HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-04-07
The Plannlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon on
Wednesday, Aprll 7, 1976, In the Councll Chamber of the Clty Admlnlstratlon
BUlldlng. The meetlng was called to order by Chairman Lannlng at 7.30 p.m.
and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Commlssloner Knapp.
Present Cook, Schmltt, Knapp, Lanning
Excused Absence. Rlpperdan
Secretary revlewed the method for recelvlng testlmony at PubllC Hearlngs.
1. PubllC Hearlngs
A. Gary Mllls, V-4-76
Appllcant lS requestlng a Varlance to permlt the addltlon of 350 sq. ft.
to an eXlstlng single famlly resldence wlth less than requlred dlstance
between a maln bUlldlng and accessory bUlldlng In the R-2 zone at 233
15th Street. PubllC Hearlng opened. Gary Mllls, 233 15th Street
stated the reasons for requestlng the Varlance. He sald that no work
would be done to the garage other than addlng drywall and a self-closlng
flre door. The Planning Commlsslon questloned the appllcant re-
gardlng the possiblllty of holdlng the requlred setbacks. Appllcant
lndlcated that to hold the requlred setback would make the bedrooms
all extremely small. No one spoke In favor or In Opposltlon of the
Varlance. PubllC Hearlng closed. Commlssloner Schmltt spoke agalnst
the appllcatlon. Commlssloner Cook stated that he was In favor of
encouraglng people to retaln s1ngle famlly resldences In l1eu of re-
cycllng them lnto unlts. Cook moved to approve V-4-76, seconded by
AYes: Cook, Knapp, Lannlng
Noes. Schmltt
Absent. Rlpperdan
Motlon approved. Resolutlon 979
James R. Watson, V-5-76
Appllcant is requestlng a Varlance to permlt the construction of a
two-story 7000 sq. ft. retall and offlce bUlldlng In the C-1 zone
wlth less than requlred front yard setback, tandem parking and sub-
standard loadlng zone at the corner of Maln Street and Ocean Avenue.
PubllC Hearlng opened. James Watson, 1499 Seal Way, stated that he
would answer any questlons on the proposal. The Plannlng Commlsslon
dlscussed varlOUS aspects of the plans. Cook suggested that one
parklng space be ellmlnated In order to move the trash enclosure
away from the alley l1ne. Joe Enders, 829 Ocean Avenue spoke In
Opposltlon to the proposed 41 setback for the wall on Ocean Avenue.
He noted that lt would block l1ght to some wlndows In hlS bUlldlng.
Gllbert Nelson, 1001 Seal Way, spoke In favor of the proposal.
Freemont Wood, 116 Maln Street, spoke In favor of the proposal.
Jlm Watson stated that lt was lmposslble to move the wall back
to the 61 l1ne and retaln all the parklng. PubllC Hearlng closed.
Cook moved to approve V-5-76, notlng that the setback off the
alley did not strictly meet code requirement and wlth the conditlon
that the trash enclosure be relocated away from the alley property
l1ne, seconded by Lannlng and unamlously approved by members present.
Resolutlon 980.
2. Oral Communicatlons
There were no oral communlcatlons.
3. Wrltten Communlcatlons
There were no wrltten communlcatlons.
4. Unflnlshed BUSlness
A. Noya & Sons, PR-4-76
Appllcant lS proposlng to lnstall s1gnlng at a buslness at 200 Marlna
Drive. Knapp moved to approve PR-4-76 as recommended by staff.
Seconded by Schmitt and unamlously approved by members present.
Resolutlon 981.
5. New Buslness
A. Robert Kronlck, PR-6-76
Secretary presented a staff report on a proposed 9500 sq. ft., one
story, general retail bUlldlng in the C-2 zone on Paclflc Coast
Hlghway, northwest of 5th Street and Paclflc Coast Hlghway. The
plans meet all the mlnlmum requlrements of the Zonlng Ordlnance and
Redevelopment Agency Plan. Mr. Kronlck, 1714 Clark, Long Beach,
stated that there would be between four to S1X tenants In the bUlldlng.
The uses would be compatlble wlth the nelghborhood and no all nlght
or loud businesses would be located In the bUlldlng. Commlssloner
Knapp moved to approve PR-6-76 and recommended that the Redevelopment
Agency approve PR-6-76 subJect to the lnstallatlon of a flre hydrant
west of the west drlveway and the west wall to be relnforced to the
satlsfactlon of the City Englneer, seconded by Commlssloner Schmltt
and unamlously approved by members present. Resolutlon 982.
B. Conslderatlon of New Subdlvlslon Ordlnance
Secretary presented a staff report on the proposed new subdlvlslon
ordlnance to replace the present subdlvislon ordlnance. It was
pOlnted out that the new ordinance was flve (5) pages in length In
l1eu of the forty-four (44) page ex;stlng ordlnance.
Commlssloner Cook moved to approve and recommend to Clty Councll
adoptlon of the new subdlvlsion ordinance, seconded by CommlSSloner
Schmltt, and unamlously approved by members present. Resolutlon 983.
. 6. Report from Secreta ry
1. Secretary proV1ded a report on the results of the mun1c1pal
2. Secretary gave a report on the "Southeast Area Development Improvement
Plan" for Long Beach. The plan 1S available in the Planmng Department.
3. Secretary reported that the Environmental Impact Report and app11cat10ns
on the proposed Tra1ler Park Redevelopment will not be heard by the
Plann1ng Commiss10n on May 19th because all the app11cations had not
been subm1tted. The matter w1ll probably be heard 1n June.
There be1ng no further bus1ness, Cha1rman Lann1ng adJourned the meet1ng at
8.55 p.m.
. Record1ng Secretary