HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1974-02-20 e e . t1INUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 1974 . The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon on Wednesday, February 20, 1974, In the Councl1 Cha~ber of the Clty Admlnlstratlon BU11dlnq. ChaTrmaa-Knapp opened the meetlng at 7:45 p.m. and Vlce Chalrman Lannlng led the Pledge to the Flag. Present: Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lannlng, Rlpperdan Absent: None Chalrman Knapp requested the agenda be amended to conslder all B1Xby Ranch Co. appllcatlons at the flrst of the meetlng. Mrs. Lannlng seconded the motlon. By consent of the Commlsslon the agenda was so amended. The mlnutes of the meetlng of February 6, 1974 were approved as presented. Mr. Knapp commented for clarlflcatlon tmt)the Commlsslon had always acted s1ncerely and wlth conslderatlon of all. He had no doubt all members had kept the Commlsslon's lnterest flrst. Mr. Knapp stated that he had had an honorary membershlp at the Old Ranch Country Club and has cancelled lt, but that lt had never affected or persuaded hlm In any actlons. He pralsed the other Commlssloners and the staff and reported that after attendlng two days of meetlngs at the Plannlng Commlssloners' Instltute sponsored by the League of Callfornla Cltles he had great respect for the local accompllshments. Mr. Rlpperdan abstalned from votlng and dlScusslon of any B1Xby appllcatlons due to a complementary membershlp at the Country Club. Mr. Neprud, Secretary, refralned fro~ actlvlty In the appllcatlons due to hlS membershlp at the Country Club. Mrs. Lannlng assumed the chalrmanshlp. Mr. Antos, actlng secretary, revlewed the regulatlons for publlC hearlng procedures. 1. PubllC Hearlngs A. Blxby Ranch Co., V-3-74 The proposal 1S for a 60 unlt condomlnlum on 7.85 acres of land wlth varlance for more than 10 unlts on a s1ngle parcel. ThlS appllcatlon had been prevlously heard, but at the request of the appllcant, the actlon was resclnded and the appllcatlon readvertlsed. Hearlng open. Davld Ml11er, 2197A Alrport Loope Dr., Costa Mesa, representlng B1Xby Ranch Co., revlewed all pOlnts agreed upon - locatlon of entrance for least effect upon resldentlal area, dralnage to the approval of the Clty Englneer to serVlce the subJect property and allevlate the eXlstlng problem In the area, compromlse of wall, berm and landscaplng along Lampson Ave., parklng for resldents and guests, on-slte recreatlon facl1ltles, etc. He stated lt would be an adult proJect wlth chl1dren under 13 prohlblted. Mr. Ml11er dlscussed sound attenuatlon measures, added lnsulatlon, extra thlck walls, the amblent nOlse level and park locatlon. He revlewed all the nOlse studles by varlOUS agencles and pOlnted out that all conflrmed the orlglnal concluslon and the proJect was wlthln acceptable 11mlts. He presented enlarged . U. S. Army test maps to 111ustrate the effects on the parcel. . . . e e Mr. Ml11er contlnued wlth dlScusslon of park s1te and showed a revlsed s1te plan wlth the parkslte at Aster and Candleberry wlth tennlS courts shown only as a posslble use. He stated that Blxby had attempted to comply wlth all ordlnances and blend the proJect wlth the eXlstlng communlty. Mrs. Hammond asked lf the Navy had approached them on acqulsltlon of the parcel. He advlsed that over the years a posslbl1lty of trade eXlsted, but no acceptable s1tes were offered. In addltlon, the Navy had no funds approprlated for purchase and no bona fide offer was In process now. D1Scusslon of number of fllghts, week end usage of alr statlon, and denslty of operatlons. J. C9rtelyo~ 4201 Dogwood, felt lt would be best to lmprove the property. S1nce th~ park had been voted down, thlS the best plan he had seen, and he felt lf the Navy acqulred, they would not lmprove the land. Mr. Carter asked that the proJect be approved. John Perrln, Resources and Communlty Planner, Naval Alr Statlon, Los Alamltos, spoke to supply lnformatlon. He explalned the Army chart was a desk study only from hypothetlcal lnformatlon and that another study was g01ng on now wlth actual hellcopters. He advlsed that they are also studYlng a crash safety area WhlCh should be consldered In the total study of land use. Mr. Perrln read from a number of excerpts of documents In Opposltlon to the proJect and explalned they must protect for future posslble flxed wlng operatlon. More dlScusslon on varlOUS studles. Mr. Perrln advlsed In answer to a questlon that he 'understood' that the Navy would cooperate wlth the Clty and allow the land to be used as a park. He also stated there was nottl1ng flnal. Jay Covlngton, 4557 Candleberry, pOlnted out that 'desk charts' of Army study had varlance of 3% error. He read excerpts of many reports and analyzed them wlth hlS lnterpretatlon that they clearly showed the land should not be used for