HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-07-18 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18 t 1973 The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the City of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesdayll July 18, 1973, in the Counc1l Chamber of the C1ty Adm1n1strat10n Bu1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Churman Ripperdan at 7:30 pom. and Mr. Knapp led the Pledge of Alleg1anceo Present: Absent Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lann1ng, Ripperdan None The m1nutes of the meeting of July llt 1973 were approved as presentedo Secretary Neprud expla1ned the method of rece1v1ng test1mony dur1ng a pub11C hear1ng. 1. Pub11C Hear1118s A. Beatr1ce Forrest (Gary Potter), V-2l=73 Proposal 1S to construct a duplex W1th tandem park1ng at 124 12th St. Representat1ve present and avulable for quest10ns. Hear1ng open. Sue of lot clarif1edo No other comments. Hear1ng closed. Mrso Lann1ng moved to approve the var1ance subject to staff approval of landscap1ng plans and the execut10n of a land use agreement l1m1t1ng number of units to two, reserv1ng park1ng areas for veh1clest and annual 1nspect10no Seconded by Mrs 0 Hammond and passed unan1mously. Resolut10n No. 761. 2. Oral Commun1cat10ns There were no oral communicat10ns. 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat10ns One commun1cat10n rece1ved related to PR-7-73 and deferred to that d1Scuss10no 40 New BuS1ness A. Edward & Agnes Artman, PR-7 -73 (cont1nued) Secretary rev1ewed the h1StOry of the proposal II reported on 1nvest1gat10n of bU1ld1Dg he1ght, and referred to the letter from Mr 0 and Mrs. Artman expla1n1ng changes made. Copy of letter from Mr. Re1d t Bu1ld1ng Department, to Mr 0 and Mrs. Artman also furn1Shed. Mr. Cook adv1sed that h1S l.nSpect10n revealed other var1ances from the approved plans. Mr. Knapp quest10ned both Mr. Artman and Mro Zoelle, contractort 1f they had bU1lt in the City before and were aware that perm1ts were requ1red and changes to approved plans not allowedo Both men stated they thought the plumber had taken care of the legal steps 0 A lengthy d1Scuss10n followed regardl.ng app11cants 1ntent and S1nCerl.ty 1n followl.ng ruleso Both Mr. and Mrs 0 Artman stated there would be no conversion of un1 ts and 1f the Camm1ssl.on so des1redt correct10ns w1ll be made to conform to the approved bU1ld1ng plans. Mr 0 Artman 1nd1cated he was w1ll1ng to have the C1 ty make monthly 1nspect10ns for conform1ty 1f they so des1red. e . . Mro Knapp expressed at length h1.S feel1.ngs regard1.ng the l.rrespons1.ble manner shown by the owners and contractors l.n the case 0 He moved to deny the plan reV1ew and requ1re the app11cant to meet the approved bU11d1ng plans. Seconded by Mro Cook w1th the request for the staff to 1nspect property for other substandard v101at10nso Mr. Knapp agreed to the amendment to the mot10n. Dms~uBsmon of 1nspect10n and poss1ble act10ns. Mot1.on passed unan1mously. Resolut10n Noo 762. Secretary adv1sed of r1ght of appealo 50 Report from Secretary Resolut10n presented honor1ng James Dunn prepared by the staff at the request of the Comm1ss10n. Mr. Knapp moved to approve Resolut10n No. 763. seconded by Mr. R1pperdan and passed unanimously. Secretary adv1sed of scheduled pub11c meet1ng on July 19 to further d1SCUSS the Land Use Element. Mro Cook requested that staff prov1de a report, poss1bly quarterly, on the effect1veness of Land Use Agreements, 1nspect10ns and f1nd1ngso Cha1r so d1rectedo Mr. Cook also asked that a d1Scuss10n be planned on the agenda regard1ng certa1n port10ns of the zon1Dg ord1nance. SpeC1.f1cally Art1cle 13, Sect10n 1300, Item 1, and Art1cle 11, Sect10n 1100, Item 15A, that perm1t pyramid1ng of classes. Staff to report. Mr. Neprud adv1sed that reV1S10n and updat1ng of the ord1nance would follow adopt10n of the Land Use Element to el1.m1nate other conf11cts.. . No other bUS1ness, the meet1ng was adjourned at 8 45 p.m. ~G1-, Lo1S Arnold Record1ng Secretary .. n Q ~ --.... .