HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-10-10
The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach met in regular adJourned session
on Wednesday. October 10, 1973. 1.n the Council Chamber of the City Adm1.n1.stration
Build 1.ng 0 The meeting was called to order by Cha1.rman Knapp at 7:30 pom. and
Vice-Chairman Lanning led the Pledge of Alleg1.ance to the Flago
Cook, Hammond. Knapp. Lanningll Ripperdan
The minutes of the meeting of October 3. 1973. were approved as presentedo
10 Discussion of Items Referred to the Plann1.ng Commission for Further Rev1.ew
in ConJunction with Proposed Land Use Element
The Secretary rev1.ewed the four items referred back to the Comm1.SS1.on by the
City Counc1.l. Chairman Knapp adv1.sed that although th1.s was not a public hearing
citizen 1.nput would be allowed for the benef1.t of the Comm1.ss1.ono
Item 1 - Park1.ng on the Pac!f1.c Electr1.c right of wayo
Mitzy Mortonll 153 14th Sto, felt much work had been donell but if a compromise
was necessary. suggested that the areas Oppos1.te the streets would be the
least obJect1.onable locations for parking. Gordon Shanks. 215 Surfll expressed
concern about "creeping parking areas"o He accepted the need for parking near
the commerc1.al areaso Mr. G1.lk1.nson. 1011 Electr1.c, stated he had been fight1ng
the park1.ng problem at the onset of the Miller bU1ldingo Roger West, 1201 Electric.
opposed more park1.ngo Mrso Agur. 11 Marina Dr.. felt there seemed to be
SUff1.C1ent parking nowo Mro R1.pperdan. Mrso Lann1ng and Mrso Hammond all felt
some additional park1ng could be provided along W1.th a park and landscap1.ngo
Mr. Cook asked for a clar1.ficat1.on on the acreageo He felt that park1ng should
be prov1.ded only on proven need and that it should not be prov1.ded by the C1ty
for employees of commercial bus1.nesses or private residentso Control of park1.ng
by meters d1scussed. Janet Verga, 1717 Harbor Way, felt too many property owners
rent garages for storage or convert to living quarters and need stronger controls
and enforcement.
Mro Ripperdan moved to recommend that the Po Eo right of way be designated for
park/public use with l1mited commercial/residential parkingo Mrs. IIammond opposed
residential park1ngo Mro Ripperdan amended his mot1.on to delete res1.dential
park1.ng and add the recommendation for a spec1fic plan. Seconded by Mrso Lanning
and passed unanimously.
Item 2 - Comb1ned res1.dent1al. park and beach or1.ented commercial use of
Lo Ao Water and Power property
Council requested study of this concept for more flexible zoningo Several in
the aud1ence spoke favoring the Comm1ss1onvs original recommendation of comb1ned
resident1al and park use and opposed any commercial useo Mro Lomonica presented
a letter and spoke for another concept of seal pool. park. small commercial
bus1nesses and hook up facilities for recreat10nal vehicleso Jim Quinn. 202 1st.
would like as much park as poss1ble. and very much opposed to tourist commercial
or provisions for recreat10nal vehicleso Roger West endorsed original concepto
Mrso Morton favored or1ginal concepto
Mr. Cook moved to reaff1rm the recommendation of Residential/Park use w1th
m1nimum of 3 acres for the parksite. Seconded by Mrs. Hammond.
Cook. Hammond. Knapp. Lanning
Motion carried.
Item 3 ~ Zoning a port10n of Rockwell ~nternationa~'s property for medium
density residential
Council felt the westerly 30 acres of this property could be res1dential with
a dens1ty of 12 units per acre. Douglas Wimer, representing Rockwell, advised
that Toups Eng1neering had been engaged for study and requested this consideration
be delayed for three weeks. He pointed out that assessed valuation of the property
as residential would be greater than industrial, that it was difficult to find
a s1ngle tenant for this S1ze parcel. and there would still be a large industrial
s1te. Discussion of time the Element has been under considerat10n should have
been suffic1ent to prepare a study of this property. Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Verga,
and Mr. West opposed add1t10nal res1dent1al. Jay Cov1ngton, CoP.E., felt proposed
plan should be cont1nued and an amendment made later if facts support 1t. He
also spoke about the prox1mity of the earthquake fault to th1s proposed use.
Mr. Shanks opposed an add1tional 1solated commun1ty. Mr. Lamonica felt that
res1dential 1S as appropr1ate here as on the Water and Power property. Mr.
Davidson opposed cont1nued increase in population.
Mr. Knapp moved to reaff1rm the or1g1nal recommendat10n to des1gnate th1s
property as 11ght industrial. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and passed unan1mously.
. The meet1ng was recessed at 8:50 p.mo and reconvened at 9:00 pom.
Item 4 - Prov1sions to enhance the appearance and des1gn of new resident1al
construction in the Coastal Distr1ct
Secretary pointed out that the Element would allow the City to set up an Architectural
Review Board, and also that the zoning ordinance would be rev1sed. Mr. R1ppudan
overwhelm1ng approved of the reV1ew board concept and volunteered to serve. Mr.
Oook l1ked the ind1v1dual expression that makes up the character of the town. He
was very hes1tant to add more controls. D1Scussion of the pros and cons of reV1ew
boards. Changes in zoning l1D11tat10ns would 1.Illprove appearance. Mrs. Uorton did
not favor a reV1ew board. Mr. Knapp expla1ned the reV1ew board for Br1dgeport.
Mr. Ripperdan adv1sed of the effectiveness of a board in other areas. Mr. Shanks
felt zon1ng could control.
Mr. Knapp moved to reaff1rm the recommendation to cons1der a review board. Seconded
by Mrs. Lann1ng. After d1scussion of orig1nal recommendation. the motion passed
2. Secretary's report
Mr. Neprud reminded the Commission of a report by the County "People, Plann1ng
and Growth." He suggested the COlDDl1ss10n reV1ew this to consider it on the
November 7 agenda.
No further bus1ness. the meet1ng was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
~ ~-,,~~
L01s Arnold
Record1ng Secretary