HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-09-01
Mlnutes of the P1annlng Commlsslon Meetlng of September 1, 1976
The P1annlng Commlsslon of the C1ty of Seal
Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday,
September 1, 1976, 1n the Counc11 Chambers
of the C1ty Adm1n1strat1on BU11d1ng. The
meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman
Lann1ng at 7 30 P.M and the Pledge to the
Flag was led by Vice Cha1rman Rlpperdan.
Present Cook, Knapp, Madsen, R1pperdan, Lann1ng
Absent. None
The m1nutes of August 18, 1976 were approved as corrected.
1. Se1ect1on of Cha1rman and V1ce Cha1rman for 1976-1977.
Cha1rman Lann1ng declared nom1nat1ons open for Cha1rman for 1976-1977.
Cook nom1mated Comm1ss1oner Knapp for Cha1rman, seconded by Madsen.
There were no more nom1nat1ons. Comm1ss1oner Knapp was conf1rmed as
Cha1rman by t~e fo110w1ng votes. Ayes: Cook, Madsen, Lann1ng,
R1pperdan. Absta1n Knapp.
Chairman Knapp took h1S seat and comp11mented Merva Lann1ng on her two
years as Cha1rman of the P1ann1ng Comm1ss1on. Nom1nat1ons were declared
open for V1ce Cha1rman. R1pperdan nom1nated Comm1ss1oner Cook, seconded
by Madsen and approved by the fo110w1ng vote' Ayes R1pperdan, ~adsen,
Lann1ng, Knapp. Absta1n Cook.
Pub11C Hear1ngs
Kenneth and Anne Sm1th, V-12-76
App11cant lS request1ng a Var1ance to perm1t maJor structural a1ter-
at10ns and add1t1ons to a nonconform1ng slng1e fam11y res1dence 1n
t~e R-3 zone at 141 Dolph1n. Pub11C Hear1ng Opened. Ken Sm1t~,
141 Do1ph1n, stated that he had explored a number of a1ternat1ves to
meet the park1ng requ1rement and all were unsat1sfactory. He noted
that the setback requ1rement was based on a larger 1rregu1ar shaped
lot and other lots 1n the area were requ1red to only hold a three
foot setback. Ph1l Allen, 5420 Locust Avenue, Long Beach exp1a1ned
some of the techn1cal problems related to the pool and garage. B111
Starn, 135-135~ Dolphln expressed concern about park1ng conJest1on 1n
the area. Robert Keeler, 145 14th Street, was 1n favor of the
Var1ance. Pub11C Hear1ng Closed. R1pperdan moved to approve V-12-76
subJect to construct1on of a carport, re10cat1on of pool equ1pment,
prOV1S1ons of corner cutoff at street and alley 1ntersect1on. Mot1on
d1ed for lack of second. Cook moved to approve V-12-76 as presented,
seconded by R1pperdan and approved by the fo110w1ng vote.
Ayes' Cook, R1pperdan, Madsen, Kanpp
Noes: Lann1ng Reso1ut1on 1018.
~ B. M. Leonard and Myrna S1mon, V-13-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance to perm1t construct1on of a
sW1mm1ng pool 1n the R-l zone w1th less than requ1red rear yard
setback. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Leonard Simon, 4317 Guava,
stated that the lot was 1rregular 1n shape and the pool would hold
a three foot rear yard setback and the rear three feet would be
landscaped 1n compl1ance w1tn opt1on #2 1n the Staff Report. ft
letter was subm1tted by the adJacent property o~'ner 1nd1cat1ng no
Oppos1t1on to the Var1ance. Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. Cook moved to
approve V-13-76 w1th the cond1t1on that a planter be ma1nta1ned 1n
the rear three feet, seconded by R1pperdan and unam10usly approved.
Resolution 1019.
3. Oral Commun1cat1ons
There were no oral commun1cat1ons.
4. Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons
A. Letter from Church of Rel1gious SC1ence
Church of Rel1g1ous SC1ence subm1tted a letter to the Plann1ng
Comm1ss1on thank1ng the Staff for help 1n obta1n1ng approvals
for the1r new church.
~ Cha1rman Knapp asked for Plann1ng Comm1ss10n concurrance 1n amend-
1ng the Agenda to take 1teM #9-A out of order and cons1der 1t at
th1S t1me. By m1nute order the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on concurred w1th
the amendment to the Agenda.
