HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-10-20
The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of Seal Beach met 1n regular
seSS10n on Wednesday, October 20, 1976, 1n the Counc1l
Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat10n BU1ld1ng. The
meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman Knapp at 7:30
P.M., and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Comm1ss10ner
Present Cook, Madsen, R1pperdan, Knapp
Excused Absence Lann1ng
The m1nutes of October 6, 1976 were approved as presented.
1. Publ1C Hear1ngs
A. H. A. Er1cksen, V-14-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance to perm1t construct10n of a
duplex 1n the ~-3 zone w1th less than requ1red exter10r slde
yard setback at 133 2nd Street. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. H. A.
Er1cksen, 127 6th- Street stated that he had noth1ng to add to
the Staff Report but would answer quest10ns. No one spoke
e1ther 1n favor or Oppos1t10n to the proposal. Publ1C Hear1ng
closed. Cook moved to approve V-14-76, seconded by R1pperdan
and unam10usly approved by members present. Res. 1027.
B. Th1rd Year Hous1ng & Commun1ty Development Program
Secretary gave an overall staff report on the Hous1ng and
Commun1ty Development Act program and expla1ned the method
used by the C1ty 1n not1fY1ng persons of the Publ1C Hear1ng
before the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. ~adsen
asked what Slze the eX1st1ng water llne on Ocean Avenue 1S and
what 1S the proposed Slze of the new llne. Secretary sa1d the
eX1st1ng llne 1S 8 1nches and would be 1ncreased to 10 - 12 1nches.
Cook noted that the alley 1mprovement plans that had been started
1n years past ~ad now been glven a low pr10r1ty and suggested t~at
alley 1mprovements be added to the llSt of proJects for th1S year.
Hazel Sussman, property owner at F1rst and Mar1na asked what
propert1es would qual1fy as h1storical propert1es. Secretary
stated that the Stanton House could qual1fy, as well as the
Sunset Beach Water Tower. Alan Scheerburg, 17571 Westm1nster
Boulevard, Westm1nster, asked where the Seal Beach target area
was and what programs were a1med at low and moderate 1ncome
hous1ng needs? Secretary sa1d that the Old Town area was the
target area and all proposed programs were el1g1ble under the
Act. Secretary stated that the C1ty'S HAP Plan recogn1zed
certa1n hous1ng needs and the C1ty J01ned the Orange County Hous1ng
Author1ty to help prov1de for the needs.
D1Scuss10n followed on var10US types of rehab1l1tat10n fund1ng
methods Wh1Ch have been used 1n other c1t1es. Sherry Baum, 815
Catalina, asked 1f a H1stor1cal Element to the General Plan would
be ellglble. Frank MCGlll of the Orange County Envlronmental
Management Agency stated that a Hlstorlcal Element lS ellglble.
Sherry Baum asked about the status of the Sunset Beach Water
Tower. Charles Antos, Plannlng Staff, stated that the questlon
had been referred to the E.M.A. and to date a report had not
been glven to the Orange County Board of Supervlsors. Frank
MCGlll, E.M.A , stated that the Clty mlght be ellglble for more
than $120,000 lf the Clty was to propose an extenslve rehabllltatlon
program. Cook asked lf the traller park rehabllltatlon would
quallfy ,under thlS program, speclflcally looklng lnto a sltuatlon
where the property owner would rehabllltate the traller park and
allow lt to remaln as lt lS presently constltuted. Secretary
stated that Staff could check with the master lease holder and
report back. By consensus the Plannlng Commlsslon held the
matter over untll November 3, 1976 at 7:30 P.~. to get further
dlScusslon from lnterested persons. Secretary requested persons
who had fllled out questlonalres to pass them to Staff so that
thelr responses could be totaled.
Oral CommUnlCatlons
There were no oral communlcatlons.
3. Wrltten Communlcatlons
There was one written communlcatlon WhlCh wlll be conslder~d under
Report from Secretary.
4 Ne~J Bus 1 ness
A. Luclle Jones, PR-20-76
Appllcant lS requestlng approval for a 20 square foot wall mounted
slgn to be lnstalled at a buslness at 228 ~aln Street. Rlp~erdan
moved to approve PR-20-76, seconded by Madsen and unamlously
approved by members present. Re~. 1028.
5. Report from Secretary
A. Letter from Jlm Watson
CO!!l!!ilsslon_ dlscussed a letter from-Jlm Watson regardlng-a ~
oroposed lease of one sUlte of ~lS bUlldlng at 101 Maln Street
,t~ a~_Italla~ type r~~ur9nt. _Th~ Jlannlno Commlsslon __
dl_scussed the CltylS POllCY reganhno_commerclar use of- -
commerclal property. Cook moved to flnd the on slte parklng-and
on street parklng adequate and noted that the property lles In the
Maln Street parklng dlstrlct wlth avallable parklng across the
street (wlt~ln 300 ft of the slte). Seconded by Knapp.
Ayes. Cook, Knapp, Madsen
Noes: Rlpperdan
Absent: Lannlng
Ml nute Order.
Commissloner Rlpperdan requested the motlon be reconsldered due to
a mlsunderstandlng of the wordlng. The Plannlng Commlsslon approved
the reconslderatlon. Motlon was re-stated.
Ayes' Cook, Knapp, Madsen, Rlpperdan
Noes. None
Absent. Lannlng
B. Conslderatlon of Helght Llmlts In Surfslde
Secretary presented a hlstorlcal perspectlve of bUlldlng helght
evolutlon In Surfside, confllcts between the BUlldlng Code and
Zonlng Ordlnance and a proposal to lower helghts to a maXlmum
of thlrty-one feet to preclude four story bUlldlngs. The
Planmng Cormmsslon concurred '~lth tl1e thlrty-one foot proposal.
Mlnute Order.
5 Meetlnq was adJoured at 8:50 P.M.
iJ/wJ~ d~C:Z
Recordlng Secretary