HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1974-08-07 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMtlISSION t1EETING OF AUGUST 7, 1974 The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, August 7, 1974, 1n the Counc1l Chamber of the C1ty Adm1n1strat1on BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman Lann1ng and V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan led the Pledge to the Flag. Present. Cook, Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan, Schm1tt Absent. None The m1nutes of the meet1ng of July 17, 1974 were approved as corrected 1n regard to Var1ance V-13-74. 1. Publ1C Hear1ngs A. Jack Augsburger, V-24-74 Appl1cant proposes a room add1t1on to an eX1st1ng slngle fam1ly res1dence w1th var1ance for excess lot coverage at 4688 Dogwood. Secretary read appl1cat1on and rev1ewed h1story of nonconform1ng homes 1n the College Park East area that exceeded maX1mum lot coverage. Hear1ng open. Mr. Augsburger presented letters from adJo1n1ng ne1ghbors 1n favor of the request. He also c1ted another res1dence 1n the ne1ghborhood that had been almowed an extens10n and exceeded the 40% coverage. Mr. Augsburger p01nted out the number of homes that had been bU1lt exceed1ng lot coverage. AlternatlVe methods of aclllev1ng the appl1cant's need were d1scussed. A. L. Hunter, 4700 Dogwood, opposed a second story add1t1on and spoke 1n favor of the var1ance. Hear1ng closed. D1SCUSS1on followed w1th Mr. Schm1tt 1n favor of the var1ance Slnce no obJect1ons were made by ne1ghbors. Mr. Cook moved to deny the var1ance, seconded by Mr. R1pperdan. Ayes: Cook, Lann1ng, Knapp, R1pperdan Noes: Schm1tt Mot1on carr1ed. Resolut1on No. 850. B. Raymond W1nnen, V-25-74 Var1ance requested for an add1t1on to a bedroom and llv1ng room 1n a nonconform1ng slngle fam1ly res1dence 1n Surfs1de, nonconform1ng due to less than requ1red park1ng and less than requ1red sldeyards. Hear1ng open. Appl1cant clar1f1ed proposal. Approx1mately 118 sq. ft. to be added to second floor, no f1rst level add1t1on, re1nforcement only. The ne1ghbor at A-36 spoke 1n favor of the proposal. No other comments and the hear1ng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the var1ance, seconded by t1r. Schnn tt. Ayes: Cook, Lann1ng, Knapp, R1pperdan, Schm1tt Noes None Mot1on carr1ed. Resolut1on No. 851. C. Ralph L. Hansen, V-26-74 The proposal for construct1on of a fourplex 1n the R-3 zone w1th var1ance for tandem park1ng at 121 13th St. Hear1ng open. James Clark spoke as representat1ve of escrow. Appl1cant has no wr1tten agreement to purchase. Attorney adv1sed that appl1cat1on be cont1nued for the matter to be resolved. Hear1ng cont1nued to September 4 e e . O. Wl11ard M. Hanzllk, V-27-74 Appllcant proposes constructlon of a s1ngle faml1y resldence In the R-2 zone wlth varlance for parklng access off a street at 215 17th St. Property lS lrregular In shape and no access aval1able from the alley. Hearlng open. ~lr. Hanzllk explalned trlangular shape of property. 01Xle Courtney spoke In favor of the proposal. No other comments, the hearlng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the varlance subJect to condltlon that automatlc garage dooe openers be 1nstalled. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and passed unanlmously. Resolut10n No. 852. E. Wl11ard M. Hanzllk, V-28-74 .. Request lS for addltlon to an eX1st1ng s1ngle fanl11y resldence that lS nonconform1ng by less than requ1red parklng, park1ng off a street, less than requlred rear yard and less than requ1red s1deyard on one s1de at 1522~ Marlne. Appllcant explalned that the lntent lS to eventually remove the front dwelllng and make the property slngle fam11y, two story mone. ~1s. Cunmngham spoke In Opposlt10n to the proposal. Mr. Hanzllk explalned that no landscaplng would be changed and property would be upgraded. Hearlng closed. Mr. Cook moved to deny the var1ance. Motlon fal1ed for lack of a'second. Mr. Rlpperdan moved to approve the varlance subJect to executlon of a land use agreement 11mltlng number of unlts, reservlng parklng and provldlng for annual lnspect10n, and the condltlon that the doorway 1n the entry area remaln open. Seconded by Mr. Schmltt. Ayes: Knapp, Lannlng, Rlpperdan, Schmltt Noes: Cook Motlon carrled. Resolutlon No. 853. . ....... -... Mr. Schm1tt-1ntroduced hlS wlfe, 01ane, who-'1n turn lntroduced two Japanese exchange students who are spendlng the summer wlth~thelr faml1~. - - -- ... V' F. Lss Stukaloff, V-29-74 ..2_"" Proposed varlance to permlt three parklng spaces of less than requlred length and less than requlred rear yard setback at 112 2nd St. Hear1ng open. Mr. Goldman, representlng the appllcant, explalned the bUl1dlng was complete