HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-06-27
The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n ot the C1ty ot Seal Beach met 1n regular adjourned. sesnon
on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, 1n the Counc11 Chamber ot the C1 ty Admin1Strat10n
Bu11d1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rm&n Ripperdan at 7:30 pomo and
V1ce Cha1rman Dunn led the Pledge of Alleg1ance to the Flag.
Dunn, Knapp Il Lann1ng Il Ripperdan
Mrs 0 Hammond' s absence was excused.
The m1nutes ot the meet1ng of June 20, 1973 were approved as presentedo
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pomo to reconvene at McGaugh School Aud1tor1UD1.
Churman R1pperdan reconvened the meet1ng at McGaugh School at 8 00 p.m.
1. Public Hear1ngs
A. Connderat10n ot Env1romnental Impact Report for the
Proposed Land Use Element ot the General Plan
B. Cons1derat10n ot a Rev1Sed Land Use Element ot the
General Plan
Secretary Neprud reviewed ti'hat a General Plan 1S and explained,1t 1S a po11cy
document requ1red by the State. The C1 ty 1S currently' operat1ng under a plan
adopted in 1966 that does not seem to be in keep1ng WJ. th present des1re. He
expla1ned the elements required 1n a General Plan and that the Land Use Element
was the proposal under discuss10n. He rev1ewed the develOPment of th1s proposal,
a rough draft for pub11c connderat10n, and the adopt10n procedureo Mr. Neprud
emphas1zed 1t was 1mportant to real1ze th1s Element 1S projected to 1985 and
can be rev1sed w1th1n th1S time to be updated to agree w1th commun1ty object1ves.
Mr 0 Don 8m1 th of Haworth, Anderson and Lafer made the 1n1 tial presentat10n. Mr 0
Sm1th expla1ned th1s a prel1m1nary plan W1th the pub11c hear1Dg designed to
acqu1re pub11c 1nput. He pointed out that h1gh-r1se and populat10n growth projected
on the present plan had been changed. Ant1c1pated populat10n growth by 1985 1S
proj ected on the proposed plan as approx1mately' 4,000+ 0 W1 th the 'Old Town' area
subject to the most change 1n th1s per10d of t1me, 1t was noted that the present
plan would project a populat10n of 23,000 1n the area by 1985, present zon1ng
would perm1t 12,000 by 1985, and the ex1st1ng populat10n of Old Town 1S approx1m&tely
9,000. Proposed plan would prov1de for nOJnnal population 1ncrease of the area
by 1985.
Mro Sm1th fUrther expla1ned the categor1es or levels of dens1ty.and related them
to var10US areas of the C1 ty . He also d1scussed the var10US commerc1s1
class1f1cat10nso The latter 1ncluded pub11c usesll beach or1ented commerc1al and
ather areas needing spec1f1c study for develOPment of prec1se plans. He elaborated
on poss1ble uses and development of the area formerly' occupied by the Los Angeles
Department of Water and Pwer steam generat1ng plant. Th1s, he recommended, to be
developed by a prec1se plan for a 11ght commerc1al area s1m11ar to "Seaport V111ageo"
Mro 8m1th vent on to d1scuss 1ndustr1al propert1es, quas1-pub11c, pub11c, and
spec1t1cally the rulroad r1ght of way lands.
Mr 0 Neprud revJ.ewed the proposed EnvJ.ronmental Impact Report and CJ. ted proposed
changes to the present plan that would reduce densJ.ty and create less J.mpact
upon the existJ.ng eovJ.ronment. Whenever any development J.S proposed for partJ.cular
areas of the cJ.ty, a specif'J.c-rfl!port-would be neededo
Secretary Neprud explaJ.ned that the two hearJ.ng on the agenda were J.nterrelated
and would be heard concurrently enablJ.ng interested persons to speak to eJ. ther
or both items.
WrJ. tten communJ.catJ.ons were receJ. ved from ChrJ.stJ.ne Agur, 11 MarJ.na DrJ. ve, opposJ.ng
massJ.ve development, favorJ.ng greenbelts and suggestJ.ng the Water & Power property
be developed as a park; Frank Hale, pier concessJ.onaJ.re, requesting addJ. tJ.onal
parkJ.ng facJ.1J.tJ.es J.n the pJ.er area; Steven Spence, 209Ao7th St., reporting on
a cJ.tJ.zens poll for J.nsight; Rockwell lnternatJ.onal regardJ.ng excess property
formerly to be used for the Coastal Freeway and requesting medJ.um residentJ.al
zonJ.ng J.nstead of "M" zonJ.ng.
Mro Neprud explaJ.ned the method of receJ.vJ.ng test1mony and J.nput at the publJ.c
hearing. ChaJ.rman RJ.pperdan opened the hearJ.ng. Atter first regulatJ.ng the
speakers to one appearance for one mJ.nute, he revJ.Sed the rule to one appearance
for a ma.xJ.mum of three mJ.nutes.
