HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1973-10-17 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER. 17, 1973 The Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach met in regular session on Wednesday. October 17. 1973, in the Council Chamber of the City Administration Bu:Udingo The meeting was called to order by Chail'1Uln Knapp at 7 :30 pom. and Vice-Chairman Lanning led the pledge to the Flago Present: Absent: Cook, Lanning, Knapp Hammondp Ripperdan Mrs 0 Hammond 0 s allld Mr. Ripperdan' s absences were excused 0 The minutes of the meeting of October 10, 1973 were approved as presented. The Secretary explained the procedure for receiving testimony during public hearings. 1. Public Hearings A. Southrich Co. (Hastings Co.). V-30-73 continued Secretary Neprud reviewed the application for a restaurant facility adjacent to 490 Pacific Coast Highway vith parking stalls less than the required lengtb, less than the required parking, and deletion of loading zone and alley requirement. A written communication from Pat Hallmark. 444 Schooner. Vll1as receiving opposing the proposalo In additiono a petition with 45 signatures opposing the proposal was receivedo Hearing open. Jim Prock of Southrich advised of the attempts through the years to locate an operator to confol'm to the precise plano He also pointed out that all offsite improvements were installed as required at the time the service station operation was constructed. Max Whitman, A. Jo Land Co". reviewed the proposal to develop.as a Spires Restaurant. He advised that tbe parking requirements had been Met and changes would be made to make the length of the stalls conformo In addition, he pointed out that there was 32~ feet from the rear of the building to the nearest parking to furnish adequate loading area. He felt the alley requiremant vas a technicality because sufficient traffic flow provisions were provided and an alley would Dot be feasible for this parcelo Mlro Baretakis, owner of Spires, explained the type of lOperadono size and displayed an artist's drawing of the design proposed. He also stated be was the owner and was Willing to meet any city requirements. Hro Heprud rwiewed the precise plan requirements and regulations as well as the definition Gf a dinner house restauranto Joseph Onesty, 455 Galleon, was strongly opposed to the proposalo He presented. three additional sigDatures for the petitiono Be read the petition and points of opposition. Main objection vas 24 hour operati01ll acljace&u: to a residential area. Hr. Onesty was also concerned about 11ghtiuSo signing, traffic problemso etc. Walter Huppenbauerl) 472 Galleon, advised he had been one of the first residents of the area amid wall a~are a restaurant was to be installed, but felt this proposal did not meet tbe type of dinner house concept he had been told. He a180 expressed concern regarding the hours of operation aDd lighting. Beverly CAsares, 420 Coastline, pointed out there had been a change in citimen9s attitude since precise plan VIIS adoptedo She felt a restaurant vas not desirllble at this locatieD and suggested the zoning be changed to all~ the owner D s otbell' use of the propertyo . e e Don lWskoff I) 409 Galleonl) concerned about trash and rodentell :U.ghting cIlnd traffic. He did not fael a 24 hour restaurant should be considered a fllllily type restauralmto Tom lUng 484 Galleonll stated he also was an original owner and &ware that a dinner house was to be constructed but feels this proposal does lmOt fit. He a180 objected to the 24 hour operationCil Mro King reported on a survey of number of ating houses within the areao Be concured that a chsmge of ~one would be preferable. Louis Zukoril 601 Ocunll felt residents would object to any restaurant. He felt Spires rsstaurats would be in keeping \fith the c01lllllUlllty. does not have acessive lightingll garish builcU.ngsl) liquol'll atmd bas limited -sligningll Be felt this would be a cleaull qlllliet operation. Mr 0 Z~kor reviewed the oWDerCl. past history. Harrion Bailey&! 1010 Coastline. agreed the ,r@1P~rty owner should. have the right to develoPll bll/1t not at the expense of the neighbors. Mlro COok asked if it were Decessary to have 24 hour operatioDo Mro Karetakis li:'ilplillc! he hacl not conaiderad a different operation than hi. other locationso Hearinl closCJdo Mr. lenapp felt this specific location not the best for this type of restaurant operation. Hro Cook cOBilended the design but felt if the owner was visiting the city for the first tfme be could see tbe mood of the citizens toward adding tourist comIIercial useso Commission discussed concept of changing the zonee and options regarding this applicationo Secretary advised of one year prohibition of another application for variance if denialo Secret~y also advised of right of appealo Mro Prock felt that withdrawal prior to ComIlission action could be prej_icial. . Meeting recessed at 8:45 po1iDo Reconvened at 8:55 polio Hr. Prock pointed out that the use clearly m.eets the code defilmition of a dinner heuse restaurant and only points in question are tbe variance requestso He asked if plans did not require variance I) what decision would be necessarYl> He was advi~ed of the Plan Revia procecbareCil Mr 0 Prock asked if no public hearing or varipce involved, bow wuld