resldentlal. He brought out that the proJect could be very close to state maXlmum allowance for resldentlal use. He now felt the safety factor was of more lmportance than nOlse because proxlmlty to end of runway. Mr. Covlngton relterated lnformatlon about number of fllqhts, nOlse studles, lnterpolatlon of studles and reports from Alrport Land Use Commlsslon, wlth suggestlons that the Commlsslon had not been furnlshed wlth sufflclent documents. James J. SChMldt, 4532 Flr, Presldent of College Park Homeowners Assoclatlon, comments that the entrance was not necessarl1y obJectlonable, dralnage not settled wlthout more lnformatlon, parklng reasonable but mlght need more guest spaces, and felt the Navy would not leave a weed patch lf they should acqulre. He pOlnted out that 54% of property owners voted for a park assessment dlstrlct, many more In favor of a park, but not wl11lng or able to pay assessment. He felt a better trafflc study was necessary for Lampson Ave. He explalned In detal1 a conversatlon wlth Capt. Gormley of the Naval Alr Statlon regardlng the pOlnt of turn In the alr pattern and lts effect upon developments dlrectly below. He suggested that thlS proJect was teeterlng on the perlmeter of an lntolerable s1tuatlon and should walt for another study due In Aprl1. He also stated most people In the area do not want addltlonal homesltes and there lS not enough recreatlonal space. Mr. Ml11er clarlfled and rebutted several pOlnts regardlnq parklng and recommendatlons of the A.L.U.C. He also pOlnted out that Blxby dld not prepare Army maps and lf planes veer off course, the safety factor could effect all resldentlal areas. Mr. Ml11er explalned nOlse factors as they affected thlS proJect. He also felt . . e e that there had been a change from the concern from nOlse to a concern about safety. If the deslre was to use the land for a park, he wondered about ltS use by chlldren lf there was a safety problem. Mr. Mlller pOlnted out that the proJect meets all standards and crlterla of the Clty, County and State to the bes t of thel r knowl edge. t1rs. Hammond as ked how entrance planned. Mr. Mlller answered that they felt thlS selected place would have least lmpact. Mr. Cook asked lf the company was confldent In the study, lf any obJectlon would be made to delay actlon untll March 7. Mr. Covlngton, In a pOlnt of order, advlsed that the Alrport Land Use Commlsslon1s plan wlll be blndlnq unless overndden by the Clty Councll. t1r. Mlller stated there was no guarantee a plan or portlon of plan would be adopted on March 7th, and studles could go on contlnuously. Mr. Antos advlsed that the"Al,OtOrt""Commlsslon1s actlon would be advlsory only and Clty Councll would take flnal actlon. Hearlng closed. Mrs. Hammond asked Clty Attorney what procedure would follow lf proJect was approved by Plannlnq Commlsslon and Clty Councll and future studles show lt to be unsafe. Mr. Dorsey advlsed that lt would depend on progress made. Mr. Cook asked about llablllty of the Clty lf they approve a proJect WhlCh could be HI vlolatlon of State law.lf there was reasonable doubt. D1Scusslon followed of doubt lnvolved and Mr. Dorse~ felt there was no llablllty, but would could not glve deflnlte oplnlon. T Mr. Cook felt more lnformatlon needed and moved to contlnue to March 20. Mrs. Hammond dlsagreed, many reports recelved wlth same concluslon. Motlon dled for lack of second. Mrs. Hammond moved to approve Varlance V-3-74 subJect to condltlons as proposed by staff. Mrs. Lannlng seconded the motlon. AYES: Hammond, Lannlng NOES: Cook ABSTAIN: Knapp, Rlpperdan Mr. Dorsey, representlng Clty Attorney, advlsed that by-laws requlre a vote of 3 to afflrm or deny, and consequently the actlon was deferred to thp next meetlng. He could not state lf the rule of necesslty applled In thlS case, but would have an oplnlon at the next meetlng. John Olsen, attorneYJ for Blxby, asked for clarlflcatlon, whether publlC hearlng closed and only matter contlnued would be the actlon. Mr. Antos advlsed lt would depend on Clty Attorney rullng. Mr. Cook requested that actlon be delayed to March 20 because next meetlng would precede actlon by the Alrport Land Use Commlsslon. