HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-07-07
~ The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met in regular seSSlon
on Wednesday, July 7, 1976, ln the Councll Chambers of the Clty
Adminlstratlon BUlldlng. The meetlng was called to order by Chalrman
Lannlng at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vlce Chalrman
Present: Cook, Knapp, Schmltt, Ripperdan, Lanning
Absent None
The m1nutes of June 16, 1976, were approved as presented.
Secret~ry revlewed the method for recelvlng test1mony at publlC hearlngs.
1. publ1C Hearlngs
A. Church of Rellglous SClence, CP-5-76 (contlnued)
Appl1cant 1$ requestlng a condltlonal use permit for a church ln the
commerc1al zone at 500 Marlna Drlve. Matter was contlnued from June
16, 1976, due to an error ln advertislng. PubllC hearing opened.
R. s. S1bley, representlng the Church, gave a hlstorlcal overVlew on
the Church and turned the presentatlon over to the arch1tect. George
Randell, Archltect, explalned the extent and type of remodellng to be
done, 1ncludlng parking and landscaplng. L1ggett Lancaster presented
an overVlew of available on-slte and on-street park1ng; notlng that
65 parklng spaces are avallable. Cook asked about the number of persons
attending Sunday services and about fund ra1s1nq events. Llggett
Lancaster stated that approxlmately 70 persons drove to one serVlce;
the Church plans to Spllt serVlces; they are looklng lnto a bus from
Leisure World; and parklng on Ed1son property. He stated that up to
50 persons have attended retreats.
Tom Henderson, 244 5th St., asked about the effect on the Clty'S tax
base 1f the Church occuples commerclal property and how many old town
res1dents are members of the Church. R. S. Slbley indicated that 1/3
to 40% of church members are from old town. Secretary stated that
churches do not pay property taxes. Public hearing closed. Knapp
moved to approve CP-5-76 wlth staff condltlons. Seconded by Cook and
unanlmously approved. Resolutlon No. 1004.
B. Adrlenne Barth, CP-6-76
Applic~nt 1S requestlng a condltlonal use permlt to permlt the addlt10n
of a balcony to a garage apartment. PubllC hearlng opened. O. H. "Klt"
Carson, a builder represented the appllcant. Knapp asked 1f the balcony
was to be enclosed. Mr. Carson stated that the balcony would remaln
open. PubllC hearing closed. Knapp moved to approve CP-6-76, seconded
by Cook and unan1mously approved. Resolution No. 1005.
C. Rezonlng of Clty Yard from PLU to R-l, 3000
Secretary presented an overV1ew staff report on the proposed rezonlng.
PubllC he~ring opened. Schmltt asked what deslgnation R-l, 3000, means.
Secretary stated that R-1-3000 means single fam11y res1dences on lots
of 3,000 sq. ft. 1n m1n1mum S1ze. Lann1ng asked about demand for lots
of th1S S1ze. Secretary ind1cated that a number of people have called
and are 1nterested 1n bUY1ng lots. R1pperdan asked about setbacks and
des1gn cr1ter1a. Secretary stated that those criter1a would be
developed over the next few months and modeled after Bridgeport. Cook
asked about lot coverage. Secretary stated that 1n Br1dgeport about
64% lot coverage eX1sts. Hal Halld1n, City Eng1neer, stated that the
C1ty plans to auct10n off the lots for $30,000+ to any person who
w1shes to buy them. Knapp was of the oplnlon that lots should be
sold by sealed bld. Cook asked about the layout of the subd1vislon.
Halld1n sa1d that many layouts had been cons1dered and the Plann1ng
Comm1ss10n will have the opportunity to reV1ew and approve or reJect
the subd1v1s10n. Publ1C hear1ng closed. Cook and Schm1tt favored
4000 sq. ft. lots rather than 3000 sq. ft. lots. Lann1ng moved to
approve and recommend to Counc11 the property be rezoned from PLU to
R-l, 3000, seconded by R1pperdan.
Ayes; Knapp, Lanning, R1pperdan
Noes Cook, Schm1tt Mot10n carr1ed. Resolution 1006.
2. Oral Commun1cat10ns
There were no oral commun1cat10ns.
3. Wrltten Commun1cat10ns
There were no written commun1cat10ns.
4. New Bus1ness
A. Stan Steinberg, PR-10-76
Applicant 1S requesting plan review for s1gn1ng at 209~ Main St. Staff
ra1sed the quest10n of removal of an eX1sting roof mounted sign on
the bU11d1ng. By consensus, the Plann1ng Comm1ss;on was of the opinion
that the roof sign should not be t1ed to approval of the proposed sign.
Cook moved to approve PR-10-76, seconded by Knapp and unan1mously
approved. Resolution No. 1007.