5. New Bus1ness
A. Dr. Forney (Cottage Fashlon Bout1que), PR-16-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng approval of s1gn1ng 1n conJunct1on w1th a
bus1ness at 200 Mar1na Dr1ve. A representat1ve of the Bout1que
requested mod1f1cat1on 1n the plans as follows: delete the wall
s1gn on the south wall, 1ncrease the S1ze of the 111um1nated s1gn
from 2' x 61 to 41 X 8'. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on d1rected the
matter to be cont1nued unt1l September 15th and d1rected the
appl1cant to cons1der add1ng the 111um1nated s1gn to the exist1ng
freestand1ng sign structure
6. Unf1n1shed Bus1ness
State-W1de Developers, Tentative Tract Map 9458 (cont1nued)
Applicant 1S request1ng approval for a Tentat1ve Tract Map for the
subd1v1s1on of 1.88 acres of land 1nto eight lots. Each lot would
have a n1ne un1t apartment bU1ld1ng and garages constructed on 1t.
The matter was cont1nued from the August 18, 1976 meet1ng 1n order
to g1ve the full Plann1ng Comm1ss1on the opportun1ty to act on the
matter. The Secretary presented a comprehens1ve Staff Report cover1ng
the proposed development, publlC notlce, envlronmental conslderatlons,
parkland vs. fees, Rossmoor Llbrary expansion, Subdlvlslon Map Act
requlrements. Chalrman Knapp declared a flve mlnute recess at 8:45 P.M.
Meetlng was reconvened at 8;50 P.M. Henry Roberts, State-Wlde Developers,
presented an over Vlew of the proJect and s11des of the s1te. Gary D.
Myers, 6871 Sentlmo, Long Beach, a Crvll and Structural Englneer for
State~Wlde, stated where all utll1tles would be obtalned for the proJect
and explalned how the storm drain would be protected. Tom Mathew, AlA,
18321 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, Callforn1a, presented an explanatlon of
the floor plans and deslgn of the project. He noted that the proJect
had 14% fewer unlts than permltted, had only 30% lot coverage In lleu
of 8Q% permltted, was 27 feet 1n helght In l1eu of 35 feet permltted.
Two petltlons In Opposltlon to the proJect were presented to the Plannlng
Commlsslon. The followlng persons spoke in Opposltlon to the proJect
based on trafflc, lncreased chlldren, Opposltlon to apartments, etc.
Sam Kasokle, 12400 Monteclto, Fran Levy from College Park East and Ray
Krlnsky. Bernard Solomon, 12300 Monteclto Road spoke In Opposltlon based
on envlronmental factors. The followlng people spoke In favor of the
project. Robert Hlrsch, 15233 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, and Alex
Bell, 4305 Marlna Paclflca, Long Beach.
Commlssloners Madsen and Cook expressed concern about the adJacent Llbrary
proJect and wlshed to see an ElR on both the Llbrary and seventy-two unlts
prlor to actlng on the Tract Map. Secretary noted that actlon must be
taken on the Tract Map at thlS meetlng due to the Subdlvlslon ~ap Act
requirements. Harry Rowe,Oranqe County ~1brarlan stafed that the expanded
Llbrary should experlence an lnltial 35% lncrease In patronage ~hlCh
would stablllze at 15-20% lncrease over present levels of patronage.
The Plannlng Commlsslon ralsed questlons about parkland fees, vls1tor
parklng, chlldren play areas and conslstency wlth the General Plan.
Lannlng moved to approve Tentatlve Tract_Map 9458 subJect to the S1X
Staff ~ondltlons In Staff-Report dated August 13, 1976, w1tn-the f1nd1ng
that the Map 1S cons1stentl11th-the-General Plan, seconded by R10perdan.
Prlor to the vote, Comm1ss10ner Cook stated that he was of the 001n10n--
that the proJect was not cons1stent wlth the General Plan.
Ayes: Lann1ng, Rlpperdan, Knapp
Noes. Cook, Madsen Approved Resolut10n 1020.
B. D1Scusslon of Draft S19n Ordinance (contlnued)
Because of the late hour, the Plannlng Comm1ss10n determ1ned to hold
the matter over untll September 15th.
7. New Buslness
Conslderat10n of Resolutlon honor1n9 James Schm1tt
Knapp moved to adopt Resolutlon 1021, seconded by Cook and unam10usly
approved. Resolutlon 1021.
8. Report from Secretary
There was no report from Secretary
Chalrman Knapp adJourned the meetlng at 11:45 P.M.
Recordlng Secretary