HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-10-06
The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday,
October 6, 1976, i'n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1stratlVe
BUl'ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Chalrman Knapp at 7'30 p.m.
and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Cornm1ss1oner Cook.
Present. Cook, Lanning, Madsen, R1pperdan, Knapp
Absent None
Also Present Ass1stant C1ty Attorney Jeff Garland
The m1nutes of September 15, 1976, meeting were approved as presented.
1. Oral Commun1cat1ons
There were no oral commun1cat1ons.
2. Wr1tten Cornmun1cat1ons
There were no wrl'tten commUnl cat1 ons.
3. New Bus1ness
A, Rossmoor Bus1ness Center, (World Sav1ngs) PR-19-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng approval of s1gn1ng for a f1nanc1al 1n-
st1tut1on to be located 1n the C-2 zone of the Rossmoor Bus1ness
Center at 12315 Seal Beach Boulevard. The s1gn1ng cons1sts of
1nd1v1dual letters read1ng "World Sav1ngs", w1th an overall area
of thl'rty-s1X square feet. Knapp asked 1f the s1gn background
would be patnted clouds. Paul Taylor and Marty Wilson, appl1cants,
1nd1cated t~at there would be a pa1nted cloud mot1f background.
R1pperdan moved to approve PR-19-76, seconded by Lann1ng and
unam10usly approved. Res. 1025.
B. Tentat1ve Tract Map 9458
C1ty Counc1l referral of quest10ns on Tentat1ve Tract Map 9458
to Plann1ng Comm1ss1on. Secretary presented a staff report Wh1Ch
rev1ewed each quest10n ra1sed by Mr. Solomon at the Counc1l meet1ng
of September 13, 1976, that was referred to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on.
Staff analys1s and response to the quest10ns was rev1ewed. Lann1ng
complemented staff on a thorough report.
R1pperdan asked for clar1f1cat1on on the quest10n of se'"1er connect1on
1n Montec1to. Secretary responded that when the Rossmoor Regency
was constructed, 3 vacant parcels rema1ned to the south and 1t
was not known how many un1ts would be constructed, so the Los
Alam1tos Water D1str1ct requ1red sewer t1e 1n at Seal Beach Blvd.
The dec1s1on to perm1t Tentat1ve Tract 9458 to t1e 1nto Montec1to
was made by Boyle Eng1neer1ng, eng1neers for Los Alam1tQs Water
D1str1ct, based on present condit1ons. Charles Antos, Planning
staff member, clar1f1ed one sentence 1n the letter from Boyle Eng1neer1ng.
Cook commented on pOlnt #7 and compared the attltude of the
condomlnlum resldents to the attltude expressed by the Brldgeport
resldents regardlng slmllar resldentlal development In an area
wlth establ1shed resldences. Cook asked what lnltlal study was
dlstrlbuted to the Envlronmental Quallty Control Board. Secretary
stated that the lnformation prepared by the developer was the
basls for the ln1tlal study prepared by staff and later revlsed
by staff. Both were provtded to the EQCB. Clty Attorney Garland
clarafied the Callfornla Envlronmental Quallty Act (CEQA) provlslons
WhlCh states that staff must prepare the lnltlal study but may
requlre the developer to provlde certaln base data to be used In
the preparatlon of the lnltlal study. Cook stated that Mr. Solomon
ralsed two other pOlnts at Counc1l meet1ng regardlng cons1stency
wlth the General Plan and land dedlcatlon for park land. Cook was
of the oplnlon that the proJect was not conslstent wlth the General
Plan based on the numbers of persons antlclpated for the Possmoor
Center and the fact that outdoor recreat10n area 1S not provlded
1n the proJect as requ1red on page 19 of the Land Use Element.
Cook was of the op1nlon that park land should be provided adjacent
to the Rossmoor-Los Alamltos Llbrary.
Lannlng questloned the $40,000 lncome flgure glven by Mr. Solomon
and doubted that the two condomln1um proJects were des1gned for
that income level.
Madsen stated that there was a lack of park land north of the
freeway and was of the oplnlon that Orange County would pay for
part1al malntenance of a park adJacent to t~e llbrary. ~1adsen
made a motlon to requlre land rather than fees for park purposes,
seconded by Cook.
Secretary expla1ned staff lnterpretatlon of conslstency wlth General
Plan and zonlng. He stated that the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n had
prevlously recommended fees to Councll. Lannlng clarlfled an
earller statement regardlng hot meals program In the ~orth
Seal Beach Communlty Center. ~adsen stated that 1f the Clty can
not ma1ntaln a park In the Rossmoor Center, then maybe no more
par~s should be bUllt In the Clty. Madsen restated hlS motlon
to recommend to Councll land dedlcatlon rather than fees. Cook
stated that the proJect was not cons1stent wlth the General Plan
and should be reduced to 60 dwelllng unlts and usable open space
should be provlded. Cook seconded mot10n. Knapp stated that he
took offense at any proposal to exclude people from t~e city based
on the lncome level, race, etc. Wh1Ch appeared to be the tenor of
comments on 1ncome level dlScusslon. He felt the proJect 1S
conSlstent wlth the General Plan. There lS no slgnlflcant
d1fference between apartments and condomlnlums. A park ln the
Rossmoor Center would be poorly located and would not be used
by Seal Beac~ resldents. If the resldents of the Rossmoor Center
want a park, they should establ1sh a park dlstrlct.
Secretary asked for the motlon to be clarlf1ed to supersede
prevlous recommendatlons to Councll. He stated that the EQCB
recommended fees to Councll on a 3 - 1 vote.
Ayes' Cook, Madsen
Noes Lannlng, Rlpperdan, Knapp
Motlon falled, mlnute order
Cook moved to flnd the tentatlve tract map lnconslstent wlth the
General Pl an, seconded by r1adsen.
Ayes: Cook, Madsen
Noes Lannrng, Rlpperdan, Knapp
f4ptlon falled, ml'nute order,
Knapp moved to affirm the Plannlng Commlsslon~s preVlous recommendatlon
that the Clty Councll condltlonally approve Tentatlve Tract Map 9458
and determlned that the lnformatlon contalned In the staff report
dated October 1, 1976, satlsfactorlly answered certaln questlons
referred to the Comm;sslon by the Clty Councll. ~econded by
Lannlng and approved by the followlng vote.
Ayes' Knapp, Lannlng, Rlpperdan
Noes: Cook, Madsen
Motlon carried, Resolutlon 1026.
4. Report from Secretary
Secretary announced that on October 2Q, 1976, the Plannlng Commlsslon
would hold a PubllC Hearlng on thlrd year prlorltles for Houslng and
Communlty Development Act. Cook requested that lmprovements to the
Seal Beach Traller Park be lncluded In the 11'st. Secretary stated
that lmprovements to prlvate property are not ellglble under the Act,
Rlpperdan asked lf the ~aln Street lmprovements are ell91ble and
what lS the status of the lmprovement plans. Secretary stated that
Maln Street lmprovements are ellglble and some lmprovements are
slated for thlS slnter.
Secretary announced that the State Coastal Commlsslon approved the
Clty's plans for constructlon of a Llbrary/Senlor Center on the
Paclflc Electrlc Rlght-of-Way by a 9 - 1 vote on October 6, 1976.
5. Meetlng was adJourned at 8'30 p.m
Recordlng Secretary