HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-07-11
The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular adjoUDned~sess10n on
Wednesday. July 11, 1973, 1n the Counc1l Chamber of the City Adm1n1Strat10n Bu1ld1ng 0
The meetJ.ng was called to order by ChaJ.rman R1pperdan at 7.35 p.m. and Mr. Knapp
led the Pledge to the Flago
Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lanm.ng, RJ.pperdan
Mr 0 Rlpperdan lntroduced and velcomed Mr. Cook to the COJDJIllss10n. Mr. Cook was
appol.nted by the CJ.ty CouncJ.l on July 9, 1973. Chal.rman d1rected the Secretary
to prepare a resolutJ.on of commendatJ.on for Mr. Dunno
The minutes of the meetJ.ng of July 5, 1973, were approved as presented.
1. ContJ.nued Publlc Hearlng to ConSlder a Revlsed Land Use Element to the General
Plan and Supportl.ng Envlronmental Impact Reporto
Secretary Neprud reported on the meetings held S1nce the pub11c hearlng was opened
on June 27, 19730 He suggested the hearl.ng be reopened, testJ.mony taken, hearJ.ng
closed and a new publlC hearl.ng be set for August 29, 1973. STaff and consultants
wlll revJ.ew, research and prepare a revJ.sed plan to be presented at that tJ.meo
Hearl.ng reopened.
A letter from Stanley Gallon of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
was read l.ndlcatJ.ng nlll.ngness to cooperate nth the CJ.ty but would provJ.de no
quotatJ.on of pr1ce untl.l a current appra1sal vas obtained. Letter recelved from
W. H. and T. H. Thurston favorJ.ng the r1ght of way as a green area, Water and
Power property as a park, no commerC1al at the p1er, and OppOSl.ng varlances for
apartments or future annexatl.ons. Mr. and Mrs. KJ. ttell were concerned about
the Water and Power property and opposed to the Land Use Element as presented.
Gordon Shanks, 215 Surf Pl, asked J.f rulJ.ngs by LAFCO had been consl.dered. In
addl.tion, he asked l.f Sunset Beach had been conSl.dered for future annexatl.on.
Secretary explal.ned that thJ.s area fell l.n Huntl.ngton Beach's sphere of l.nfluence.
Janet Verga, 229 17th, wanted a park J.n ~e W & P property, but l.f not possl.ble
favored condoml.nl.ums to rental unl.tso Steve Spence, 209 7th, spoke about
study of tax revenue lost to the benef1ts ga1ned for park. General d1scuss10n
of open space followed. PaulMsu.e:z:hsJ'h16ll Ocean. asked why area could not be
zoned as a park and Mr. R1pperdan expla1ned 1nverse condemnatJ.on. Mr 0 Shanks
felt people vere confused betveen the B1Xby property and the W & P property.
Wh1le B1xby land was zoned R-3 and usable. the W & P property 1S zoned M-2 and
not feas1ble for th1s use. Hear1ng closed. Staff d1rected to readvert1se a
hear1ng on August 29.
20 Report from Secretary
Mr. Neprud rem1nded the CommJ.ss10n of necess1ty to reelect off1cers and at Mrs.
Lann1ng's suggest10n, th1S w1ll be done at the f1rst meetJ.ng 1n August. other
comments were made by Comm1ss10ners regard1ng the pub11c forum meet1ngs.
. No further bUSl.ness, the meet1ng was adjourned at 8.10 p.m.
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L018 Arnold -----
Record1Dg Secretary