HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1974-10-16 . . . e e MINUTES O~ THE PLANNIN~ COMMISSION MEETIN~ OF OCTOBER 16, 1974 The Plann~ng Comm~ss~on of the C~ty of Seal Beach met ~n regular sess~on on Wednesday, October 16, 1974, ~n the Counc~l Chamber of the C~tv Adro~n~strat~on Bu~ld~ng The meet~ng was called to order by V~ce Cha~rman F~pperdan and Mr Cook led the Pledge to the ~lag. Present Excused Absences Mr Cook, Nr. F~pperdan, Mr. Schm~tt Mr. Knapp, Mrs. Lann~ng The M~nutes of the meet~ng of October 2, 1974 were approved as presented. 1 Publ~c Hear~ng A John Serban, V-12-74 (cont~nued) A proposal for an add~t~on of a bedroom and bathroom to an ex~st~ng non- conform~ng duplex ~n the R-3 zone was cont~nued from October 2nd Letter rece~ved from Mr Serban reauest~ng w~thdrawl of appl~cat~on. Hear~ng opened, no comroents rece~ved, hear~ng closed W~thdrawl of appl~cat~on accepted by the Plann~ng Comm~ss~on B. John and Verdna Henderson, V-33-74 A proposal for construct~on of a four-car garage and second dwell~ng unit on nonconform~ng R-3 property. Publ~c Hear~ng opened ~r Henderson from l35-6th St asked for var~ance to be ~ranted. Publ~c Hear~ng closed Mr. Schm~tt moved to approve V-33-74 for tandem park~ng sub,ect to the four cond~t~ons set forth by the staff report Seconded by Mr. Cook and passed unan~mouslv bv the members present. ResolutJon 873 C Henryk Warno (M~chael Chesh~re), UV-5-74 Request for a use var~ance to perm~t on-sale beer and w~ne ~n conJunct~on w~th restaurant ~n the C-l zone. Publ~c Hear~ng opened. Mr. Cook quest~oned ava~lab~l~ty of park~ng Nr. Chesh~re ~nforroed the Comm~ss~on he would be able to secure needed park~ng space~ Publ~c Hear~ng closed. Mr. Schm~tt moved for a tenat~ve approval of use var~ance subJect to staff cond~t~ons and that e~ght park~ng places be secured for the re~taurant Seconded bv Mr. Cook and pa9s~dunan~mously by members present Resolut~on No 874 D. Cons~derat~on of a "Comprehens~ve Zoning Ord~nance" (cont'd) Publ~c Hear~ng opened. Mrs Jean Dorr of 231-6th St. asked about front set- backs Mr Neprud expla~ned Nr Cook asked why f~ve lots ~n Surfs~de on A row were treated d~fferently than the rest of Surfs~de. Mr Neprud expla~ned The Cha~r ordered the Publ~c Hear~ng on the Zoning Ord~nance held over unt~l October 30, 1974. The Secretary expla~ned add~t~onal changes ~n the Ord~nance 2 Oral Commun~cat~ons There were no oral commun~cat~ons . . . e e 3 Written Commun~cat~ons Wr~tten commun~cat~ons rece~ved were ~n conJunct~on with spec~f~c agenda ~tems 4. New Bus~ness A. Joseph Coll~ns, PR-lO-74 Approval of a 4ft by 8ft s~gn ~n the C-l zone. Mr. Schm~tt was opposed to the word~ng of the s~gn. Mr. Cook moved to approve the 4ft by 8ft s~gn. Mr. R~pperdan seconded the mot~on and ~t was passed unan~mously by the members present. Resolut~on No 875 Report from Secretary The C~ty Counc~l October 7, 1974 voted 2-2 on B~xby's f~nal tract map The C~ty Clerk and the C~ty Eng~neer w~ll not be s~gn~ng the map on adv~ce of the C~ty Attorney The C~ty has employed a part t~me employee for help ~n work~ng ~n Plann~ng on the C~rculat~on Element and the Housing Element The State, the County and soon the C~ty w~ll have class~f~ed Pac~f~c Coast H~ghway as a Scen~c Route. Beaut~f~cat~on of the route have already begun. By next year the storm dra~n on Balboa will be closed, the Mar~na Palace has been torn down, the Navy ~s landscap~ng the~r property, and a Fotomat ~s be~ng constucted at the corner of Mar~na Dr. and Pac~f~c Coast H~ghway. Mr Cook felt the C~ty was be~ng used to c~rcumvent the Coastal Plann~ng Comro~ss~on. Spec~f~cally when there ~s change ~n ownersh~p of property, and the f~rst owner must comply w~th certa~n regulat~ons and the C~ty does not requ~re the second owner to comply. Sug~est~ons to solve the problem were standards be set down for cond~t~onal turnover, a land use agreement, or use of a calendar system. The meet~ng was adJourned at 9 15 by Cha~rman R~pperdan. A