HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-01-07
The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n
on Wednesday, January 7, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty
Adm1n1strat10n BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman
Lann1ng at 7:30 P.M. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by V1ce Cha1rman
Present. Cook, Schm1tt, Knapp, Ripperdan, Lanning
Absent. None
The m1nutes of December 17, 1975 were approved as presented.
Secretary reV1ewed the method for rece1v1ng test1mony at publ1C hear1ngs.
1. Publ1C Hear1ngs
A. Frank Pad1lla, V-22-75 cont1nued.
Appl1cant lS propos1ng to convert an eX1st1ng nonconforming tr1plex to a
duplex and prov1de four (4) park1ng spaces at 1604 Ocean Avenue. Publ1C
Hear1ng opened. Henry Sld1llo, author1zed agent, stated that the rev1sed
plans el1m1nate a number of var1ances by convert1ng the property from a
tr1plex to a duplex w1th four (4) tandem spaces. The front yard setback
lS ma1nta1ned. The eX1st1ng rear yard setback cannot be altered w1thout
rebu1ld1ng the whole structure. The tandem garage lS 18' x 391 due to the
constra1nts of the eX1st1ng front un1t. The bU1ld1nq he1ght lS proposed
at 25~' to accommodate a mezzan1ne access to a roof deck. The Plann1ng
Comm1ss10n d1scussed the he1ght of the bU1ld1ng and the mezzan1ne. No one
spoke 1n Oppos1t10n to the appl1cation. Publ1C Hear1ng closed. Schm1tt
moved to approve V-22-75, seconded by R1pperdan and unam10usly approved
by members present. Res. 966.
2. Oral Commun1cat10ns
There were no oral commun1cat10ns..
3. Wr1tten Commun1cat10ns
The wr1tten commun1cat10ns were 1n conJunct10n w1th spec1f1c agenda 1tems.
4. New Bus1ness
A. Report on General Plan Amendments Concern1ng Publ1C Fac1l1t1es
Secretary presented a staff report on proposed amendments to the General
Plan concern1ng the relocat10n of the C1ty Yard and the Pol1ce Stat10n.
The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n d1scussed the report and t1m1ng of the proposed
amendments. The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n by consensus determ1ned to hold the
matter over unt1l escrow closes on the subJect property. In add1t10n the
Comm1ss10n requested add1t10nal 1nformat10n on the C1ty'S plans for the
B. 01Scusslon of Surfslde Colony Board of 0lrectors request
concernlng enclosed decks on "A" Row.
Secretary revlewed a letter from Surfslde Colony Board of 0lrectors re-
gardlng a proposal to permlt glass enclosures for flrst level decks on
"A" Row. The Planmng Commlsslon revlewed the letter and a staff report
on the subJect. John Palmer, A-l Surfslde, spoke In favor of glass
enclosures. Mrs. Palmer, A-l Surfslde, stated that the Colony dld not
favor sell1 ng the 10 I strl p to the adJacent "A" Row property owners.
The Plannlng Commlsslon dlscussed the merlts of the proposed zonlng
ordlnance change and dlrected staff to advertlse for a publlC hearlng
to conslder the amendments.
5. Report from Secretary
There was no report from secretary
Mr. Cook asked a auestlon regardlng newsracks at 5th and Marlna Orlve
and about a Chl1d care operatlon on 5th St. Mr Knapp asked about cars
for sale In the Safeway parklng lot. Mr. Ripperdan asked about ordlnances
controlllng vehlcles parked for long perl ods on Clty streets.
Chalrman Lannlng adJourned the meetlng at 8'40 P.M.
Recordlng Secretary