HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-05-05 e e MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 5, 1976 . The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, May 5, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Adm1nistrat1on BU1ld1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by Cha1rman Lann1ng at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vice Cha1rman R1pperdan. Present. Absent: Cook, Schm1tt, R1pperdan, Knapp, Lann1ng None . Secretary rev1ewed the method for rece1v1ng test1mony at Publ1C Hear1ngs. 1. Publ1C Hear1ngs. A. W1ll1am Bruton, V-6-76 Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Var1ance to perm1t the construct1on of a w1ndow to the front property llne 1n conJunct1on w1th the enlarge- ment of the master bedroom, k1tchen and llv1ng room and the add1t1on of a bathroom to a slngle tam1ly res1dence at B-61 Surfs1de. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. B1ll Bruton, B-61 Surfs1de, answered quest10ns by the Comm1ss1oners on the proposed mod1f1cat1ons. He stated that an eX1st1ng bay w1ndow Wh1Ch projects over the front property line would be mod1f1ed so that 1t does not proJect. Larry Klosky, B-77 spoke 1n favor of the proposal. Publ1C Hearing Closed. Knapp moved to approve V-6-76, seconded by Schm1tt and unam10usly approved. Resolut1on 984. B. Jack and Helen W1lson, V-7-76 Appl1cant is requesting a Var1ance to perm1t the add1t1on of a 304 sq. ft. fam1ly room to an eX1st1ng slngle fam1ly res1dence on property conta1n- 1ng a nonconform1ng garage. The garage 1S nonconform1ng due to less than requ1red length, less than requ1red slde yard and rear yard setbacks and less than requ1red covered parking 1n the R-2 zone. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Jack W1lson, 252 17th St., stated that he would comply w1th the proposed staff cond1t1ons. Public Hear1ng Closed. R1pperdan moved to approve V-7-76 subJect to the cond1t1ons that the cement slab be replaced and the fence be moved to the front of the garage so the slab can be used for open car park1ng. Seconded by Lanning and unam10usly approved. Resolut1on 985. . C. Larry Klosky, CP-2-76 Appl1cant 1S request1ng a Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t for the enlargement of a bedroom and k1tchen, remodel1ng of a loft bedroom and add1t1on of a bathroom 1n a nonconfonm1ng slngle fam1ly res1dence 1n Surfs1de. Property 1S nonconform1ng due to less than requ1res parking, park1ng space of less than requ1red length and w1dth and a bay w1ndow Wh1Ch proJects over the property llne. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened. Larry Klosky, B-77 Surfs1de, stated that he was of the op1n1on that the garage would not have to be modlf1ed or the bay w1ndow mod1f1ed Slnce they were not add1ng any llv1ng quarters. . . e e The Commlsslon questloned the app11cant on the scope of proposed modlflcatlons. Paul Westberg, 180 E. Maln Street, Tustin, agent for the app11cant, discussed the staff suggestion for boxlng In the stalrway and garage modlflcatlons. Schmltt was of the oplnlon that the proJectlng bay wlndow should be modlfled to hold the property 11ne. Bl11 Bruton, B-61 spoke to the subject of bay wlndows on "B" Row. Many houses have proJectlng bay wlndows and lt was Mr. Brutons's opinlon that to requlre modlflcatlon of bay wlndows would cause a hardshlp on property owners due to the small Slze of the unlts. Mary K10sky, B-77, spoke In favor of retalnlng the bay wlndow and garage as presently constltuted. Pub11C Hearlng Closed. Knapp moved to approve CP-2-76 wlth the fo110wlng condltions: Washer and dryer to be removed from garage and clrcu1ar stairway to be boxed In to pro- vlde clearance for the hood of a car. Seconded by Rlpperdan. Ayes Cook, Knapp, Ripperdan, Lanning Noes: Schmltt Reso1utlon 986 D. John ArtukovlCh, CP-3-76 App11cant lS requestlng a Condltlona1 Use Permlt for the constructlon of two slng1e faml1y resldences in the