HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-06-16 . e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1976 The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met in regular seSSlon on Wednesday, June 16, 1976, In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Adminis- tratlon BUlldlng. The meetlng was called to order by Chalrman Lannlng at 7:30 P.M. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vlce Chalrman Rlpperdan. Present: Cook, Knapp, Schmltt, Rlpperdan, Lannlng The mlnutes of June 2, 1976, were approved as presented. Secretary revlewed the method for recelvlng testlmony at PubllC Hearlngs. 1. PubllC Hearlngs . A. Church of RellgloUS SClence, CP-5-76 Appllcant lS requestlng a Condltlonal Use Permit for a church In a commerclal zone at 500 Marlna Drlve. Secretary stated that final action should be put off untll July 7, 1976 due to an error In advertlslng. Public Hearlng Opened. R. S. Slbley, 915~ Electrlc Avenue, explalned the church's overall goals and turned the presentatlon over to Llggett Lancaster. Llggett Lancaster, 30337 Callan Ave., Long Beach, presented plans of the proposed remodellng lncludlng elevatlons. He stated that the church lS purchasing the property and wlll be the only occu- pant. Cook asked about nOlse impact on neighboring propertles, number of persons at other than Sunday meetlngs and parking avall- ablllty for buslnesses across the street. Llggett Lancaster sald the nOlse level would be lower than the nOlse In conJunctlon wlth the bottllng operatlons prevlously conducted on slte. He sald that groups of twelve persons met in the evenings durlng the week, and that church parking should not interfer wlth existlng adJacent commerclal actlvltles. Lannlng stated that the Lelsure Worlder's, who attend the church, make a point of plcklng up as many nelghbors who are attendlng the serVlce as they can so that the impact on avallable parking lS minlmal. Rlpperdan asked lf the block wall shown on the plans wlll be bUllt. Llggett Lan- caster stated that the wall will be constructed. Knapp asked about Sunday School attendance. R. S. Slbley sald that flfteen chlldren attend Sunday School WhlCh lS held In conJunctlon wlth the flrst Sunday worshlp serVlce. PubllC Hearlng Closed. Chalrman Lannlng ordered the matter held over untll Wednesday, July 7, 1976 at 7.30 P.M. 2. Oral Communlcatlons . 3. Wrltten Communlcatlons There were no oral communlcatlons. There were no wrltten communicatlons. e e . . 4. New Bus1ness A. Amer1can Savings & Loan Assoc1at10n, PR-8-76(a) App11cant 1S request1ng approval for a temporary s1gn (2'x13'101l) to be 1nstalled on an eX1st1ng free stand1ng s1gn structure 1n the Safeway Shopp1ng Center 1n conJunction w1th a temporary Sav1ngs & Loan office. Knapp moved to approve PR-8-76(a) sub- Ject to the s1gn be1ng removed with1n 30 days after mov1ng 1nto the permanent bU1lding; in no case after July 1, 197,r. Seconded by R1pperdan and unam10usly approved. Resolut10n 999 B. Amer1can Sav1ngs & Loan Assoc1at10n, PR-8-76(b) Applicant 1S request1ng approval for s1gn1ng for a f1nanc1al 1n- stitut10n to be constructed on the northwest corner of Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway and Bolsa Avenue. J1m Catapano, 9465 W1lsh1re Boulevard, Beverly H1lls, represent1ng Amer1can Sav1ngs & Loan, spoke 1n favor of all proposed s1gn1ng. He stated that the fasc1a s1gns were needed for v1sability by motor1sts and the free stand1ng s1gn was needed for pedestr1ans. Knapp was of the op1n10n that too many s1gns are proposed and the bU1ld1ng 1tself serves as a p01nt of 1dent1f1cat10n. Lann1ng was of the op1n10n that too many s1gns are proposed and she stated that most people, l1ke herself, can f1nd a place of bU1sness by 100k1ng. Cook was of the op1n10n that the fasc1a signs should be un1llum1nated. Schm1tt d1scussed the s1gn1ng 1n deta1l and was of the op1n10n that all the s1gn1ng should be approved except the free stand1ng s1gn. The app11cant 1nd1cated a w1ll1ngness to e11minate the free stand1ng s1gn, but felt that the fasc1a s1gns are necessary. Cook moved to approve PR-8-76(b) subject to the e11m1nat10n of the three fasc1a s1gns, seconded by R1pperdan. Pr10r to the vote, Russell Gray, res1dent of Le1sure World, spoke on behalf of the app11cant. He felt that a profess10nal business organ1zat10n that 1S w1ll1ng to 1nvest $500,000 1n the commun1ty should be perm1tted to have adequate s1gn1ng 1n order to prov1de the bus1nessmen to successfully compete 1n the business world. It was Mr. Gray's op1n10n that he knows the type of s1gn1ng that 1S needed to allow h1m to be successful. Mrs. Dorr spoke 1n Opp1s1t10n to illuminated s1gn1ng. Ayes' Lann1ng, R1pperdan, Knapp, Cook Noes. Schm1tt Resolut10n 1000 C. App11cant was adv1sed of the1r_ r~ght to appeal to C1ty Counc1l. Br1dgeport Pat10 Locat10ns Staff presented a report to the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n out11n1ng the proposed 10cat10n for pat10 covers 1n Br1dgeport 1ncluding the form the pat10 covers should take. The Plann1ng Comm1ss10n d1s- cussed the concepts. R1pperdan moved to resc1nd the 1973 act10n of the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n regarding Br1dgeport pat10 covers and . . . e e to allow patlo covers as outllned In the Staff Report wlth all condltions and flndings. Seconded by Cook and unamlously approved. Resolutlon 1001 Parking Requlrements for Churches Due to concern regard1ng determ1natlons make on park1ng requ1re- ments for churches, the Plann1ng Commiss10n was of the op1n10n that the f1nal decis10n should be deferred unt1l more 1nformat10n lS ava1lable. Schm1tt moved to resc1nd Resolut10n 998, seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. Resolut10n 1002 E. Stan Ste1nburg, PR-9-76 D. The agenda was amended to 1nclude th1S 1tem. Appl1cant lS request- 1ng approval for a slgn read1ng IILaw Off1ce" to be placed on the doorway entrance to 209~ Ma1n Street. The matter of other slgn1ng for the bU1ld1ng and the eX1st1ng roof slgn w1ll be held over un- t1l July 7, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. Knapp moved to approve the doorway slgn, seconded by Schm1tt and unam10usly approved. Resolutlon 1003 5. Report from Secretary (1) The recreation veh1cles and tra1lers have been moved from the Commun1ty Center park1ng lot through efforts of the Pol1ce Department, Publ1C Works Department and Recreation Department. (2) Due to legal problems staff has encountered problems 1n hav1ng the IIFor Sale" cars removed from the Safeway park1ng lot. (3) Lanning requested that the d1smantled electric carts be removed from the Le1sure World Shopp1ng Center. (4) Cook asked when the plans for 450 Pac1fic Coast H1ghway would be subm1tted to the C1ty for BU1ld1ng Permits. (5) Marge Sh1pp1e of the Les1ure World News 1ntroduced Carol Lons1nger, a recent graduate from C.S.U.L.B. w1th a maJor 1n plann1ng. (6) Mrs. Dorr asked 1f the C1ty has any method to prevent motor homes from be1ng parked and stored on C1ty Streets? Secretary stated that the only laws currently 1n force deal w1th veh1cles parked for more than 72 hours and apply to all veh1cles. Cha1rman Lann1ng adJourned the meet1ng at 8 55P.M. . tJ44 cB Record1ng Secretary