HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-05-21
The P1ann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on
Wednesday, May 21, 1975, 1n the CounC11 Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat1on
BU11d1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman Lann1ng at 7 30 p m.
and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr Knapp
Present Knapp, SChm1tt, Cook, Lann1ng
Excused Absence R1pperdan
The m1nutes of May 7, 1975 were approved as corrected The m1nutes of the
Regular AdJourned Meet1ng of May 14, 1975 were approved as presented.
The Secretary rev1ewed the method for rece1v1ng pub11c test1mony at meet1ngs
1 Pub11c Hear1ngs
A Cons1derat1on of a Se1sm1C Safety-Safety Element to the Seal Beach
General Plan
The purpose of the comb1ned Se1sm1c Safety-Safety Element 1S to develop po11c1es
a1med at reduc1ng the present r1sk from se1sm1C, flood and f1re related hazards
The Secretary p01nted out the few m1nor changes 1n the text wh1ch clar1fy certa1n
statements 1n the report Pub11c hear1ng opened Jean Dor~ 231 6th Street, asked
the Secretary who she should d1rect her quest10ns to about f1re hazards, tree
tr1mm1ng, and the arrows on the s1dewalks Mr. Neprud sa1d that 1f the f1re
hazards were on pr1vate property, quest1bns were to be d1rected to the F1re Dept ,
and all her other quest10ns could be d1rected to the Pub11c Works Dept Mr Dom
Beb1ck, from 114 Ocean, sa1d that as of now, owner's whose property 1S des1gnated
a flood hazard must have 1nsurance He felt th1s should be amended S1nce flood1ng
should no longer present a problem 1n th1s C1ty PubllC hear1ng closed Slnce
the problems are apparent, Mr Ccok wanted to know lf anythlng was g01ng to be
done to reduce the hazards of speclf1c sect10ns of Old Town He suggested e11m1nat1ng
park1ng on one s1de of the street Mr Knapp felt that parklng of automob11es d1d
not pose a flre hazard Mr Reld requested the Comm1ss1on postpone act10n on th1s
element untll the BUlld1ng Department and other department have had tlme to reV1ew
thlS element Act1on~n th1s 1ssue was postponed untl1 June 18, 1975.
Mrs Cathleen F1nn, from 125 13th Street, after dea11ng w1th the Coastal Plann1ng
Commlss1on felt the staff often fa1ls to forward 1nformatlon to the Comm1ss1on,
wh1ch makes 1t much harder for the Comm1ss1on to reach an equ1table dec1s1on She
felt th1s problem must be rectlfled
2 Oral Commun1catlon
There was no oral commun1cat1on
3 Wr1tten Commun1cat1on
There was no wr1tten commun1cat1on
4 New Bus1ness
A. B1xby Ranch Company
Th1s matter concerns temporary S1gn for Tract 8534 Mr Knapp moved for approval
of PR-3-75, mot1on seconed by Mr Cook and approved unan1mously by the members
present Res No 914
B. D1Scuss1on of Surfs1de Prov1saons (rev1sed)
The Secretary
June 4, 1975
Cook moved to
mot1on and 1t
1nformed the Commiss~on that a Publ~c Hear1ng was scheduled for
D1Scuss1on followed and appropr1ate suggest10ns were made Mr
reV1se the bU11d1ng he1ght 1n Surfs1de Mr SChm1tt seconded the
was approved unan1mously by the members present M1nute Order
C D1Scuss1on of proposed S1gn Ord1nance
The ord~ was d1scussed and suggest10ns and correct1ons were made.
5 Report from Secretary
The pre11m1nary plan for the N01se Element should be done by June 5, and there
1S a proposed study seSS10n for June 25 Mr SChm1tt referred Mr Neprud to an
1nterested party
The Ma1n Street Spec1f1c Plan w111 be before the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on 1n the
June 4, 1975 meet1ng
All members present were 1n agreemen~to donate money for a her1tage plaque
Mr Knapp d1d not feel the cr1t1c1sm made 1n the C1V1C Star were Just S1nce a
representat1ve was not present at the meet1ng
The meet1ng was adJourned at 9 11 by Cha1rman Lann1ng
Sherry F1nn
Record1ng Secretary