George Zakow, 312 13th, camnented on the ocean. Steven Spence, 209 7th, felt
that more copJ.es of the Element and ElR should have been avaJ.lable for a much
longer tJ.me for benefJ. t of the publJ.c 0 He stated this proposal was unsatJ.Sfactory
and presented results of a cJ.tJ.zen's poll of 1/4 of 1% of the populace. Mro Spence
felt the need was for preservatJ.on and growth control and urged the conSJ.deratJ.on
of an alternatJ.ve proposal. He asked thJ.s proposal be returned to the consultant,
table thJ.S proposal and provJ.de better inf'ormatJ.on for the publJ.c. Steve Scully,
132 DolphJ.n, was opposed to the concept of 32 unJ.ts per acre and felt the cJ.ty
would become another Newport Beach. He also J.ndJ.cated that the right of way be
zoned for J.ts J.ntended use rather than the broad term of "publJ.c." Asked for
moratorJ.um on addJ. tJ.onal facilJ. tJ.es at the beach.. Mr 0 Scully referred to the
FrJ.ends of Mammoth VB Mono Co.
Homer Roughton, 1413 ElectrJ.c, presented an J.dea of possJ.ble development of the
rJ.ght of way nth a artJ.st's conceptual drawl.ng proposJ.ng green belt, parkJ.ng
and landscapJ.ng for screening. Entrance and exJ. t of each parking area could
be controlled. HJ.s proposal could be altered WJ.th the addJ.tJ.on of hiking or
bJ.ke traJ.lso
Art Gallucci, 206 1st St., asked why ProposJ.tJ.on 20 had not been addressed at
any meetJ.ng. He felt the Eol.R. dJ.d not address nOJ.Se, eXJ.StJ.ng lJ.festyle and
number of tourJ.stso ~nne ShJ.rley, 241 6th, felt the cJ.tJzen's poll excellent
and suggested a s1mJ.lar poll be enclosed WJ.th water bJ.lls for response from
all cJ.tJ.zens, and avoJ.d excessJ.ve cost. Josie Greeley, 1629 Seal Way, stated
change must stop to get progress and that people should be consJ.dered as something
more than statJ.StJ.cs. John Herr, 136 13th St., commented that 11mi ted parkJ.ng
would lJ.mJ.t number of people and that the Water & Power property be acquJ.red for
public use enablJ.ng the right of wq to remaJ.n as green belto He asked than
denSJ.ty be reduced to avoJ.d crowded condJ.tJ.ons. Carolyn RuszkJ.ewJ.cz, 915 DrJ.ftwood,
felt J.t hypocrJ.tJ.cal to propose development concealJ.ng the publJ.c beach.
Dave Potter, 1007 Seal W~, wants the small town lif'e style preserved. He
ref'erred to the PrOpos1t10n 20 purpose of' preserv1ng scen1C areas and opposed
any p1er development or commerc1al use of the Water and Power property. Mrs 0
Loparco, 1000 Electr1c, opposed any park1ng plan f'or the P.E. r1ght of' w~
to av01d generat10n of' 11tter. Janet Verga, 249 17th, f'elt commerc1al development
of' the Water and Plower property would have ser10US ef'fects on the downtown
bus1nesses and c1tizenso
Robert Laugh11n, 611 Ocean, suggested that 1ndustr1al use be conndered adjacent
to Gum Grove Park to a1d the tax structure and have the least ef'f'ect on the
area. He also f'elt the lumber yard was a v1able camnerc1al use and was not
object10nable at 1tS 10cat10n. Don Sm1th pointed out that most of' the land
adjacent to Gum Grove Park northerly was County property and the Seal Beach
Fault l~s w1th1n th1s area. Bruce Bennett, 110 Surf' Plo, f'elt the people
had made 1 t ev1dent they wanted "0" development and they wanted the r1ght of' way
and Water and Power property as parks. Dav1d Philhps, 1309 Ocean, stated that
although he did not concur, the proposed plan was much 1mproved over the eX1st1ng
plan. He d1d not support annexat10n of' Rossmoor and asked why Sunset Beach was
not cons1deredo He d1d not like encouraging add1 t10nal cars by add1ng park1ng
areas and pref'erred the retent10n of' the tra11er parko
Ilene Cook, 441 Central, opposed to tourist camnerc1al espec1ally 1n the p1er
areao Resident of 125 13th said that the one m11e of beach cannot hold more
people. Jerry Troy, 120 Dolph1n, brought out that emot10nal problems develop
f'ram overcrowd1ng and doesn't want Seal Beach to f'ollow the pattern of' otherso
Ron Bennett, 141 13th, p01nted out that growth 1S not necessar1ly progress
and development does not p~ the requ1red add1t10nal serv1ces. He suggested
that S1ngle Fam1ly be redef'ined to 1nclude duplex. He also asked that the
cost f'or acqu1s1t10n of' the Water and Power property be calculated and let the
people know; that they would be wil11ng to work together to accampl1Sh_ good.
