved to approve the var18nce as revised subject to cond1tions that
(1) land use agreement be executed, (2) fire stairs to remain in up position.
and (3) letter of approval be submitted from Southern Pac1fic Railroad for
deck encroachment into right of way. Seconded by Mr.. Ripperdan and passed
unanimously by the members present. Resolution No.. 723..
B.. G LAD INVESTMENTS. James R. Watsonll V...3...73 and V-4-73
Secretary reviewed the proposal, the two separate variance actionsl) and the need
for approval of a lot split as well as consideration of the Environmental Impact
STatement. Hearing open. Lot split of three 25' lots into two equal parcels
was discussed and felt a good action that should be encouraged.. Mr. Knapp moved
to ~ecommend to the City Council the approval of the lot split with the condition
that record of survey map be recorded and a reproducible copy furnished to the city.
Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and passed unanimously by the members present..
Resolution No. 724.
Application V-3-73 was reviewed which requested tandem parking, less than required
rear yardll less than required exter10r side yard and parking off a street.
Mr.. Watson agreed to reduce size of bicycle storage to improve ~raffic visibility.
A lengthy d1scussion followed regarding the exterior s1deyard with various
alternatives considered. Hearing cont1nued to next meeting to allow app11cant to
revise plans and meet with staff..
Application V-4-73 continulld to next meeting..
Co Frieda Butler, V-5-73
Applicant proposes construction of a garage apartment with tandem parking on
property with an existing nonconforming dwelling because of substandard sideyard
and existing substallldard unito Hearing open. Mro Carson, representative of
applicant, present to answer questionso Discussion of partition in garage area
which would make parking spaces substandard w.1dtho Applicant agreed to eliminate
partition between parking spaceso No protests were received. Hearing closed.
Mrs. Lanning moved to approve the variance subject to the conditions that
a land use agreement be executed, compliance with engineering conditions and
eltmtnation of partition between parking spaceso Seconded by Mrso Hammond and
passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution Noo 7250
Do Billy Rutledge, V-6-73
Request for permission'to en~eed lot coverage in the R-l Zone of District 110
An enclosed patio has been added to the residence without approval or building
permit. Hearing open. Mro Baalke, represent1ng the applicant, asked about the
amendment to the code allowing an addit10nal 5% for patios. He advised the
patio windows had been removed and replaced with screeningo Secretary advised
the definition of open patio, and explained there was a difference between
building and zoning codeso After diSlcussion, Mro Klmapp moved to continue the
hearing until the next meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Lanning and passed unanimously
by the members presento
20 Oral Communications
There were no oral communicationso
30 Written Communications
There were no written communicationso
40 Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
5. New Business
City Council requested that the Planning Commission study lot coverage provisions
for the "hilll!l areao Staff presented a preliminary report and outline items to
be considered. Reports to be furnished at later meetings.
6. Secretary's Report
Mr. Antos reported on proceedings of the South Coast Regional Commission, and the
next meeting dates and locations. He also reported on a meeting of the Southern
California Association of Governments (SCAG)o
No further business, the meeting was adJourned.at 9:30 pomo
Lois Arnold -
Recording Secretary