HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-06-04
The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon on
Wednesday, June 4, 1975, In the Councl1 Chambers of the Clty Admlnlstratlon
BU11dlng The meetlng was called to order by Vlce Chalrman Rlpperdan at 7 30
p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr. Cook.
Present. Knapp, Schmltt, Cook, Rlpperdan
Excused Absence' Lannlng
The mlnutes of May 21, 1975 were approved as corrected.
The Secretary revlewed the method of recelvlng publlC testlmony at meetlngs.
1. PubllC Hearlngs
A. Rezonlng of 11 lots In Surfslde to R-l
Secretary presented a staff report and explalned that the proposed rezonlng was
conslstent wlth the General Plan. Public Hearlng opened. Robert Herron, A-68
Surfslde, Presldent of Surfslde Board of 01rectors, spoke In favor of the
rezonlng but added that the Colony wanted a reduced tax rate on thelr six
ocean front lots WhlCh are used for open space. No one else spoke. PubllC
hearlng closed. Cook moved to recommend that the 11 lots be rezoned to R-l,
seconded by Schmltt, and unanlmously approved by members present. Resolutlon 915.
B. Revlsed Zonlng Provlslons to 01strlct III, Surfslde
Secretary presented a staff report and explalned that the proposed Surfslde
prOV1Slons had been revlewed by Surfslde and the Commlssion. Various bUl1dlng
helght 11mlt optlons were explalned to the Commlsslon. PubllC hearlng opened.
RoberttHerron, A-68, Presldent of Surfslde Board, presented a petltlon wlth
117 s1gnatures to the Commisslon, the petltlon favored the eXlstlng helght
provlslons In Surfslde. Hank Veets, Larry Alllson, James Galvin, John ArtukovlCh
and Wl11lam S1verson, all property owners In Surfslde, spoke In favor of 35 ft.
helght 11mlts as opposed to 25 ft. helght. PubllC hearlng closed. Mr. Cook
spoke In favor of 25 ft. helght 11mlts In Surfslde and pOlnted out that lots
could be comblned to provlde larger bUl1dlng s1tes. Mr. Cook moved to adopt
the revlsed Surfslde provlslons wlth a 25 ft. maXlmum bUl1dlng height. Motlon
dled for lack of second. Rlpperdan moved to adopt the revlsed Surfslde provlslons
wlth (1) 30 ft. helght 11mlt on Band C row, and (2) 30 ft. helght on the rear
half of A row lots and 25 ft. helght on the front half of A row lows. Seconded
by Schmltt.
Rlpperdan, Knapp, Schmltt
Motlon carrled.
Resolutlon No. 916
The meetlng was recessed from 8:40 to 8 55 p.m.
C. Rezonlng of 9 acre parcel of land located northwest of San 01ego
Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard to M-l
Secretary presented a staff report coverlng the prevlous actlons on the parcel
and outllnlng the optlons aval1able to the Plannlng Commlsslon. PubllC hearlng
opened. Jay Covlngton representlng West Orange County Communlty Councll presented
a letter to the Commlsslon WhlCh requested the parcel be zoned PLU for three years
to explore fundlng posslbllltles for purchase of the parcel as a park. John
Glronda, 3192 Yellowtall, spoke to the lssue of nOlse readlngs on the slte and
varlOUS HUD nOlse lnsulatlon requlrements for uses adjacent to resldentlal uses.
Dllman Elson, Ray Krlnsky, Adele Peterson, Captaln Frey, David Dorfman, Jlll
Cabln, Orvll Nelson, all from Rossmoor, spoke In Opposltlon to the rezonlng.
Fran Levl from College Park East spoke In Opposltlon to the rezonlng. PubllC
hearlng closed. Mr. Schmltt spoke In favor of M-l zonlng. Mr. Cook was concerned
about some permltted uses In the M-l zone and wants any development on the parcel
to be subJect to a condltlonal use permlt. Mr. Knapp suggested that lf the
Commlsslon was concerned about uses on the property lt might be advlsable to
choose a zone wlth only compatlble uses. Rlpperdan moved to recommend to Clty
Councll that the parcel be rezoned to C-O (Offlce Commerclal), seconded by Cook.
Cook, Knapp, Rlpperdan
Motlon carrled.
Resolution 917.
2. Oral Communlcatlons
Mr. Schmitt asked about the curb cuts on Lampson In conJunction wlth the B1Xby
condomln;um proJect. Secretary replled that the curb cuts were for emergency
vehlcle access only.
Mr. Rlpperdan lnqulred about the status of the blke path along the San Gabrlel
Rlver. Secretary replled that lmprovement lS antlclpated durlng the summer.
Mr. Cook asked about the status of 3 ft setbacks on 3-story buildlngs In Surfslde.
Secretary stated that the bUlldlng code lS proposed to be amended to permlt
3 ft. setbacks for 3-story bUll~ings.
Mr. Schmltt asked about the elevated pads on the B1Xby condomlniums. ~ecretary
replled that pad elevatlons are checked by the englneerlng department In reVlew
of gradlng plans and that elevated pads mlght have been included due to the
Federal flood lnsurance requlrements In hlgh flood hazard areas.
3. Wrltten communlcatlons
All wrltten communlcatlons were In conJunctlon wlth speclflc agenda ltems.
4. New Buslness
A. Resolution flndlng that a proposed storm draln proJect In conslstent
wlth the General Plan
Secretary presented a staff report explalnlng that the Callfornla Government Code
requlres local plannlng agencles to flnd that Dlstrlct proposed proJects are In
compllance wlth the General Plan. Mr. Knapp moved to adopt Resolutlon 918,
seconded by Mr. Schmitt and unanlmously approved by the members present.
5 Report from Secretary
~ Amended Agenda Item
A. Determ1nat10n of Zone IIRacquet Ball Court II
Secretary presented a staff report on the use IIRacquet Ball Courtll explaimng
that the use 1S sim1lar to other 1ndoor commerc1al recreational uses. Mr.
Knapp moved to f1nd the use be f1rst perm1tted 1n the C-l zone, seconded by
Schm1tt, and unan1mously approved by m1nute order.
B. Secretary requested the Planning Comm1ss10n adJourn to June 11,1975,
at 7 30 p.m., for meeting to d1scuss a proposed expanded Redevelopment Agency
plan. Mr. Cook requested that affected residents be notif1ed of the meet1ng.
C. Secretary prov1ded the Comm1ss10n w1th 1nformat10n on Her1tage Tree
donat10n procedures.
D. Mr. Cook v01ced h1s obJect10n to comments attr1buted to the V1ce Mayor
regard1ng the Plann1ng Department 1n the June 4th 1ssue of the Seal Beach Journal.
Meet1ng was adJourned by V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan at 10:55 p.m. to Wednesday,
June 11, at 7'30 p.m.
Charles Antos
Act1ng Record1ng Secretary