HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1974-07-17
The P1ann1ng Comm1ss10n of the Clty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on
Wednesday, July 17, 1974, 1n the Counc1l Chamber of the City Adm1nistrat10n
BU11d1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Chalrman Knapp and V1ce Cha1rman
Lann1ng led the Pledge to the Flag.
Present: Cook, Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan, Schm1tt
Absent: None
The m1nutes of the meet1ng of July 3, 1974, were approved as submltted.
1. Elect10n of Off1cers
In accordance w1th the rules and regu1atlons, new chalrman and V1ce cha1rman
are selected 1n July. ~'r. Knapp noonnated Mrs. Lannlng as Cha1rman. No further
Ayes: Cook, Knapp, Rlpperdan, Schm1tt
Noes: None
Abstain. Lannlnq
Mr. Knapp thanked the conunlssloners for thelr cooperation and expressed h1S
pleasure in servlng as Chalrman. Mrs. Lann1ng assumed the Chalrmansh1p.
Mr. Cook nomlnated t1r. R1pperdan as Vice Chalrman. Nomlnatlons were closed.
Ayes: Cook, Knapp, Lannlng, Schmltt
Noes: None
Abstaln: R1pperdan
2. Pub11C Hear1ngs
A. Wl1l1am Sosnowsk1, V-13D74 (contlnued)
Proposal for construct10n of a slngle family res1dence in the R-1 zone \11th
var1ance for chlmney encroachment lnto a requlred side yard, 4 stories 1n
35 ft. helght, a sun screen encroachment 1nto Surfslde Colony leased land
and an elevated walkway at the second floor level at AD79 Surfslde. Hearlng
open. tir. Sosnowski present. Mr. R~pperdan asked about access to the att1C.
He also felt sunscreen should be perm1tted. Mr. Knapp and Mrs. Lanning
opposed the roof level sun shade extenslon over the leased land. D1SCUSS10n
followed. Mr. Schm1tt questloned the lower level wlndow and use of the ground
level area. Secretary reported on staff 1nvest1qation and found several
simllar cases. Mr. Sosnowskl Clted ADl Surfslde as a slml1ar buildlng.
Mrs. Gavln, A-58, member of the Surfside Board of Dlrectors, spoke 1n Opposlt10n
to the elevated walkway and land use agreement. Discusslon of elevated walkway
and other slml1ar cases. Problems of 11legal conversions dlscuSSed at length.
No other comments, and the hear1ng closed. Mr. Ripperdan moved to approve the
varlance subJect to downsta1fs entry, el1mlnat1ng the elevated walkway, and
subJect to land use agreement. Mot10n dled for lack of a second. Mr. Knapp
moved to approve the varlance subJect to land use agreement, unenclosed stalrway
between ground level and maln livlng area - - -
Seconded by Mr. Cook. After addltlonal dlScusslon, the vote was
Cook, Knapp, Lann1ng, Schm1tt
None Mot10n carr1ed
Reso1ut10n No 848.
B. Terry Evans, V-11-74 (cont1nued)
The proposal 1S for the add1t10n of a fam11y room and bathroom to an eX1st1ng
nonconform1ng fourp1ex 1n the R-3 zone, nonconform1ng by reason of less than
requ1red park1ng, par~1ng off a street, less than requ1red rear yard setback, less
than requ1red m1n1mum un1t S1ze and less than m1n1mum lot area per dwe111ng
umt. Hear1ng open. Mr. Evans exp1a1ned that converS10n of one of the eX1st1ng
un1ts would not be econom1ca1 feas1b1e. He rev1ewed the proposal 1n deta11.
A s1m11ar add1t10n was approved and eX1sts 1n the ne1ghborhood. Mr. Evans
adv1sed that add1t10na1 on-s1te park1ng was used 1n the ramp area. Dom. Sebek
spoke 1n favor of the request. No other comments, the hear1ng was closed.
Mr. Schm1tt felt there was no problem w1th the add1t10n. Mr. Cook opposed
the app11cat10n because of the 1ntens1f1cat10n of use. Mr. Cook moved to deny
V-1l-74. Mot10n d1es for want of a second. t1r. Knapp moved to approve the
var1ance subJect to execut10n of a land use agreement. Seconded by t1r. Schm1tt.
Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan, Schm1tt
Cook Mot10n carr1ed Reso1ut10n No. 849.
C. John Serban, V-12-74 (cont1nued)
The request 1S for a bedroom add1t10n to a nonconform1ng duplex, nonconform1ng
by reason of less that requ1red park1ng at 1107 Seal Way. Hear1ng open.
Mr. Serban present. He presented a pet1t10n of 14 Seal Way owners support1ng
the proposal. D1Scuss10n of proposal followed. No other comments, the hear1ng
was closed. Mr. Cook moved to deny the proposal based upon over 1ntens1f1cat10n
of nonconform1ng property. Mr. Schm1tt seconded the mot10n. Mr. Serban requested
a cont1nuance for S1X weeks. D1Scuss10n of opt10ns open to the app11cant followed
along w1th the Comm1ss10ner's express1ng the1r fee11ngs of the proposed plan.
Cha1r ordered hear1ng cont1nued to September 18, 1974, and the mot10n was
2. Oral Commun1cat10ns
A quest10n was asker! abol't the Ilrocedurp 1n enforcing the zomng o.!.;11nance
and the sec.retary exp1a1ned. Mr. Neprud also out11ned future plans.
3. Wr1tten Commun1cat10ns
A COmmUmc.dt1on from the C1ty Attorney recelVed regard1f1g the conf11ct of
1nterest 1ssue.
Mr. K~app reported on letter from League of Ca11forn1a C1t1es regard1~g the
4. New Bus1nes~
A. Report on He1ght and Setback Requ1rements for
Structures w1th1n the C1ty
Mr. Neprud reported on status of reV1S10n of the zon1ng ord1nance and part1cu1ar1y
on he1ght and setback requ1rements. t'lr. Antos reported on meet1ng w1th 1nterested
c1t1zens. V1sual a1d~ were presented to 111ustrate the concepts under d1scuss10n.
Mr. Antos reported on average helghts and Slze of unlts and Coastal Commlsslonls
formula for allowable bUlldlng square footage. General consensus wlth cltlzens
was for 2~ story maXlmum, and for 'floatlng' setback. Mr. Rlpperdan suggested
that a varlable setback mlght be deslrable adJacent to the llvlng area. Plannlng
JCbmmlsslon favored the varlable setback to avold the box appearance, 27 ft. helght -
2~ storles
There was no further buslness, and the meetlng was adJourned at 9.50 p.m.
Char es ntos
Recordlng Secretary