HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-01-02 - . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1975 . The P1annmg Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met m regular seSS10n on Thursday, January 2, 1975 m the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Admm1strat1on BU1ldmg The meetmg was called to order by V1ce-ChalIman R.1pperdan and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr. Cook Present Cook, SChm1tt, R1pperdan Absent Lannmg, Knapp Mrs Lannmg 's and Mr Knapp's absences were excused The mmutes of December 18, 1974 were approved as corrected The Plannmg Comm1ss1on d1scussed the memorandum on Surfs1de app11cat1ons I. Pub11c Hearmgs A Ronald and Ellen Sm1th, V-34-74 (contmued) . Request to perm1t structural alterat10ns to a nonconformmg smgle fam1ly res1dence m the R-1 zone of Surfs1de (A-51) Matter was contmued from December 18, 1974 m order to allow the app11cant to prepare more deta1led plans Rev1sed plans showed one conformmg park1ng space and a less mtense use of the property than the present one Pub11c hearmg opened Mrs. SJuth, A-67 Surfs1de, stated that the rev1sed plans were arr1ved at after meetmg w1th the Plann1ng and BU1ld1ng Departments and the plans reflect the requ1rements of the bU1ld1ng code No one else spoke Pub11c hearmg closed R1pperdan moved to approve var1ance subJect to staff cond1t1ons and w1th the Plannmg Camm1ss1on fmdmgs that the app11cat1on 1S m substant1al comp11ance w1th Sec 28-405 of the new zonmg ordmance and no add1t1on- al app11cat1on need be f1led Mr SChm1tt seconded the mot1on AYES NOES ABSENT R.1pperdan, SChm1tt, Cook None Lann1ng, Knapp B Mr and Mrs Ronald C. Anderson, V-37-74 Mot1on carr1ed Res. 882 . Request to perm1t structural alterat10ns and add1t1ons to an eX1st1ng non con- formmg smgle fam1ly res1dence m the R-l zone of Surfs1de (B-107) Proposal 1S to expand a 10ft bedroom, add a bathroom and prov1de open decks all at the second level Pub11c hearmg opened Mr Anderson, 3605 N. Delay Ave , Covma, stated that the mtent10n was to make the house more l1vable by enlargmg the 10ft bed- room He agreed to hold eaves to I' and stated that the garage space was adequate for a small car B1ll Bruton, B-61 Surfs1de, stated that he was the plann1ng adv1sor to the Colony Mr Bruton p01nted out that the subJect property was very small and th1s l1ffi1ted the poss1b1l1ty of mater1ally expandmg the garage Pub11c hearmg closed Plann1ng Comm1ss1on d1scussed the poss1b1l1ty of expandmg the garage and relocatmg the sta1rway The matter was contmued unt1l January 15th to g1ve app11cant an opportun1ty to explore the poss1b1l1ty of enlargmg the garage. The Plannmg Camm1ss1on chose to hold concurrent Pub11c Hearmgs on 1tems C and D smce the proposals were closely t1ed to one another. . . . . . C R1chard and M1ml Olshausen, V-38-74 D Rlchard and M1ml Olshausen, V-39-74 Request lS to permlt constructlon of two s1ngle famlly resldences 1n the R-l zone of Surfslde on back to back lots wlth a party wall wlth varlance from rear yard setback requuements, slde yard setback requuements and eave encroachments 1n the slde yard and over front property l1nes PubllC hear1ng opened Ml.1n1 Olshausen, A-119 Surfslde, stated that~ the plans as presented provldes three on slte park1ng spaces 1n lleu of the two requued by code, the propertles have slde yards on No Name Streets and there would be no on street park1ng on the street She stated that the requued 3' rear yard lS unusable and the lots are small, therefore the plans , should be approved The Plann.1ng Connnlsslon dlscussed varlOUS concepts for modlfY1ng the plans and were not 1n favor of the concept as proposed The matter was cont1nued untll January 15, to allow the appllcant to explore alternate deslgn concepts 2 Oral Communlcatlons There were no oral communlcatlons. 3 Wrltten Communlcatlons All wrltten communlcatlons were letters from Surfslde Colony, Ltd on the appllcatlons for publlC hearlng 4 New Bus1ness There was nn new bus1ness 5 Report from Secretary Secretary revlewed a staff report on the classlflcatlon of Central Ave. The Plann.1ng COnBnlSS10n dlscussed the report and connnented on the Eng1neer1ng, Flre and Pollce 1nputs. Secretary stated that a publlC hear1ng would be held 1n the near future on some of the parcels on the zon1ng map to reafflrm certaln zOIung The meet1ng was adJourned at 9 15 P m. Charles Antos Act1ng Record1ng Secretary