HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-08-18 e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST IS, 1976 . The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, August IS, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Ad- m1n1strat1on BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Secretary to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on, Bob Neprud at 7:30 p.r1. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Secretary Neprud. Present Cook, Knapp, Madsen Excused Absence Cha1rman Lann1ng, V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan Comm1ss1oner Cook nom1nated Comm1ss1oner Knapp to act as Cha1rman for the meet1ng of August IS, 1976, seconded by Comm1ss1oner Madsen and adopted Cha1rman Knapp welcomed Pete Madsen, newly seated Comm1ss1oner from College Park East. The m1nutes of August 4, 1976 were approved as presented. 1. Pub11c Hear1ngs A. Pete and Barbara Arnold, CP-7-76 . App11cant 1S request1ng a Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t for enclos1ng of an eX1st1ng covered porch 1n a nonconfO~1ng s1ngle fam1ly res1dence 1n the R-3 zone at 1613 Seal ~ay. Pub11c Hearing Opened. Pete Arnold, 1613 Seal Way 1nd1cated t~at he would answer any quest1ons. There were no persons who w1shed to speak e1ther 1n favor or 1n Oppos1t1on to the app11cat1on. Pub11c Hear1ng Closed. Cook moved to approve CP-7-76, seconded by Knapp and unam10usly approved by members present. Resolut1on 1013. B. Peter N. V1lla, CP-S-76 App11cant 1S request1ng a Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t for on sale beer 1n conJunct1on w1th a m1n1-de11 located 1n the Les1ure World Shopp1ng Center at 13932 Seal Beac~ Blvd. Pub11c Hear1ng Opened. Peter V1lla stated that ~e understood and agreed w1th the proposed cond1t1ons. ~o one spoke 1n favor or 1n Oppos1t1on to the app11cat1on. Pub11c Hear1ng Closed Cook moved to approve CP-S-76 '~1t, all staff cond1t1ons, seconded by Madsen and unan10usly approved by members present. Resolut1on 1014. 2. Oral Commun1cat1ons There were no oral commun1cat1ons 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons A. Letters regarding status of ~estern Feder~l S~v1ngs and Loan Assoc1at1on BU1ld1ng "at 12220 Seal Be~c~ Boulevard , . The Planning Commiss1on considered the fact t~at the Var1ance on the temporary bU1lding \lill expire pr10r to the complet1on of the . . . e e 4. permanent bUlldlng. Representatlves of Western Federal stated that a completlon date In early November lS a flrm date and the temporary bUlldlng wlll be lmmedlately removed upon OccupYlng the new bUlldlng. Knapp moved to flnd the progress on the bUlldlng In substantlal comp11ance wlth the lntent of the Varlance. seconded by Cook and unamiously approved by members present. Mlnute Order. New Buslness A State-Wlde Developers, Tentative Tract Map 9458 Appllcants are requestlng approval of a Tentatlve Tract ~ap In conJunctlon w1th the construct10n of elght. nlne un1t aoartment bUlldlngs In the R-3 zone of the Rossmoor Buslness Center. Henry Roberts, appllcant, gave a short overV1ew of the proJect and noted that the S1X foot h1gh fence shown on the plans, 1n the front, would be reduced to 42 lnc~es In helght. Sam Edleman, resldent of the Rossmoor Park Apartments 1S opposed to t~e proJect on t~e basts of nOlse and dust durlng constructlon and was con- cerned that he wasn't notifled of the hearlng. Dllman ~austroum, a slxteen year res1dent of Rossmoor, was concerned about denslty and bU1ldlnq 1n the area and stated that no one In Rossmoor was notlf1ed of the matter. Tlm Veyer, 12400 Montec1to Road asked about the procedure to challenge a Negatlve Declaratlon. Bob Neprud stated that a letter should be sent to t~e Env1ronmental Qual1ty Control Board notlng the s1gnlflcant envlronmental lssues not adequately covered 1n the Negat1ve Declaratlon. The Envlron- mental Qua11ty Control Board mak~s a determ1natlon wh1c~ may be appealed to C1ty Counc1l. Councll"s declslon may be appealed 1n Court. Bob Neprud out11ned the C1ty'S procedures in preparlng the ~egatlve Declaration and the C1ty's procedure to notlfy Rossmoor Homeowners, the Condomlnlum A~soc1atlon and the Rossmoor Park Apartment owners, newspaper artlcles, etc. There lS no C1ty requ1reMent to prov1de publlC notlce or hold a publlC ~ear1ng on Tract ~aps. Bernard Solomon, Rossmoor Regency spoke at length about the hlstory and bUlldlng actlv1ty In the Center, spoke 1n Opposlt10n to apartments based on land values, storm draln problems, sewer problems, etc. A resldent of the Rossmoor Chateau spoke 1n Opposltlon to the