hours" colors, etco be illllVolvedo Mre Prock then raquested a continuance to ~aluate variance requestso . Mr. King felt Planning Commission had spent enough Ume of the applicatione !lr. happ replied that the COIIIlIIIlission had always been willing to let people speakS) carry any application over several meetings I) if necessarYIl for proper considerationo Mro Cook pointed out that any \!IlIe would require a variance for alley all1d loading ZOllleo Hr. Prock felt the nelld te detemine options for development m.thout prejudice and implications of denialo Chairman continued to November 70 i Bo Walter Babcock., V....31-'3 Request for structural alteration to existiq noncoDfoning building at 80S Cantral. Bearing openo Dlro Babcock .plained his practice had groWll and needed to expand h~s business office areao The change would be mere architectural than structural and wold not enclroacb on existing parking. No other cOlllllents receivedo Hearing closed. Mr. Knapp lmOVed to approve the varia1l1lcell seconded by Hrso Lanning and passed uunimously by tbe members presenco Resolut1olll Noo 7840 . . . e e Co Burgess-Donovan., Inco., V-32...73 Proposal is for construction of a 14 unit apartmen~ complex with tandem parking., less than required rear yard setback., excess building hllight and more than 10 Ulmits on a stqle parcel, Qt the corner of Central Aveo and lst"STo Hearing olll'lIn. !ko BlISr-geea .a~tsd the, acess bu111ling height WIlS for'r8ectthetics and he au eilling to delete. Be aplainlld the rear encroachment Y:fas for a staiE'way and tu&'ning radius for parking "8S presenedo TaDds parking would be assigned to 2 bedroom units and there be would no parking conflict between tenantso Be felt the 10 unit limitation was a technicality, mDd stated that the proposal met c~e density requireentso Krso Lanning asked if IlPplicant would be mlling to l!lilDinate 4- units because of concern about dens:1tyo Mro Burgess fslt he could not financiallyo Mro Cook pointed out that II partial use of a required y"rd aa~ still an encroachment. He also commented on thll income from units being d~rectly related to availability; fewer units could preduce as much revenueo Jim Qui~n, 202 1st Stop felt this against citizen's concern of overdevelopment anq that 4 more units cra1lllleCl on a parcel unscrupulous. He wants fewer unital) less density and height to keep unique tONn charactero Roger West, 1201 Electricl) eMQrSlId Mr. Quima~s relllSlru and felt this a flagrant exaple of abuseD Gale Olsen, 707 Central., opposed high-rise and density and ssked mora people be notified of hesringso Clyde Simmons, 205 2nd Stop a bit against 14 units, not sure of tandem and felt people tmuld park on street firsto Dee Dobbins, 208 7th St. t emnts small hOiDes maintainild. Mr. Burgess explain_ this proposal not asainst dllnsity requirement of 900 sqo fto per unito Mx'o Burgess not interest<Mi in aithdrawing the applicationo Hearing closedo Mr: Cook moved to deny the Ilpplication for variancGe Seconded by k=1rso Lanning and p~8sed unanimously by the aembers present. Resolution Noo 785. .- Secretary advised of right of &appeal. D. Craation of Public Land Use (FLU) Zone Proposal mandated by state la~ for open space zoningo Secretary reviewed the pIroposed ordinance. Hearing openo Boger West, 1201 Electricll objected to thll p~oposed zone alii 8IIlbigucnns 11M will allow the city to avoid planninSD Mr. Knapp asked for the Secretary to clarify administrative procedureso Georgette Broen, 212 14th Sto, asked if other cities have similar lBOlll:1ng amd the Secretary reported on survey of other cities, with others including a wider variety of useso Mr 0 NlIprud also explained that follow up Element ~uld delineate more specificlllly 0 Be&lring closed. Mr. Cook asked for names of cU:iem sunlr'veyedo Mr. Cook felt the objections were reasonableD but this a move to accomplish requirement. The maps to be adopted mnalcl con.trol and allay fearso ' " Mr. Cook moved the approve the ordinance and recOl!llllRend its adoption by the City Co8lIDC11 0 Seconded by Mro lClmapp and passed unanimously by the members present. Resolution No. 786. 2. Oral Communications Mro Quinn reported that concrete and dirt had been dWDped on the lot at Central aDd 2nd and requested the proper persons be notifiedo Discussion of notification of public hearinss, and posting of Commission agendao Mro Cook suggested that additional random notifications be madeo e e . 30 Written Communications Information on Proposition 1 presented to Commissionereo 40 Nev Business There was no new business 0 50 Report from Secretaryo Mlro Neprud requested the Commission to set a date for public hearing on the Open Space/Recreation/Conservation Eleme1mto With concurrence of the C~iA\Sliolllers the Chairman set the hearing for the 2nd meetins of Rov_bero "Peoplel)...rolicyand Growth" to be dicussed at the meeting of November 70 Mro Neprud reported on acreage in the Pacific Electric right of \:Yay including the pump station site as 806 acres. Hr. Neprud also reported regarding complaints on public hearing notices and proce4ure follovedo Commiseion requested that staff investigate crates on Hellman property across from Navy base. . No further busilmessp the meeting was adjourned at 9355 pom. ~ o..-~~) ~4L/ Lois Arnold Recording Secretary .