HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1975-11-19 . . . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1975 The Planning Commlsslon of the City of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon on Wednesda~, November 19, 1975, In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Admlnlstratlon BUlld~ng. The meeting was called to order by Chalrman Lannlng at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledqe to the Flag was led by Vlce Chalrman Rlpperdan. Present. Knapp, Ripperdan, Schmltt, Lannlnq Absent Cook (excused) Secretary announced that the Speclflc Plan for Maln Street was referred back to the Planntng Commlssion by Clty Councll and the Plannlng Commlssion would cQns1der tne matter on December 3, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. Secretar~ read tRe method for recelvlng testlmony at public hearings. 1. Publtc Heartngs A. Fr-~nK P~dllla, V-22~75 (continuedl Varlance to permtt 1000 sq. ft. addltlon to a nonconformlng trtplex 1n the R-3 zone at 1604 Ocean Ave. Secretary $t~ted that plans were received too late to adverti~e for the Novem~er 19th meettng. Pu~ltc heartng opened. By consensus, the Plannlng Commlssion held the matter over untll December 3, 1975, at 7'30 p.m. B. John Henderson, V-24-75 Varlance to permlt the addltlon of a duplex and 4-car qarage on the rear of property contain1ng a slngle famlly residence wlth a substandard 2-car garage in tne R-3 zone at 135 6th St. Publ1C hearlng opened. Mr. Henderson, 135 6th St., stated that although the garage was 1712" In wldth, he has parked two cars l~~the garage. He stated that at the front of the garage there was a large work shop area In WhlCh he stored hlS tools so as to keep them out of the garage. He wlshed to provlde only four parking spaces off the alley so as to not remove a mature tree In the rear yard and to provlde a garden area for hlS tenants. PubllC hearlng closed. Knapp moved to approve V-24-75, seconded by Lannlng and unanlmously approved by members present. Resolution No. 957. C. Jerry and Marnl Rootlleb, V-25-75 Variance to permit a bedroom, bathroom, famlly room and atrlum addltlons to a nonconformlng duplex In the R-3 zone at 1005 Seal Way. PubllC hearing opened. Marnl Rootlleb, 1005 Seal Way, stated that they needed the addltlonal room for a growlng famlly. She felt that by replaclng the eXlstlng garage wlth a carport, addltlonal parklng could be provlded. Dave Potter, 1007 Seal Way, spoke In favor of the proposal. Mr. Kredell, 1615 Seal Way, spoke In favor of the proposal. Jerry Rootlleb stated that for flnanclal reasons they could not move lnto the larger downstalrs unlt and must add onto the second story unlt. PubllC hearing closed. At the request of the appllcant, the matter was held over untll December 3, 1975, to glve the appllcant the opportunity to reVlew other optlons wlth the staff. . . . e e D. Fred Shambaugh, V-26-75 Var1ance to perm1t an enclosed pat10 w1th less than m1n1mum rear yard setback 1n the R-l zone at 1100 Catal1na. Publ1C hear1ng opened. John Gerber, 133 14th St., authorized agent, stated that a bU1ld1ng perm1t had been rece1ved for the enclosed pat10 based on a 10 ft. rear yard setback. F1eld measure- ments pr10r to construction 1nd1cated that the rear property llne was not stra1ght and a regular rectangular pat10 could not be bU1lt of the Slze requ1red by the owners. The appl1cant agreed to remove a trell1s and some plant mater1al in the rear yard to prov1de clear access around the enclosed patio. The Commissl'on questioned the appl1cant. Publ1C hearqng closed. Schmitt moved to approve V-26-75 w1th staff conditions. Seconded by Lann1ng and unan1mously approved by members present. Resolution No. 958. E. Michael Comm1nos, CP-9-75 Appl1cat1on for a cond1t1onal use perm1t for on-sale alcohol 1n conjunction w1th a restaurant 1n the C-2 zone at 1600 Pac1f1c Coast Highway. Publ1C hearing opened. M1chael Comm1nos, 11701 Wembly Rd., Los Alam1tos, stated that he would comply with the cond1t1on to add a grease trap 1n the k1tchen 1f the appl1cation was approved. In d1Scuss1on 1t was p01nted out that there have been no problems 1n 6 years regard1ng on-sale alcohol at the restaurant. Publ1C hear1ng closed. R1pperdan moved to approve CP-9-75 w1th proposed cond1t1ons, seconded by Knapp. Pr10r to the vote, Mr. Schm1tt stated that 1n h1S opin1on the grease trap cond1t1on had no relat1onsh1p to the cond1t1onal use permit and should not be requ1red. Ayes. Noes. Absent. Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan Schm1tt Cook Mot1on carr1ed. Resolut1on No. 959. F. Draft Env1ronmental Impact Report for Expansion of the R1verfront Redevelopment ProJect. Secretary gave a lengthy staff report on the draft Env1ronmental Impact Report, the ProJect Area Comm1ttee1s recommendat10ns, responses to the Project Areas Comm1ttee1s recommendat1ons, and two wr1tten commun1cat1ons. Publ1C hearing opened. Dave Potter, 1007 Seal Way, quest10ned 1f vacant land should be called bl1ghted and 1f development of vacant land should be encouraged. He quest10ned the rece1pt and d1spersal of tax moneys, the need to remove the lumber yard, power substat10n and salt water 1ntruS1on. Knapp asked what funct10n the Project Area Comm1ttee performed. Gordon Shanks, 216 Surf Place, cha1rman of the ProJect Area Comm1ttee, stated that the P.A.C. reviewed the E.I.R for accuracy and completeness and may comment on the proposed agency expans1on. Knapp asked about the statement 1n the P.A.C. m1nutes of October 16th regard1ng densit1es. Secretary stated that Item #3 1S correct. Knapp asked 1f the bas1s of the E.I.R.s f1nd1nqs was the eX1st1ng zoning and if add1t1onal E.I.R.s would be necessary 1f the zone was changed. Secretary stated that if zones were changed, add1t1onal env1ronmental assessment would be requ1red. Public hear1ng closed. Knapp moved to forward the draft Env1ronmental Impact Report to the Redevelopment Agency w1th recommendat1ons that the Env1ronmental Impact Report be cons1dered suff1c1ent. Seconded by Schm1tt and unan1mously approved by members present. Resolut1on No. 960. e e . 2. Oral Communicattons Martin Murphy, 1716 Bayou Way, read from an art1c1e on redevelopment agenc1es WhlCh appeared 1n the Los Angeles T1mes on Wednesday, November 19, 1975. He spoke 1n opposition to Maln Street belng included 1n the Redevelopment Agency. 3. Written Communicat10ns All written commun1cations were 1n conJunctlon w1th speclflc agency ltems. 4. New Bus1ness A. Amendments to the ProJect Area of the R1verfront Redevelopment ProJect. Secretary gave a staff report exp1a1n1ng the purpose of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Agency Plan and Map. R1pperdan asked lf proposed Parcel 20 lnc1uded the Gum r,rove Park Slnce 1t was shown as resldentia1 on the map. Secretary explained that the plan provided an exp1anatlon of the var10US parcels by number and Parcel 20 was shown for slng1e fam11y residentla1 and recreational uses. Knapp moved to recommend to the Redevelopment Agency adopt10n of the proposed amendments to the Agency Plan and Map and to lnc1ude 5+ addtttona1 acres located to the east of Gum Grove Park to the Agency Project Area. Seconded by Lann1ng and unan1mously approved by members present. Resolut10n No. 961. . 5. Report from Secretary Secretary announced that the Plannlng CommlSSlon would conslder the proposed Spec1fic Plan for Maln Street on Wednesday, December 3, 1975. The publ1C hear1ng on the second year's a110cat10ns of Houslng and Commun1ty Development Act funds would be held. before City Counc11 on Monday, November 24, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. Secretary reported on an Orange County Plann1ng D1rectors. meetlng held in San Juan Capistrano for the purpose of 1nformlng p1ann1ng Commissloners from Orange County clt1es of a proposed Orange County Plannlng Congress. Comm1ss10ner R1pperdan attended the meetlng and asked the Plannlng Commlsslon to determine if they favored a Plann1ng Congress for Orange County. Chairman Lanning adJourned the meet1ng at 9'20 p.m. (j~~ Recording Secretary 'I .