HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-07-21 e e M1nutes of the Plann1ng Commisslon . Meeting of July 21, 1976 The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, July 21, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1s- trat10n BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan at 7'30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Comm1ss1oner Cook. Present: R1pperdan, Cook, Knapp Excused Absence Lann1ng, Schm1tt The m1nutes of July 7, 1976 were approved as presented. Secretary re- v1ewed the method for rece1v1ng test1mony at Publ1C Hear1ngs. 1. Publ1C Hear1ngs A. DaV1d Gean, V-11-76 . Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance to perm1t construct1on of a s1ngle fam1ly res1dence 1n the R-l zone of Surfs1de. w1th less than requ1red front yard setback at A-80 Surfs1de. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. David Gean stated that the subJect lot 1S 40' deep. the road 1S w1der than 20' at h1S lot and adequate turn1ng rad1us 1S prov1ded. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on d1scussed the changes that would have to be made 1n the plans 1n order to conform to the code requ1rement. Appl1cant 1nd1cated a w1ll1ngness to enter 1nto a Land Use Agreement hold1ng the property as a s1ngle fam1ly re- s1dence. The Comm1ss1on d1scussed the number of vacant lots rema1mng on IIAII row as well as the number of propert1es that could be recycled. Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. Cook moved to deny V-11-76, mot1on d1ed for lack of second. Knapp moved to approve V-11-76 w1th Land Use Agreement, seconded by R1pperdan. Ayes' Knapp, R1pperdan Noes Cook Absent. Lann1ng, Schm1tt Matter held over unt1l August 4, 1976. 2. Oral Commun1cat1ons There were no oral commun1cat1ons 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons All wr1tten commun1cat1ons were 1n conJunct1on w1th Agenda 1tems. 4. Unf1n1shed Bus1ness A. Cons1derat1on of 4-story, 351 h1gh bU1ld1ngS 1n Surfs1de. Secretary presented a staff report on the advantages and d1sad- vantages of 4-story, 35' h1gh bU1ld1ngs 1n Surfs1de. A letter . e e . from Surfs1de was presented to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on Wh1Ch 1nd1cated the vote of the Shareholders and the pos1t1on of the Colony. The Colony's pos1t1on lS to ma1nta1n the 351 he1ght w1thout regard to the number of stor1es. Cook stated his personal Oppos1t1on to both 3-story and 4-story bU1ld1ngs. Cook moved to recommend to C1ty Counc1l the retent10n of the 3-story, 351 he1ght llm1t. Seconded by Knapp and unam10usly approved by members present. Resolut1on 1010. 5. New Bus1ness A. Robert Kron1ck, PR-12-76 Appl1cant lS request1ng approval of a slgn program for a 9500 square foot commerc1al complex at 450 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. The slgn program cons1sts of a free stand1ng slgn 1dent1fY1ng the center and tenant panels and under parapet slgn cab1nets for each tenant. Knapp moved to approve PR-12-76, seconded by R1pperdan and unam10usly approved by members pre- sent. Resolut1on 1011. 6. Report from Secretary Secretary stated that C1ty Counc1l had not made appo1ntments to the Plann1ng Comm1sslon at the Councll meet1ng of July 12th. The matter would be cons1dered on July 26, 1976. .' V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan adJourned the meet1ng at S.15 p.m. ~~ Record1ng Secretary .