HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-06-18 . . . e . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1975 The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, June 18, 1975, 1n the Counc11 Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat10n BU11d1ng. The meet1ng was Galled to Order by Cha1rman Lann1ng at 7 30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan. Present Cook, Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan Excused Absence. SChm1tt The m1nutes of June 11, 1975, were approved as subm1tted. The Secretary rev1ewed the method for rece1V1ng pub11c test1mony at meet1ngs. 1. Pub11c Hear1ngs A. RonaldSm1th, CP-6-75 Request cond1t10nal use perm1t to perm1t structural mod1f1cat10ns to a s1ngle fam11y res1dence 1n the R-l Zone (A-51 Surfs1de). Pub11c hear1ng opened. Mr. Stanley Sm1th, from 8278 Art1sta 1n Hunt1ngton Beach, was present to represent h~s son Mr. Sm1th wanted to cooperate w1th the Comm1ss10n, however found h1mself not totally knowledgeable 1n all aspects of the property. Mr. Knapp d1d not understand whv Dr Ronald Sm1th used plans that were not approved by the comm1SS10n and why he fa11ed to atta1n the necessary perm1ts. Mr. R1pperdan suggested cont1nu1ng act10n at the next meet1ng. Pub11c hear1ng closed Act10n 1S postponed unt11 the July 2nd meet1ng. B To cons1der adopt10n of a Se1sm1c Safety-Safety Element to the General Plan Mr. Antos expla1ned the goals and obJect1ves of th1s element. Pub11c hear1ng opened. Mr. Cook questioned what act10n would be taken on such an element. Mr. Antos expla1ned the element sets forth po11cy not the 1mplementat10n. The fault of Seal Beach was d1scussed. Pub11c hear1ng closed. Mr. Knapp moved to adopt the Seismic Safety-Safety Element to the General Plan. The mot10n was seconded by Mrs. Lann1ng and approved unanimously by the members present. Res. No 920 2. Oral Commun1cat10ns There were no oral communicat10ns 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat10ns All written commun1cation was 1n conJunct10n w1th the agenda 1tems. 4. New Bus1ness A. Referral of Appeal A-1-75 f1led by Joe Dav1s On May 7, 1975, the Plann1ng Comm1ss10Il denied V-11-75 for a lot sp11t. The app11cant appealed and the matter was returned to the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n. Mr. Knapp moved to recommend approval of A-1-75 w1th 1nd1v1dual dr1veways and sU1table wording agreeable with the attorney. Mrs. Lann1ng seconded the motion. . . .- e \ . AYES: Knapp, Lann:mg, R~pperdan NOES Cook ABSTAIN' None ABSENT' Schm1tt Res. No 921 B. Request for a one-year extension on Use Perm~t for Rossmoor Royal Res~dent~al Manor Mr. Knapp moved to approve the one-year extens~on on Use Perm~t for the Rossmoor Royal Res~dent~al Manor. Mr. R~pperdan seconded the motion. AYES: Knapp, Lann~ng Ripperdan NOES Cook ABSTAIN. None ABSENT' Schm~tt Res. No 922 C. Rossmoor Bus~ness Center, PR-4-75 Mr. Knapp moved approval of the plan rev~ew for a sign, PR-4-75. Mrs. Lann~ng seconded the mot~on and it was approved unan~ously by the members present. Res. No 923 D. Rossmoor Business Center, PR-5-75 Mr. R~pperdan moved approval of the plan rev~ew for a s~gn, PR-5-75. Mr. Knapp seconded the mot~on and ~t was approved unan~mously by the me~bers present: Res. No 924 E. W~ll~am Fa~th, PR-G-75 Mr. Knapp moved approval of the plan review for a s~gn, PR-6-75. Mrs. Lann~ng soconded the mot~on and ~t was approved unanimously by the members present. Res. No 925 F. Bay Hardware (B~ll Jones), PR-7-75 Mr. Knapp moved approval of the plan review for a s~sl, PR-7-75. Mrs. Lann~ng soconded the mot~on and ~t was approved unan~mously by the members present. Res. No 926 5. Report from Secretary Mr. Antos reviewed the changes to the zon~ng ordinance wh~ch has been advert~sed for publ~c hear~ng on July 2, 1975. D~scuss~on followed. Mrs. Lann~ng adJourned the meet~ng at 9:37 p.m. unt~l the June 25, 1975 Study Sess~on. ShQnf)J~ -:1~/YJm Sherry Fin Record~ng Secretary