HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-11-03 . e 1vl1nutes of the Planning Comm1ss1on ~1eet1ng of November 3, 1976 . The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, November 3, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat1on BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng \/as called to order by Cha1rman Knapp at 7 30 P.M., and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Comm1ss1oner Cook. Present Knapp, Cook, Lanm ng, R1 pperdan, f1adsen Absent. None The m1nutes of October 20, 1976 were approved as corrected. Secretary requested t"at the Agenda be amended to 1nclude 1tem "B", Plan ReV1ew PR-22-76 under 1tem 7, New Bus1ness. Knapp moved to amend the Agenda as requested, seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. 1. Publ1C Hear1ngs A. from October 20, . Secretary gave a Staff Report outl1n1ng the results of the meet1ng of October 20th. In add1t1on, reports were g1ven on Hous1ng Re- hab1l1tation Programs, Incent1ve Programs, The Orange County Hous1ng Author1ty and opt1ons for the Tra1ler Park. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Cook asked about alley 1mprovement program and Pac1f1c roa~t H1ghway. Hal Halld1n, C1ty Eng1neer, stated that the C1ty was atte~pt1ng to save money by repa1r1ng the se\Jer l1nes and alleys are a secondary pr1or1ty at th1S t1me Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway 1S an eyesore and attempts are being made to 1mprove 1tS appearance. Cook was 1n favor of uS1ng HCDA moneys to upgrade the 1nd1v1dual tra1lers and to 1mprove the alleys. D1Scuss1on followed on a Staff proposal to use $2,500 of HCDA funds to advert1se the eX1stance of the Orange County Hous1ng Aut~or1ty. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on d1scussed the adv1sab1l1ty of l1m1t1ng rehab1l1tat1on funds to one area of the C1ty to the exclus10n of other equally el1g1ble areas. Mrs. Dorr spoke about relocat1on benef1ts ava1lable through the Redevelopment Agency. Alan Sheenburg, 7571 Westm1nster Ave., repre- sent1ng Legal Act10n for Better HOUS1nQ, outl1ned var10US fund1ng pro- grams ava1lable to c1t1es to prov1de low and moderate 1ncome rous1ng. Secretary stated that the C1ty could not legally operate the tra1ler park w1thout form1ng a C1ty Hous1ng Author1ty. Chr1st1ne Agar, tra1ler park res1dent, spoke about the ~1shes of the tra1ler park res1dents. Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. Cook moved to recommend to C1ty Counc1l the follow1ng pr1or1t1es for Th1rd Year H.C.D.A. program. 1. $2,500 to advert1se the O.C.H.A. rental ass1stance program. 2. Hous1ng Rehab1l1tat1on w1th emphas1s on tra1lers. 3. Alley renovat1on. Seconded by Knapp and approved by the follo~1ng vote . e e . Ayes' Cook, Knapp, Lanning, Madsen Noes' R1pperdan B. Ronald Bennett, V-15-76 Res. 1029 . Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Variance to perm1t construct10n of a duplex 1n the R-3 zone w1th bU1ld1ng he1ght Wh1Ch exceeds the maX1mum pe~itted by Code and a part1al th1rd story on the front one-half of the lot at 120 5th Street. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Ronald Bennett, 141 13th-Street, expla1ned the proposal and passed out pictures of slm1lar arch1tecture to the proposed Engl1sh Tudor bU1lding. He stated that the bU1lding could be f1tted wlth solar collectors when they ~'ere perfected. Cook asked for 1nfor- mat10n on the hardsh1p w1th th1S appl1cat10n. Mr. Bennett talked about the arch1tectural constra1nts and some mitigat1ng measures. ~lke 01b1e, 5th Street snoke 1n Oppos1t10n to the Var1ance. Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. T~e Plann1ng Comm1ss10n d1scussed the proposal. Cook moved to approve V-15-76 w1th the second f1ndlng 1n t~e Staff Report, seconded by Madsen and unam10usly approved. Res. 1030 Golden Rain Foundat10n, CZ-1-76 Appl1cat10n for a zone change for the Le1sure World Golf Course from R-3 PO, to RG. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. George Supple, Golden Ra1n Foundation, stated that the Golf Course was slated for use as a golf course and there would be no further zone change requests on the property. Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. R1pperdan moved to approve and recommend to C1ty Counc1l that the zone be changed from R-3 PO to RG and to forward the f1nd1ngs 1n the Staff Report to C1ty Counc1l, seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. Res. 1031 2. Oral Commun1catlons C. There were no oral commun1cat10ns. 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat10ns There were no wr1tten commun1cat10ns. 4. New Bus1ness A. Henry Warno, PR-21-76 Appl1cant 1S request1nq approval of 3] square feet of slgn1ng for an eX1st1ng bus1ness at 308 ~a1n Street. Knapp moved to approve PR-21-76, seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. Res. 1032 George Pearson, PR-22-76 B. . Appl1cant 1S request1ng approval for an 1dent1f1cat10n slgn change for an eX1st1ng SerV1ce Stat10n at 1300 Pacif1c Coast H1gh'~ay. Lann1ng moved to approve PR-22-76, seconded by ~1adsen and unam10usly approved. Res. 1033 . . . e e 5. Report from Secretary A. Secretary reported on the results of the electlon and noted that the paramedlc lssue was approved by Seal Beach voters, B. Rlpperdan requested that Staff lnvestlgate the new Coastal Commlsslon Law. Secretary stated that he would be attendlng a meetlng on the subject. C. Cook requested a copy of the E.I.R. on the Pollce Statlon and Clty Yard. 6. Meetlng was adJourned at 9 45 P.M. ~~ Recordlng Secretary