HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-07-02 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF July 2, 1975 The Planning Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met ln reqular seSSlon on Wednesday, July 2, 1975, ln the Councl1 Chambers of the Clty Admlnlstratlon BU11dlng. The meetlng was Called to Order by Chalrman Lannlng at 7'30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vlce Chairman Rlpperdan. Present. Cook, Knapp, Lannlng Ripperdan, Schmltt Absence' None The minutes of June 25, 1975 were approved as submltted. The Secretary revlewed the method for r.ecelving public testimony at meetings. 1. PubllC Hearlngs A. Ronald Smlth, CP~6~75 (contlnued) Request for Condltion Use Permit to permlt structural modlflcations to a single faml1y residence ln the R~l zone. (A-51 Surfslde) Public hearing opened. Dr. Smlth explalned the hlstory of the property, and the remodellng he has completed. Dr. Smlth was asked why he had not gotten a buildinq permlt. Dr. Smith explalned he was not faml]1ar wlth the City's requirement to get a buildlng permlt Mr Knapp asked Dr. Smlth why he had not used the origlnal plans that had been approved by the Plannlng Commlsslon. Dr. Smith replled that an en- gineer had advlsed hlm that his plans were stucturally impossible. To deal wlth the problem at hand, Mr. Schmitt asked if the garage could be wldened. Dr. Smlth felt thlS would be an imposslbl1ity. Mr. Platt after being questloned by the commlSSlon about aqqctring a bUl1dlng permlt, explalned he ~'as hlred as a laborer, not a contractor. Mr. Herron, a nelghbor felt the house wlth It'S lmprovemBnts was much more of an asset to the area. Public hearlng closed. Actipn will be contlnued at the July 16th meetlng. Mr Knapp expected at sald date to see a complete, detailed set of plans so action could be taken on July 16th. B. Robert Jaraml110, V-12-75 Request variance to permit a pool ln the rear yard of a s1ngle faml1y resldence with less than required rear yard setback. PubllC hearlng opened. Mr. Jaraml110, of 4300 flr, explained the encnoachment area would not be used for walkway. Mr. Jaraml110 felt the pool would not only be practlcal, but would look much better if he was allowed to build lt where he planned. Mr. Schmitt and Mr. Cook did not feel it was imposslble for the pool to have the required rear yard setback. Mr. Cook moved to deny V-12~75, the motion was seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan and unanimously approved by the members present. Res. No 928 C. PubllC Hearing to conslder varlOUS mlnor amendments to zoning ordlnance PubllC hearlng opened. Planning Commlsslon discussed the various proposed amend- ments to the ordlnance. Proposed Sec. 28-1304 deallng with parking requlrements for nurseries was discussed and the Planning Commisslon determined that, pendlng an updated parking study of varlOUS cities requireMents for nurseries, no actlon should be taken. Sec. 28-2512, dealing with City Councl1 referral to the Planning Comm4ssion of proposed actlons WhlCh are contrary to commission recommendations was dlscussed. The Commission was of the opinlon that this provision should remain unchanged for the reason that. I . . . e e 1. The City Council stlll retalns ultlmate decislons on appeals and legislatlon. 2. The Commlssion's function is to study and advlse the councll. 3. The council has many dutles WhlCh demand a great deal of time and thlS tlme should not be unnecessarlly taken UP with investlgations WhlCh can be adequately handled by the Commlssion. 4. Appllcants should be encouraged to submlt complete plans for the Plannlng Commission's consideration. If the Clty Councll were to have authority to overide Planning Commlssion declsions without returnlng those declslons to the Commisslon for reVlew, appllcants may tend to present incomplete presentations at the Commission level. Pu&lic hearing closed Mr. Ripperdan moved to approve the amendments wlth the exception of Sec.28-1304 and 28-2512, seconded by CooK and unanimously approved. Res. No. 928 2. Oral Communications Mrs. Dorr, 231-6th St, asked if there was gOlng to be anything to sit on in the P.E. Right of Way. Mrs. Lannlng explalned to her that there would be meditation benches. A resident from A-51 Surfside explained how some nelghbors had converted garages into bedrooms, and he wondered if therecwas any action to take to correct thlS. Mr. Neprud replled that actlon could be taken lf a complalnt was flled. 3. Wrltten Communications There was no written communications. 4. New Buslness A. Ross McGuire (Priscilld Lundgren), PR-e-75 Plan review for installation of an awning over the publlC rlght-of way at 134 Maln Street. Mr'. Knapp moved to approve PR-8-75, the motion was seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and approved unanimously by the members present. Res. No 929 B. Reconslderation of proposed amendments regarding maXlmum bUlllng gelghts in Surfslde. Secretary presented staff report. Karin Gavln, A-58 Surfside spoke in favor of retainlng 351 heights in Surfside. Planning Commisslon dlscussed the varlOUS helght optlons for Surfside and the City Council IS recommendatlons. The Commission was of the opinion that due to 1 Percelved fire hazards 2 The evolution from one story bUlldings to three story buildlngs/ 3 The loss at open quality. 4. The small lots, very intensively used the Commisslon would agaln support and recommend 30' on Band C rows and 301 on rear half of A row and 251 on front half of A row. Mr. Schmltt moved, seconded by Mr. Knapp to report back to the Council the above recolnmendations. Unanimouily approved. Res. No 930 . . . e e 5. Report from Secretary Th1s is a new f1scal year and Chairm\en, for the d1fferent Boards and Com- m1 ~S1 on wi 11 be sel ected. --.. / There is work being dope for the -spec1f1c plan for Main Street. The meeting was adJourned at 9.39 by Chairman Lann1ng. ~a1~ J:>>Y"Vh ecor 1ng e retary