R-1 zone of Surfslde wlth a zero slde yard property setback on one side. Pub11C Hearlng Opened. Don Davls, 39 Nleto Ave., Long Beach, representlng the app11cant stated he would answer questlons. Cook asked how many stories the bUl1dlngs would have. Don Davls stated that the bUl1dlngs would contaln three (3) storles. Bl11 Bruton, B-61, spoke In general Opposltlon to the plan and then looked at a set of plans. Knapp asked lf the property owner would enter lnto a Land Use Agreement stlpu1atlng that each bUl1dlng would remaln a slng1e faml1y resldence. Don Davls sald the app11cant wl11 agree to the Land Use Agreement. Pub11C Hearlng Closed. Knapp moved to approve CP-3-76 subJect to the Land Use Agreement and lnsta11atlon of 2 hour walls In 11eu of the proposed one hour wall; seconded by Schmltt an unamlous1y approved. Reso1utlon 987 Pub11C Hearlng to Amend Sec. 28-1200(9) of the Zonlng Ordlnance to Permlt Churches In Commercla1 Zones SubJect to a Condltlona1 Use Permlt. Pub11C Hearlng Opened. R. S. Slb1ey, representing the Church of Re11g10us SClence, presented lnformatlon to the P1annlng Commlsslon on thelr plans lf the ordlnance lS approved. Pub11C Hearlng Closed. Schmltt moved to adopt the amendment, seconded by Cook and unamlous1y approved. Reso1utlon 988 E. 2. Oral Communclatlons. . Jean Dorr asked for more lnformatlon on the 9500 sq. ft. commercla1 bUl1dlng at 5th and P.C.H. Secretary answered. Merva Lannlng lntroduced Marge Shlple from Lelsure World News who wl11 be attendlng the P1annlng Commlsslon meetlngs. Jlm Schmltt asked about the status of the church operatlng near Heather Park out of a home. Secretary stated that he was of the oplnlon that the church had relocated. . . . e e 3. Wr1tten Commun1cat1ons All wr1tten commun1cat1ons were 1n conJunction w1th spec1f1c agenda ltems. 4. New Bus1ness A. Goodyear T1re Co., PR-7-76 Appl1cant 1S proposing sign1ng mod1f1cat1ons at 1000 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. The s1gn1ng meets the requ1rements of the Serv1ce Stat10n Ordinance. Knapp moved to approve PR-7-76, seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. Resolut1on 989 B. Mart1n Murphy, (V-15-75) Appl1cant requested a rul1ng and 1nterp~etat1on from the Planning Comm1ssion on mod1f1cat1ons to plans approved by Resolut1on 937. John Morrow, 247 17th St., represent1ng the appl1cant expla1ned the proposed changes. Knapp moved to f1nd the changes 1n compl1ance w1th the or1g1nal Var1ance approval. Seconded by Lann1ng and unamiously approved. Minute Order. Old Ranch Townhouses C. Staff 1S request1ng that the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on make a rul1ng regard- 1ng the 10cat1on, form, S1ze, etc. for pat10 covers 1n the Old Ranch Townhouses. Staff presented 111ustrat1ons of proposed pat10 cover 10cat1ons on the three models. Cook moved to approve pat10 cover 10cat1ons, form, S1ze, etc., as shown 1n the staff report and 111us- trat1ons. Seconded by Lann1ng and unam10usly approved. Resolut1on 990 D. H. A. Er1cksen - Letter Staff presented a letter from H. A. Er1cksen regard1ng perm1tted fence 10cat1ons 1n the C1ty. Staff answered all quest10ns except front yard 10cat1ons of fences. The opt1ons open to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on would be: 1. 2. Requ1re fences to hold the property l1ne. Perm1t fences up to the back of s1dewalk w1th an encroachment perm1t. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on d1scussed the mer1ts of the two proposals. Knapp moved to report back to C1ty Counc1l that the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on re- commends that fences be requ1red to hold the property l1ne. Seconded by R1pperdan. AYes' Knapp, R1pperdan, Lann1ng Noes. Cook, Schm1tt Resolut1on 991 e e . 5. Report from Secreta ry Secretary presented plans for a Savlngs & Loan at Maln Street and Paclflc Coast Hlghway. Chalrman Lannlng adJourned the meetlng at 10:00 p.m. ;/j{~??~ Recordlng Secretary . .