HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1974-09-18
The P1ann~ng Comm~ss~on of the C~ty of Seal Beacp met ~n regular sess~on on
Wednesday, September 18, 1974, ~n the Counc~l Chamber of the C~ty Adm~n~strat~on
Bu~ld~ng The meetin~ was called to order by Cha~rman Lann~ng and V~ce
Cha~rman ~~pperdan led the Pledge to the Flag
Cook, Knapp, Lann~ng, R~pperdan, Schm~tt
~r Neprud ~ntroduced Sherrv F~nn, who w~ll serve as Record~ng Secretary.
The m~nutes of the meet~ng of September 4, 1974 were aporoved as presented.
1 Pub1~c Hear~ngs
A. John Serban, V-12-74 (cont~nued)
A prooosa1 for add~t~on of a 2nd story bedroom to an ex~st~ng non conform~ng
duplex ~n the F-3 zone was cont~nued from September 4 Letter rece~ved from Mrs
Serban ask~ng for postponement due to her husbands ~llness Hear~ng open, no
comments rece~ved, and hear~ng closed Hear~ng to be cont~nued at October 16th
2 Oral Commun~cat~ons
There were no oral communicat~ons.
3. Wr~tten Commun~cat~ons
Wr~tten commun~cat~ons rece~ved were ~n conJunct~on w~th specif~c agenda ~tems
4 Unf~n~shed Bus~ness
A Spec~fic Plan for Pac~f~c E1ectr~c R~ght-of-Way
Proposed Reso1ut~on for adopt~ng spec~f~c plan for Pac~f~c E1ectr~c R~ght-of-
Way was returned to the P1ann~ng Comm~ss~on. Secretary rev~ewed recommended
cond~t~ons. Comm~ss~oner d~scussed reports rece~ved from the Department Heads of
the Po1~ce Dept, F~re Dept., and Pub1~c Works Dept. They expressed the~r fee1~ngs
about the unt~me1iness of the reports and the~r d~sagreement w~th many of the~r
po~nts regard~ng safety, b~ke lane 10cat~on and conf1~ct w~th pedestr~ans. ~1r
R~pperdan moved to recommend the street ri~hts-of-way rema~n 30 feet, no park~ng
be allowed adJacent to the P.E r~ght-of-way, and the b~ke path be located on the
p E. r~ght-of-way. Jean Dorr from 231-6th St felt there should be no oark~ng
adJacent to the r~ght-of-way. After add~t~ona1 d~scuss~on, Mr R~pperdanrs
mot~on was seconded by Mrs Lann~ng Mr Cook po~nted out that the staff recommended
b~ke lane ~n the street r~ght-of-wav was ~n conf1~ct w~th the adopted B~cyc1e Route
Element. He also opposedanv part t~me use of park~ng on both s~des of the E1ectr~c
Avenues Mr R~pperdan, w~th the consent of the second, amended his mot~on that
permanent no park~ng s~gns be posted.
Cook, Knapp, Schm~tt
Mot~on fa~led
Mr Schml.tt spoke l.n Op-p-os:l'hon to possl.ble parkl.ng on both sl.des of the roadbed,
potentl.al hazards to bl.cycll.sts and the need for concern of movement of emergency
equl.pment Sl.nce they could drl.ve through the park l.tself l.n the event of an emer-
gency. Mr. Cook moved to reaffl.rm prevl.ous actl.on and bl.ke paths be l.dentl.fl.ed;
also turnouts should be provl.ded. Seconded by Mr. Knapp
Cook, Knapp, Rl.pperdan, Schml.tt,
Motl.on carrl.ed
Resolutl.on No 867
5 New Busl.ness
A. Ap>_ia\ A-4-74 fl.led by Jack and Myrma Augsbur~er
Varl.ance V-24-74 for an~addl.tl.on to a dwelll.ng unl.t l.n College Park East that
would excees 40% lot coverage Letter recel.ved askl.ng for postponement of Appeal
tl.ll October 2nd meet1ng. Cha1r so ordered
B Determ1nat1on of zone, Retal.l Meat Storage Locker.
A request for a determl.natl.on of zone for a meat storage locker was recel.ved.
Staff recommended that the C-2, General CommercLal, Zone would be most com-
patl.ble ~rs Lannl.ng moved that the C-2 Zone be determl.ned as the proper zone
for the use "Retail Meat Storage Locker" subject to affl.rmat10n by the Cl.ty
Councl.l Seconded by Knapp and passed unan1mously by members present Resolutl.on
No 868.
C. Rossmoor Busl.ness Center, PR-8-74
Proposl.ng constructl.on of 48' x 90',4320 square feet, one story retal.l meat
storage locker bUl.ldl.ng l.n C-2 zone of Rossmoor Busl.ness Center. Mr. Knapp
moved approval of PR-8-74, subject to Cl.ty Councl.l's affl.rmatl.on of the determl.natl.on
of zone Seconded by Cook and passed unanl.mously by members present Resolutl.on
No 869
6. Report from Secretary
Rroposed Revl.sed Zoning Ordl.nance was presented to Comml.ssl.on Members for dl.s-
CUSSl.on Suggestl.ons were made on the followl.ng pOl.nts mal.n articles to be
placed at top of page, questl.ons were asked on l.ncrease of fee. Publl.c Hearl.ng
Scheduled for October 2, 1974.
The secretary reml.nded the Comml.SSl.on of the necessl.ty to fl.le personal fl.nancl.al
reports thl.s month.
No further busl.ness, the meetl.ng was adjourned at 9 06 p.m.
~oJ)nl1 :1- i/n/Y)J
Sherry Fl.nn
Recordl.n~ Secretary