except for certlflcate of occupancy. Plans had been approved by the BU11dlng Oept. He further explalned that there was no lntent to vl01ate the ordlnance and there was no benef1t to the appllcant. F1fteen letters were presented by the appllcant In favor of the proposal. Mr. Stukaloff explalned the error occurred dur1ng draft1ng of flnal plans. Mr. Goldman exhlblted that sufflClent turnlng radlUS was aval1able. A pet1tlon was recelved 1n Opposltlon to the varlance from nelghbors In the area. Ken Coombs, 201 Ocean, spoke In Opposlt10n. Mr. Peters, 211 Ocean, spoke In Opposlt10n and p01nted out that Mr. Stukaloff had acted as hlS own general contractor. He also advlsed that steel posts lnstalled on the property further reduced the turn1ng radlus. He suggested there was a lack of coordlnatlon and lnspectlon to d1scover errors 11ke these. Ruth Flemlng, 209 Ocean, spoke In protest and also obJected to the locatlon of the steel posts. Mr. Goldman relterated that Mr. Stukaloff dld not lntend to vl01ate any ordlnance. Hearlng closed. Mr. Schmltt felt that the appllcant as owner bUl1der was personally responslb1e for any errors. 01Scusslon of methods of rectlfYlng the m1stake was held. Mr. Kenyon, 1401 Ocean, asked for c1arlflcat10n of procedures. Mr. Knapp moved to deny the varlance, seconded by Mr. Schmltt and passed unanlmous1y. Reso1utlon No. 854. App11cant advlsed of rlght of appeal. . . . . e e G. Oscar Pans1n1, UV-3-74 App11cat10n lS for the renewal of a Use Var1ance for on-sale beer and W1ne 1n conJunct10n w1th a de11catessan 1n the Seal Beach Center. Hear1ng open. Po11ce Dept. have had no problems and recommend rene~l ~f ~h~ perm1t. Mr. Pans1n1 spoke request1ng renewal. Hear1ng c10sed.~Mr. Knapp moved totapprove the Use Var1ance for Oscar PanS1nl only and subJect to aff1rmat10n by the C1ty Counc11. Seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and passed unan1mous1y. Reso1utlon No. 855. 2. Oral Commun1cat1ons Mr. Ed M1sche11 asked for ass1stance for a res1dent on Coast11ne who felt there had been poss1b1e vl01at1ons of code. He was adv1sed that 1t was a C1V11 matter between pr1vate part1es. Mrs. Dorr, 231 6th St., asked that d1Scuss1on on the b1cyc1e lanes be moved forward on the agenda. - - The meet1ng was recessed for f1ve m1nutes and reconvened. 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons There were no wr1tten commun1cat1ons not related to other agenda 1tems. 4. New Bus1ness .-~ ~ / I A. Rockwell Internat1ona1, PR-6-74/ Plans were presented for a temporary accessory bU1ld1ng to be used 1n conJunct10n wath an eX1st1ng manufactur1ng act1v1ty at 2100 Seal Beach Blvd. Th1S lS a perm1tted use and all zon1ng requ1rements are met. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the plans, seconded by Mr. Schm1tt and passed unan1mously. Resolut10n No. 856. B. Rossmoor Bus1ness Center, PR-7-74 Proposal lS to change therlcopy of an eX1st1ng slgn and add a fasc1a slgn at an eX1st1ng restaurant. Mr. Cook moved to approve the slgns subJect to the cond1t1on that they do not flash or rotate. Seconded by Mr. R1pperdan and passed unan1mously. Resolut10n No. 857. C. Spec1f1c Plan for P.E. R1ght-of-Way - B1cycle Lanes The C1ty Counc11 agreed w1th the recommendat1ons of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on on the proposed spec1f1c plan. However, 1t was noted that the proposed 10cat1on of blcycle lanes was 1n conf11ct w1th the Veh1cle Code The Counc11 asked for a further report. After cons1derable d1Scusslon of a1ternat1ves, and a report by the C1ty Eng1neer regard1ng b1cyc1e safety, Mr. Cook moved to remove the b1ke lanes from the street and 1ncorporate th1S 16 feet as .part_9f the a~een belt and add a 10 ft. b1ke lane w1th1n the r1ght-of-way. In add1t1on, 1t lS recommended that-the b1ke lane-be meanderlng-and conslderat1on be/g1ven to movement of f1re and safety equ1pment on the southern leg of Electr1c Avenue. Seconded by Mr. R1pperdan and passed-unan1mously. Reso1ut1on No. 858. . . . o . e D. Resolutlon Honorlng L01S Arnold Staff prepared a resolutlon honor~ng L01S Arnold at the dlrectlon of the Commlsslon for her serVlces as recordlng secretary for the Commlsslon. Mr. Knapp moved to adopt, seconded by Mrs. Lannlng and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 859 5. Report from Secretary Mr. Neprud reported on the status of the revlsed zonlng ordlnance. Mr. Rlpperdan asked that the staff attempt to coordlnate efforts wlth the BUlldlng Department to avold future errors. ~Ir. Neprud advlsed of change In procedures to accompllsh thlS. It was also suggested that more detalled plans be requlred from the appllcants. No further buslness, the meetlng was adJourned.at 11:15 p.m. ~~ Recordlng Secretary