HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-01-15 ~ . . . . e 4 MINUTES OF THF PLANNIN~ COM~ISSION MEETIN~ OF JAMUAQY 15, 1975 The P1ann1nq Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of ~ea1 Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, January 15, 1975 1n the Counc11 Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat1on BU11d1na The meet1n~ was called to order by Cha1rman Lann1nq and the P1edae to the Flag was led by V1ce-Chd1rman R1pper'ddn Present Cook, Schm1tt, R1pperdan, Lann1nq, Knapp, Absent none ~r Schm1tt moved to approve the m1nutes of January 2, 1975 Mr Coo~ seconded thp mot1on Ayes Noes Absta1n R1pperdan, Cook, Schm1tt none Knapp, Lann1nq I Pub11C Hear1ng A Mr & Mrs. Ronald C. Anderson, V-37-74 (con't) Request to perm1t structural a1terat1ons and en1arqement of a nonconform1ng slnq1e fam11y res1dence 1n the R-I Zone of ~urfs1de Colony (B-107) Matter was cont1nued from January 2, 1975 1n order to q1ve the apn11cant an opoortun1ty to explore t~e poss1b111ty of 1engthen1nq the park1ng stall Pub11C Hear1nq Opened. Mr Schm1tt felt the 1ssue had been d1scussed and act10n should be taken Mr. R1pperdan was 1n aqreement. Pub11C Hear1nq Closed Mr Schm1tt moved to approve V-37-74 subJect to the dr1veway be1na paved w1th aspha1t1c concrete or Portland cement concrete Mr Cook seconded the mot1on Ayes Noes Absta1n R1Pperdan, Cook, Schm1tt none Knapp, Lann1nq mot1on carr1ed Res 883 B. R1chard & M1m1 01shausen, V-38-74, V-39-74 (con't) Request to perm1t construct1on of a res1dence w1th encroachments 1nto the rear and sldeyard setbacks 1n the R-I Zope of Surfs1de Colony (C-44) and (B-118) Pub11C Hear1na Opened. Pub11C Hear1nq Closed Mr Knapp moved to accept w1thdrawa1 of app11cat1on Seconded by Mr. Cook and passed unan1mous1y by members present D Jacque11ne F M111er, V-36-74 Request to perm1t 1ntens1f1cat1on of a nonconform1no commerc1a1 bU11d1na 1n the C-1 Zone by add1t1on of a shop area and for re11ef from cond1t1ons 1mposed by P1ann1na Comm1ss1on and C1ty Counc11 regard1nq removal of a use from the bU11d1ng (909-915 E1ectr1c). Mr Neprud gave a br1ef h1story of the property. Pub11C Hear1ng Opened Mrs. M111er 711 Ocean, Un1t 109, Hunt1naton Beach read her prepared statement She exp1a1ned the uses' of the bU11d1ngs Slnce 1967 Mrs M111er exp1a1ned she d1d not author1ze the flower assembly, she Just rented 1t for storaqe. Jean Dorr, 231 6th St. related her exper1ence 1n patron1z1ng th1S beauty shop and feels there 1S no problem 1n park1ng Mr. r,llkerson, 1011 E1ectr1c presented p1ctures Wh1Ch showed how these bUS1nesses attracted more park1na than could be handled on E1ectr1c and he exp1a1ned the overflow qoes 1nto ne1qhbor1na res1dent1a1 areas ~ . . 4 . Mrs Ml11er felt parklna oresents no problem ~r Schmltt questloned why the termln- atlon date was not comolled wlth t~r Cook felt In the future the tenants mlqht need more parklna, Whlqh at thlS tlme lS not orovlded Mr Cook Moved to deny varlance V-36-74 The motlon was seconded by Mr Schmltt and passed unanlmously by members present Pes 884 " E D1SCUSSlon Provlslons of the HOUSlnq and Communlty Development Act of 1974 Mr Neprud outllned the proqram and uses of ltS funds PubllC Hearlno Op~ned Jenny ~mlth suaaested funds he used for Chl1d care center~ Ruth Anderson was In aoreement wlth the Chl1d care centers and would also 11ke to see a senlor cltlzens center bUl1t Jean Rouohton, Presldent of the Womans Club uroed constructlon of an adult recreatlon center Ken roms, 201 Ocean Ave suqaested underaround utl1ltles Chrlstlne ~aar, 11 Marlna Drlve questloned where the low cost hOUSlnQ could be placed Mr Neprud explalned a study would be necessary to flnd lf there lS a need Nell Penny suqqested expandlna the QUestlonalre clty ~'1de, and would 11ke to see the D W P Pronerty purchased for park Dave Potter, 1007 Seal Way would 11ke to see the funds beneflt the maJorlty of the people Mt, Kucera, r,alleon Way questloned whether thlS Clty needed these funds He felt the Clty should sponsor ltS own needs Steve Kenyon, 211 13th St felt thp Clty could beneflt areatly by these funds t1r Knapp asked how the flnanclal statls of the Clty was floured Mr Manuel Montel, the Orange County Representatlve explalnpd It was flQUred by USlna 80% of the mean lncome Mr Neprud hlahllahted the letters recelved by resldents on uses for the funds PubllC Hearlna Closed . The meetlnQ was recessed by Chalrman Lannlna at q 10 pm to order at 9 22 pm by Chalrman Lannlnq Thp meetlna was recalled t1r Schmltt suqaested use of funds for code enforcement, surveYlno the area, curbs, and storm dralns Mr Rlnperdan felt our communltv should take care of ltS own needs. Mrs Lannlna felt the funds could be used for SUrVeYlna the area, code enforcement and constructlon of a senlor cltlzen center t1r Knapo felt our needs are eVldent and studles would be of no value Mr Neprud outllned posslble uses for the funds DJScusslon followed Mr. Knapp moved to approve Item number one, on~_ thru two, - Item ..Jlum~er _ t~o surface 1 andscapl no, ,- Item number four stormdraln, ~and Item number three senlor cltlzen facl1lty Seconded by Mr Schml tt - Ayes Schmltt, Knapp, Cook Noes Lannlnq Rlpperdan Abstaln none motlon carrled Res.B85 F Clrculatlon Element PubllC Hearlnq Opened Mr Cook auestloned the classlflcatlon of Avalon and Central D1SCUSSlon followed Mr Knapp moved to aoprove the Clrculatlon Element Seconded by Mr Schmltt Ayes Noes Abstaln Knapp, Schmltt, Lannlna Plpperdan, Cook none none motlon carrled Res 886 . The meetlna was adJourned at 11 12 om by Chalrman Lannlna ~~ec1t:~