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng. AYES: Cook, Hammond, Lannlnq NOES: None ABSTAIN: Knapp, Rlpperdan B. Blxby Ranch Co., Tentatlve Tract 8534 Mrs. Lannlnq declared the hearlng open. Mr. Mlller advlsed the same lnformatlon supplled In the last hearlnq applled and was avallable to answer questlons. No other comments recelved. Hearlng closed. Chalrman ordered actlon contlnued . to March 20, lq74. . . . e e C. Blxby Ranch Co., UV-1-74 (contlnued) Appllcatlon for a bl11board s1gn adJacent to the Old Ranch Tennis Club. Blxby Ranch Co. submltted a letter requestlng a contlnuance to the ~1arch 6th meetlng. Chalrman Lannlng so ordered. Recess of the meetlng at 10.00 p.m. Meetlng reconvened at 10:10 p.m. D. Agnes & Edward Artman, V-4-74 Appllcant proposlng the converSlon of an eXlstlng nonconformlng apartment bUl1dlng of 4 2-bedroom unlts to a 4-unlt condomlnlum. Nonconformlty 1S due to ourr.en~ parklng requlrements. ThlS 1S flrst proposal of thlS type. Secretary reported on survey wlth other cltles. Hearlng open. Mlchael Mallot, 6424 Warner, Huntlngton Beach, represented the appllcant and explalned there would be no physlcal change. He also stated the bualdlnq and premlses are generally better malntalned by owners than by tenants. Steve Kenyon, 1201 Ocean, asked lf lrregularltles found durlng constructlon had been corrected. D1Scusslon of utl11tles, CC & Rs and compllcatlons of common facl1ltles. Concern expressed over CltylS responslbl1lty of pollclng the CC & Rs. Hearlng closed. After dlScusslon, Mr. Cook moved to deny Varlance V-4-74. Motlon seconded by Mr. Knapp. AVES: NOES: Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lannlng Rlpperdan Motlon carrled. Resolutlon No. 810. Appllcant advlsed of rlght of appeal. E. Amendment to Ordlnance 628 by Addltlon of R/CjP Zone, O-E Zone, and Revlslons to Sec. 1801 and 1803. Secretary reported that several problems wlth the proposed ordlnance must be resolved and staff recommended that the ltem be wlthdrawn from the agenda and be readvertlsed for the meetlng of March 20. He explalned there was a confllct between the annexatlon agreement wlth Rossmoor BUSlness Center and the Land Use Element WhlCh needed to be researched and resolved. Mr. Cook also asked that the nomenclature of 'medlum denslty' be changed. Chalrman order the ltem contlnued to March 20. F. Amendment Changlng Zones of Varlous Propertles ln Compllance wlth Land Use Element to General Plan Secretary requested contlnuance due to dlrect relatlonshlp of thlS ltem to E above. Mr. Knapp asked why Gum Grove Park not lncluded In publlC land uses and Mr. Neprud explalned that lt was leased prlvate property. Chalrman ordered the hearlng to be readvertlsed on March 20. 2. Oral Communlcatlons There were no oral communlcatlons. 3. Wrltten Communlcat10ns All wrltten commUnlCatlons PI ccnJunrtlon \'11:h other agenda ltems. e e 4. Unf1n1shed Bus1ne~s . A. Goodypar T1re Co., PR-1-74 App11catlon for free stand1ng s1gn at new Goodyear Serv1ce Center. Fa5C1a s1gmng prev10IJsly approved. App11cant agrees to delE'te a comparable amount of fasc1a s1gn1n9 to be able to 1nstall pole 1dent1f1cat1on slgn. Mr. R1pperdan absta1ned from act10n 1n th1s appl1cat10n. App11cant's representatwe stated they had rev1ewed the staff recommendat10ns and concurred. Mrs. Hammond moved to approve the Plan Review subJect to cond1t10ns out11ned 1n staff report. Seconded by Mr. Cook. AYES: Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lann1ng NOES. None ABSTAIN: R1pperdan Mot10n carr1ed. Resolut10n No. 811 B. Mar1na Dr1ve Intersect10n w1th Pac1f1c Electr1c r1ght-of-way C1ty Eng1nper requested approval to 1nclude the reV1S10n of the 1ntersect10n of Mar1na Dr1ve and Electr1c Avenue w1th the des1gn and construct10n of Marina Dr1ve. It was expla1ned t~at th1s 1ntersect1on has a h1qh acc1dent rate and many dollars could be saved by 1nclud1ng the change at th1S t1me. If the adopt10n of the spec1f1c plan of Electr1c Ave. and r1ght of way 1nd1cates some chanqe$, they could be 1ncorporated 1n the plans. After d1scuss1on, Mr. Rlpperdan moved to approve the proposed lntersect10n and recommend 1hat the C1ty [ng1neer proceed. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng. Mr. Cook requested that d1rect10n be made that changes can be lncorporated lf found des1rable and that the eng1neer1ng staff proceed w1th the obJectwe to obta1 n maX1mum use of the property. MotlOn passed unamnlously. . 5. New Bus1ness A. Concept No. 7 for Pac1f1c Electr1c R1ght-of-Way Secretary revlewed past ccncepts presented and expla1ned the new concept for cons1deratlon. Mr. Cook explalned that all other concepts were based on the use of the 100 ft. r1ght of way and malnta1n1ng the present roadways. He felt cons1deratlon should be g1ven to var1at1ons, prov1d1ng necessary park1ng and 1ncreas1ng safety. D1Scuss10n of types of park1ng, 10cat10ns and need. W1dth of roadway d1scussed as to mlnlmum w1dth necessary. thalrman Knapp, at the consensus of the Comm1sslon, requested that the staff prepare sketch plans of th1s concept to be cons1dered w1th others. 6. Report from Secretary Steve Dorsey of the C1ty Attorney's off1ce was present to answer any quest10ns regard1ng the publ1C d1sclosure law. He rev1ewed several 1tems on the form w1th the comm1SS1oners and requested they subm1t spec1f1c quest10ns to illS off1ce 1n wr1t1ng. Mrs. Hammond Bdv1sed her res1gnat10n would be effective March 6, 1974. ~ No further bus1ness, the meet1ng was adJourned at 11:55 p.m. ~n~ Record'ng Secretary