HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-09-15
Mlnutes of tbe Plan~lnq Commlsslon Meetlng of September 15, 1976
The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal
Beach met In regular seSSlon on Wednesday,
September 15, 1976, In the Councll Chambers
of the City Admlnlstratlon BUlldlng. The
meetlng was called to Order by Chalrman
Knapp at 7.30 P.M. and the Pledge to the
Flag was led by CommlsSloner Cook.
Cook, Lannlng, ~adsen, Rlpperdan, Knapp
The mlnutes of t~e September 1, 1976 meetlng were approved as presented.
1. Oral Communlcatlons
There were no oral communlcatlons
2. Wrltten Communlcatlons
There were no wrltten communlcatlons
3. Unflnlshed Buslness
Dr. Forney (Cottage Fashlon Boutlque) PR-16-76
ThlS plan reVlew appllcatlon was contlnued from the Commlsslonls
September 1, 1976 meetlng In order to allow the appllcant the
opportunlty to reVlse hlS plans. The appllcant lS requestlng
permlsSlon to erect two slgns; one a free standlng 41 x 61
wooden externally lllumlnated slgn and the second a 114" x 121
non-lllumlnated wall slgn. Tom Sader, 3742 East 15th Street,
Long Beach descrlbed the slgns and answered questlons.
Rlpperdan moved to approve PR-16~76, seconded by Lannlng and
unamlously approved. Resolutlon ~o. 1022.
Secretary requested that the Agenda be amended to lnclude
- _ a plan reVle\~, PR-18-76 for slgmng for a proposed
buslness on Maln Street. Motlon by Lanmng seconded by ~1adsen
to amend t~e Agenda. Motlon unaMlously aooroved.
4. ~ew Buslness
Martln Murphy PR-17-76
Appllcant lS requestlng approval of slqnlng for a buslness to
be located at 218 and 218~ ~aln Street. Slgnlng to conslst of
four s~all slgns not to exceed 20 square feet In total area.
Martln Murphy, 218 Maln Street brlefly descrlbed the slgn plan
to Commlsslon members. Lannlng moved to approve PR-17-76,
seconded by Madsen and unamlously approved. Resolutlon No. 1023.
B. Luclle E. Jones (Wllson Carroll) PR-18-76
Appllcant lS requesting approval for a 1.51 x 41 wall mounted
slgn and barber pole for a new buslness at 322 ~1aln Street.
Co~mlss10n members determlned that the barber pole was not
a slgn and that the internal element could rotate. Cook moved
to approve, Rlpperdan seconded; request was unamlously approved
by the Commlsslon. Resolutlon 1024.
Report from Secretary
Secretary descrlbed uses proposed for a bUlldlng to be constructed
on the northwest corner of Maln Street and Ocean Avenue by Jlm
Watson. Secretary explalned that oarklng had been predlcted on
general retall and office use of the bUlldlng. The owner of
the property has been approached by two restaurant establlshments
concernlng uSlng a portlon of the bUlldlng. One restaurant
\/ould be the Famlly Affalr and the second operatlon \I/Ould conslst
of a small sandwich shop.
A questlon was ralsed as to whether the on-slte parklng would be
sufflclent lf t~e two restaurants were permltted In the bUlldlng.
Mltlgatlng measuresrsupporting this concept lnclude-(l) the parklng
dlstnct In the 100 block of Haln Streets (2) the corner locatlon
wlth two street frontages for parklnqs (3) the nature of the Famlly
Affalr Restaurant's buslness (many customers walk to the restaurant)
and (4) the fact that restaurants are permltted In older bUlldlngs
'Io/lthout prOV1Slons for addltlonal parklng. Jlm \~atson, 1499
Seal Ways spoke regardlng the hlgh quallty of the constructlons
the dmenltles of the bUlldlng and hlS careful screenln9 of per-
spectlve tenants to lnsure compatiblllty. Motlon by Cooks seconded
by Lannlnq t~at the two restaurants would be permltted ln the
bUlldlng wlthout requlrlng addltlonal parklng. Motlon unamlously
approved by mlnute order,
Secretary presented an overVlew of the proposed slgn ordlnance,
The Secretary explalned that the blllboard amortlzatlon provlslons
~ould be removed fro~ the ordlnance at thlS tlmes because of
pendlng lltlgatlon between the blllboard companles and various
cltles. Ohce the Courts declde the lssue of what a proper
amortlzatlon period lS an amortlzatlon schedule wlll be establlshed
and amended lnto the ordlnance. Commlsslon members determlned
that the maXlmum helght of free standlng slgn should be 15 feet
lnstead of 20 feet.
Martln t1urphy, 218 t1aln Street com~ended the staffs of the Planmng Department
and the BUlldlng Department for thelr asslstance In hlS remodellng effort.
Jean Door, 231 6th Street addressed the Commlsslon concernlng the proposed
Llbrary/Senlor Cltlzen Center on the Electrlc Avenue Greenbelt, and descrlbed
precautlons that may be taken to safeguard agalnst robberles.
Chalrman Knapp adJourned the meetlng at 8.45 P.M.