proJect based on traff1c. Jlll Kaplan, a 22 year Rossmoor Res1dent spoke aga1nst the proJect based on reductlon In open space and poss1ble chlldren 1n the proJect. Ray Krlnskey, Pres1dent of the Rossmoor Homeo'~ners Assoc1atlon, noted that they were notlf1ed of the proJect. passed out 150 quest10nnalres to res1dents of wh1ch thlrty responded and they opposed apartments. The1r board voted 12-1 to oppose the proJect Henry Roberts, of State-Wlde, spoke In rebuttal. The proJect meets all m1n1mum re- qU1rements of Clty codes. The problems ralsed by the varlO~S speakers can be solved. State-Wlde agrees wlth all proposed staff condltlons. Madsen asked lf conslderatlon had been glven to the Llbrary expanslon's effect on the 1mmed1ate area In the ErR con- slderatlon for the tract. Rob Neprud stated that staff had con- s1dered lt In a general way Slnce a complete slte plan of t~e Llbrary only recently became avallable. Cook asked the aopllcant lf the proposal lS conSlstent wlth the General Plan. Henry Roberts . . . e e stated that the proJect lS conslstent because the proJect provldes adequate open space and meets Clty codes. Cook asked about trash plckup and trash truck access. ~r. Roberts sald that the adeauacy of access wl11 be worked out. Cook asked about the eXlstlng brlck fence. Mr. Roberts sald rt would be rel'loved. The front fence would be 42 lnches In height. Cook asked about s1deyards, stalr- ways, etc. Cook asked why t~e developer declded on apartments lnstead of condomlnrums. Mr. Roberts stated: 1. The condomlnrum proJect would not be good for the area. 2, Rossmoor Chateau was not sold out WhlCh lndlcated no market for addltlonal condomlnlums. 3. The number of unlts was dropped by 20% In order to make a better proJect. There lS a market for apartments. Alex Bell of State-Wlde spoke about thelr owners unlt concept for the apartl'lents and noted that the rents charged would be comparable to other hlgh rents In the area. The proJect could be converted to condos In a few years lf t~e market was there. Mr. Edleman asked "bout the tenants rlghts lf there was a conVerSlon. Jay Covlngton as ked 1 f the Pl anm'ng COml111 ss 1 on had cons 1 dered the concept of reO' qUl Y'l'ng 1 and rather than fees It was noted that approxlmately ~+ acres would have to be dedlcated. He ralsed the questlon of the land value as opposed to fees. The Plannlng Commlsslon dlscussed the fact that the full Commlsslon would be In attendance at the September 1, 1976 meetlng and the matter should be held over. Cook requested that staff provlde additlonal lnformatlon on the questlon of land versus fees for the September 1, lq76 meetlng. Cook moved to hold the matter over untll September 1, 1976, seconded by Madsen and unamlously approved by members present. Robert Dalton, PR-13O'76 Appllcant lS requestlng approval for s1gnlng at 244 Maln Street. Total proposed s1gnlng lS twelve square feet and the s1gnlng would be mounted at the ~1ndow. Knapp moved to approve PR-13-76, seconded by Cook and unamlously approved by members present. Resolutlon 1015. C. Seal Beach Travel, PR-14-76 B. D. Appllcant lS requestlng approval of s1gnlng for a buslness at 246 Maln Street. Total proposed s1gnlng lS nlne square feet and would be mounted above a \ll1ndo\t'. Cook moved to approve PR-14-76, seconded by Knapp and unal1110usly approved by members present. Resolutlon 1016. Pop Shoppe, PR-15-76 Appllcant lS requestlng approval of a s1gn for a buslness at 12233 Seal Beach Blvd. Total proposed s1gnlng lS 39 square feet and would be wall mounted. Knaop moved to approve PR-15-76, seconded by Madsen and unamlously approved by members present. Resolutlon l017. . . . e e E. D1ScUSS10n of Draft S19n Ord1nance Secretary presented an overV1ew on the S1gn Ord1nance. The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n d1scussed var10US aspects of the draft S1gn Ord1nance and expressed Oppos1t10n to proposed s1gn helght and 1ncreaslng the Slze of slgns on streets Wlt~ 35+ mph speeds. The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n asked for more lnformat10n on amort1zat10n of b111boards. 5. Report from Secretary A. Secretary reported on the ~ary Wllson Branch L1brary. Approved by the Coastl1ne Commlss10n on August 9, 1976 and was appealed to the State Commlsslon. B. At the next Plannlng Comm1ss10n meetlng we wlll have a resolutlon honorlng J1m Schm1tt for ~1S serVlce on the Plann1ng CO~1ss10n C. Commlssioner Cook Rsked for staff to prepare maps showlng the Crty at a scale of 1/300. Act1ng C~alrman Knapp adjourned the meet1ng at 10.30 p.m. ~~ /I~9;3 Record1ng Secretary