HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-05-19
The Plaon1ng Comm1ss10n of the City of Seal Beach met 1n regular session on
Wednesdays May 19s 1976s in the Council Chambers of the C1ty Adm1n1strat10n
BU1ld1ng. The meeting was called to order by Chalnnan Lann1ng at 7:30 p.m.
and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vice Cha1nnan Ripperdan.
Present: Cooks Schm1tts R1pperdans Knapps Lanning
Absent. None
The m1nutes of May 5s 1976 were approved as presented.
Secretary revlewed the method for receiv1ng test1mony at Publ1C Hear1ngs.
Secretary announced that Counc1lman Grey was present to observe the Plann1ng
Comm1ss10n meet1ng.
1. Publ1C Hear1ngs
Marvin L. All1sons V-8-76
Appl1cant 1S requesting a Var1ance to perm1t the construct10n of a
res1dence 1n the R-1 zone of Surfs1de w1th four stor1es. Publ1C
Hear1ng Opened. Marv1n Allisons A-112 Surfs1des stated that the
reason for the change 1n the plans was to prov1de a larger master
bathroom and an access to the second level balcony. He agrees w1th
the proposed staff condit10ns. The comm1SS10ners d1scussed the
proposed changes w1th the appl1cant and staff. The comm1SS10ners
asked Secretary to reV1ew the history of four story bU1ldings 1n
Surfs1de both before and after the adopt10n of new zoning provis10ns
for Surfs1de. Secretary stated that before the adopt1ng of the new
prov1s10nss six or so partial 4th-story buildings had been approved
but S1nce the new codes no 4th-story bU1ld1ngs had been approved.
D1Ck Moodys 16325 S. Pac1f1c Ave.s Sunset Beachs spoke 1n favor of
the request. He stated that all changes were 1nternal and v1sually
there would be no change. Public Hearing Closed. R1pperdan asked
BU1lding Inspector about the U.B.C. requ1rements for four story
bU1ld1ngs. Lew Brown answered that the bU1ld1ng would have to be
Type I construct10n. Secretary read the zomng defimt10n of "Story".
Cook stated that he was opposed to four story bU1ld1ngs 1n Surfs1des
he w1shed to see less 1ntens1f1cat10n of use. The small lot size 1S
a factor that property owners in Surfs1de must live with 1f they w1sh
to bU1ld and res1de 1n Surfs1de. Cook moved to deny V-8-76s seconded
by R1pperdan and unam10usly adopted. Resolut10n 992.
Appl1cant adv1sed of appeal procedure.
Frank Pad1llas CP-4-76
Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Cond1tional Use Penn1t for the general up-
grad1ng of the floor plan of an eX1st1ng duplex on a lot conta1n1ng
three un1ts. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Henry Sed1llos Trop1-Cal In-
dustr1ess author1zed agents outl1ned the scope of the proposed 1m-
provements. Cook as ked secretary about front ya rd setback on Seal Way.
Secretary stated that setback on Seal Way 1S zero in the front.
Publ1C Hear1ng Closed. Schm1tt moved to approve CP-4-76s seconded by
(annlng and unam10usly approved. Resolution 993.
PubllC Hearing to consider changlng the zone of the new Pollce
Statlon-Clty Yard Site from M-1 to PLU and to change the zone
of the eXlstlng Yard site from PLU to R-1 3000.
PubllC Hearlng Opened. Knapp asked how many units could be bUllt
on the eXlsting yard site. Secretary sald 35 units could be bUllt.
Cook asked when the Clty Yard would be relocated. Secretary an-
swered that the Yard would be moved in about SlX months. The
Commlssion dlscussed the proposed lot size and publlC streets.
Cook moved to have the two zone changes Spllt for separate actlon,
seconded by Schmitt. Ayes: Cook, Schmltt, Knapp. Noes: Lannlng,
Rlpperdan. Jean Door commented that the houses ln Brldgeport were
small and don't provide any play area for chlldren. Schmitt moved
to approve and recommend to Clty Councll a zone change for the new
Pollce Department-City Yard Slte from M-1 to PLU, seconded by Knapp
and unamlously approved. Resolution 994. R1pperdan moved to approve
and recommend to City Council a zone change for the eX1st1ng C1ty
Yard Slte from PLU to R-1, 3000, seconded by Lann1ng. After d1S-
cussion Ripperdan withdrew the motion and Lanning wlthdrew the
second and by unamious concensus the matter was held over until
July 7th so more lnformatlon could be prov1ded by the City Eng1neer.
2. Oral Commun1cat10ns
There were no oral communicatlons.
. 3. Wrltten Commun1cat10ns
A. Letter from Alfred Wl11iams representing W1111am 6111,213 Ocean.
Alfred W1111ams representing William 6111, 213 Ocean Avenue, requested
a ru11ng and 1nterpertation by the Plann1ng Commlss10n on a proposal
to cut a door into an existlng bedroom to allow 1t to be used by tenants
1n elther of two units. B111 6111,213 Ocean, stated that he s1gned a
Land Use Agreement in conJunct10n w1th the BU11d1ng and the bedroom
could not be used as a separate unit. The Commiss10n d1scussed the
var10US a1ternat1ves.
Schmitt moved to requ1re a CUP and enclosed hallway for the proposed
entrance, seconded by Ripperdan. Ayes: Cook, Schm1tt, Lann1ng,
Rlpperdan. Noes' Knapp. Mlnute Order.
4. New Business
Determ1nat10n of Parklng Requ1rements for Churches.
Secretary stated that presently there is no establlshed parking requ1re-
ment for churches since the preV10US requirement was not transferred
1nto the new code. The Plannlng Commlsslon d1scussed the prevlous
standard. Knapp moved to adopt the standard of one space for each
three flxed seats and one space for each 100 sq. ft. of area used for
assembly pur.poses and conta1n1ng no flX~d seats. Seconded by Lannlng.
Ayes. Cook, Ripperdan, Knapp, Lannlng. Noes. Schm1tt. Resolutlon 995.
5. Report from Secretary
1. C1ty w1ll be beg1nning proceed1ngs to annex from the mean high tide
to the three m1le limit adJacent to Surfside.
2. Cook asked about activity on the vacant lots at Balboa and Pac1f1c
Coast H1ghway, Secretary stated that the property 1S being used as a
yard for storm dra1n work on Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway.
3. Cook asked about the height of the proposed Amer1can Savings and
Loan BU1ld1ng. Secretary said the bU1lding would be 351 h1gh.
4. Lann1ng reported that the Electric Cart Shop in the Leisure World
Shopp1ng Center 1S conducting repairs outside.
5. Knapp stated that cars were st1ll be1ng sold at the Safeway Shopp1ng
Cha1rman Lann1ng adJourned the meeting at 9'20 p.m.
Record1ng Secretary