B. Western Federal Sav1ngs, PR-11-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng plan reV1ew for s1gn1ng for a new sav1ngs and
loan at 12220 Seal Beach Blvd. Carl Weston, 16141 Van Owen, representlng
Western Federal Sav1ngs, stated that they felt all the proposed signs
were needed. Cook was of the op1n10n that the signing proposed 1S
exceSS1ve. Knapp felt that the 111um1nated signs should be turned off
when the business 1S closed. Schmitt was of the opinion that all wall
s1gns should be the same size for cons1stency and ease of read1ng.
D1Scusslon followed on S1ze and number of signs. Knapp moved to
approve PR-11-76 subJect to the follow1ng'
1. Free standing s1gn not to exceed 25 ft. 1n overall he1ght.
2. Wall/fasc1a s1gns to have 18" h1gh letters.
3. Proposed 51gn on east slde of bU1ld1ng to be el1m1nated.
~ 4. Slgns not to be 111um1nated after bus1ness hours.
Seconded by Cook and unan1mously approved. Resolution No. 1008
C. Marv1n All1son, A-1-76
Appl1cant f1led an appeal on Plann1ng Comm1SS1on den1al of V-8-76 for
a slngle fam1ly res1dence with 4 stories. City Council considered the
appeal and referred the matter back to the Plann1ng Commission with
Counc1l find1ngs. Schmitt, Lann1ng and Cook were of the opinion that
1f C1ty Counc1l w1shes to perm1t 4 story build1ngs in Surfside, Counc1l
should take steps to amend the zon1ng ord1nance because the Plann1ng
Comm1ss1on has already considered the quest10n of bU1ld1ng heights
and made recommendat1ons. D1Ck Moody, 16325 S. Pac1f1C Ave., Sunset
Beach, represent1ng the appl1cant, stated that the zon1ng cr1ter1a for
Surfs1de rema1ns unchanged, the proposed 4th story is on an eX1st1ng
level and consists only of a master bathroom. Schmitt and Cook both
were opposed to perm1tt1ng a 4th story. Cook stated that the ph1losophy
and att1tudes of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on have changed by the reduct10n
of building he1ghts in other areas of the city and an overall reduction
in intens1ties of development. These att1tudes apply to Surfs1de as
well. Cook moved to reaff1rm the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on's action of May
19, 1976, and recommend to City Counc1l den1al of A-1-76. Seconded
by Schm1tt and unan1mously approved. Resolut1on 1009.
D. 1011~ Seal Way - Request for Interpretat10n
Stuart Brandel, 1011~ Seal Way, requested the Planning Comm1ssion to
make a rullng on a proposed dry sauna to be mounted on a garage as
to whether it requ1res a cond1t10nal use permit under Sec. 28-804 of
the zoning code or may be handled adm1n1strat1vely. Cook asked
Secretary to expla1n how the ssena would qual1fy as a portable structure.
Secretary stated that the sauna was to be bolted to the roof and could
be removed. R1pperdan ra1sed the question of the prev10usly considered
roof mounted greenhouse. Knapp noted that the greenhouse was 1n the
R-l zone, was higher than the house and garage roof and actually
mounded on the house/garage roof. In this case the sauna 1S lower
than the roof of the duplex. Knapp moved to f1nd the sauna a portable
structure and should be handled admin1strat1vely. Seconded by Lanning.
Ayes: Cook, R1pperdan, Knapp, Lanning
Noes. Schmitt Mot1on carr1ed. Minute Order.
E. Cons1derat1on of Four-Story, 35 ft. High Building
1n Surfs1de
C1ty Counc11 requested the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on consider the question
of perm1tting four-story, 35 ft. h1gh bU11d1ngs 1n Surfs1de. Secretary
presented a staff report outlin1ng arguments in favor and aga1nst the
concept. Bob Herron, represent1ng the Surfside Colony Board of
D1rectors, requested that the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on hold off action for
two weeks 1n order to allow the Colony shareholders the opportunity to
d1SCUSS the quest10n at the1r annual meet1ng. By consensus, the Planning
Comm1ss10n dec1ded to hold the matter over unt1l July 21,1976.
F. Pool Fences - Request for POllCY Determinatlon
Staff requested that the Planning Commlssion made a determlnatlon on
pool fence measurement when the adjacent property owner malntalns a
ralsed planter agalnst the pool fence. The Planning Commlsslon
discussed the varlOUS optlons and determlned that fence height measure-
ment should be from natural grade, not from a ralsed planter.
Unanlmous determlnatlon. Minute Order.
5. Report from Secretary
Chalrman Lannlng announced that she would be absent until the flrst
meetlng in September, 1976.
Chalrman Lannlng adJourned the meetlng at 10:00 p.m.
Recordlng Secretary