JUd1th Hardaker, 130 Dolph1n, opposed tandem parking as not usable and suggested
part of' the park1ng problem comes f'rom the rendentso Jerry Leddy, 322 16th,
stated the number of' people 1n the aud1ence represented a survey and Mother
not necessary 0 Br1an Sealy, 1503 Ocean, p01nted out most of' the persons
speak1ng were f'rom Old Town and th1S was the sect10n of' the proposed plan of'
most concern.
Sven L1ndstrom, 215 14th St., d1scussed the Redevelopment Agency and its
valid1tyo J1m Qu1nn, 202 1st Sto, spoke &gunst tour1st/camnerc1al development
of Water and Power property because of' the park1ng 1mpact 1t would have on
the adjacent res1dent1al area. Ken Sm1th, 141 Dolphin, f'elt 1t was clear what
the people wanted and suggested that zon1ng of the Water and Power property as
a park would aff'ect the pr1ceo
A recess was declared at 9:45 pom. Meet1ng reconvened at 10:00 p.mo
Woody L1nton, Rockwell International, had presented a letter request1Dg cons1derat10n
of reevaluat10n of' zon1ng of' the1r plants1te. He also ment10ned that the1r
master plan 1ncluded same 1ntormat10n valuable f'or env1ronmental connderat10n
and asked f'or an opportun1ty to present the1r proposal at a future date. Robert
Cook, 441 Central, recognized that CODIJD1SS10n, staf'f' and consultant can only follow
d1rect10ns and there had been a lack of' 1nput. He asked 1f the survey, c1t1zens
comments and suggest10ns would be considered. He quoted trom Fred B1Shop of' the
LoA. Water and Power that the1r property was unoff'1c1ally declared excess and
var1.OUs procedures f'or d1.sposal. The property currently' assessed at an est1.mated
$820,000. In add1.t1.on, W & P estimated 1.t would cost $150,000 to make the
property usable. Mr 0 Cook requested that a member of' the Canm1.sS1.on move to
return the plan to the consultants to ref'lect 1.nput f'rom th1.s Jl1eet1.ng. B1.ll Lower,
140 6th, sa1.d S1.nce no one was speak1.Dg 1.n f'avor of' plan, no more tune needed but
act1.on taken. Tom Greeley, 1629 SEal W~, moved to Seal Beach trom Irvine S1.X
months ago and wants lower densl ty, no annexations, enf'orcement and master plan
of' street trees to make 1.t a more enjoyable placeo
J~ Covlngton, 4550 Candleberry, was cha1rman of' the Redevelopment Agency
prev1.ously' and they had developed a report after many' meetlngs vh1.ch was presented
to and approved by the Council. He asked 1.f' the repm-t had been made ava1.lable
to the consultants 0 He f'elt the proposed Element lacked suf'f'lclent preparatory
work bef'ore be1.ng presented to the publ1.c. Mr. Cov1.ngton endorsed maxlJDUm open
space and public use, no more commerclal development and was d1.ametrically' opposed
to the proposed plan. He f'elt that 1.ncreased use of' the beach was not in the
best f'1.DanC1.al interest of' the Cl ty . P. L. Austin, 11 Marina Dr., f'el t th1.s
plan ill advlsed and taxes would lncrease wlth population increaseo Carson Spence,
209 7th, stated 1.t was the responslb1.lity of' the Comm1.ss1.on and consultant to meet
needs of' the C1. ty . She wanted the Comm1.ss1.on to respond, move to return the
plan to the consultants, and asked f'or open f'orum meet1.ngs nth consultants.
Roger West, 1201 Electrlc, sald 3 plans had been prepared and he asked that a
4th be prepared. Discuss1.on f'ollowed on alternatlves open to the Comm1.ss1.on.
Mr. Haward f'elt comments gave some dlrectlon, but more 1.nput needed and agreed
w1.th the concept of' open f'orum meet1.ngs. Ron Hazl1.ck, 320 6th St., asked f'or
reV1S1.0n and was concerned about prOV1.Sl0nS f'or parks ln other areas. Steve
CunnlDgham, 1407 Electrlc, f'elt considerat1.on of' cost of' reject1.on of' the.ent1.re
plan must be made, revisions would require less t1.meo Tom Barnes, 431 Central,
stated that the suggest1.on by the consultant f'or cont1.nuance f'ur and meetlngs
nth the people an excellent ldeao
Mr. Dunn moved to contlnue the publ1.c hearlngs on the Land Use ilement and
Environmental Impact Report untll July' 11 at 7:30 p.mo nth the condlt1.0n that
the consultant and staf'f' hold public f'orums on July' 2 and July' 3 at the City
Counc1.l Chamber at 7:30 p.m. Mro Barnes suggested the Marlna Center as a good
locat1.on0 Cheryl Kenyon, 1201 Ocean, f'elt thls was too soono Motlon seconded
by Mrso Lannlng and 1.t passed unanlmously' by the members presento
MeetlDg adjourned at 11.05 p.m.
LolS Arnold
Record1.ng Secretary