HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-03-17 e . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1976 . The Plannlng Comn1ss1on of the City of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesday, March 17, 1976, 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the Clty Adm1n1strat1on BU1ldlng. The meet1ng was called to order by Chairman Lann1ng at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by V1ce Cha1rman Ripperdan. Present: Cook, Schm1tt, Knapp, Ripperdan, Lannlng Absent: None . The mlnutes of March 3, 1976, were approved as presented. Secretary rev1ewed the method for receiv1ng test1mony at Publ1C Hear1ngs. Secretary lntroduced Lew Brown, Chlef BU1ld1ng Inspector. 1. Publ1C Hear1ngs A. Grace Bretheren Church, V-3-76 Appl1cant 1S requestlng a Var1ance to perm1t the use of a temporary bU1ld1ng (101 x 551 off1ce tra1ler) for the Sunday school serV1ces 1n conJunct1on w1th an eXlst1ng church in the R-3 zone. Publ1C Hear1ng opened. Michael R. Ryan, 9392 Souza Ave., Garden Grove, stated that the church membersh1p was 1ncreas1ng and addit10nal Sunday school facilit1es were needed on a temporary bas1s wh1le the Church Board determ1ned whether to relocate church fac1l1t1es or to bU1ld on the1r eX1st1ng property. He sa1d that 1t would be d1Vf1cult to prov1de park1ng on slte and still reta1n a usable play area for the ch1ldren. Cook asked about the number of Sunday school ch1ldren, number of classrooms and what other opt1ons had been explored by the church. Mr. Ryan sa1d that presently there were 250 Sunday school ch1ldren at two serV1ces and 10 classrooms eX1sted, the tra1ler would prov1de three (3) add1t1onal classrooms. The only alternat1ves the church has would be to teach 1n pr1vate homes. Publ1C Hear1ng closed. Cook asked 1f a tra1ler could legally be used for Sunday school Slnce school d1str1cts cannot use tra1lers for classrooms. Lew Brown, BU1ld1ng Inspector stated that schools are subJect to Cal1forn1a State Codes 1n construction, wh1le local codes are appl1ed to churches. Schm1tt moved to approve V-3-76 subJect to staff cond1t1ons except condlt1on No.2 w1th no add1tional park1ng prov1ded. Seconded by Lannlng. Pr10r to the vote, Cook stated that he was opposed to the request and was of the op1n1on that the appl1cant should seek alternat1ve areas for the classrooms. AYes. Schm1tt, Knapp, R1pperdan, Lann1ng Noes: Cook Mot1on approved. Resolut1on 977. Oral Communlcat1ons 2. . Mrs. Dorr asked about the revenue the C1ty should rece1ve by the 1ncrease 1n populat1on. Secretary stated that the C1ty should real1ze about $5000 per year. Mrs. Dorr stated that Grace Bretheren Church was attempt1ng to rent, lease or buy space from Zoeter school for church serV1ces. . . . e e 3. Wrltten Communlcatlons There were no wrltten communlcatlons. 4. Unflnlshed Buslness A. Noya & Sons, PR-4-76 (continued) Applicant submltted slgn plans for 200 Marlna Drlve on March 3, 1976, the matter was continued to glve the appllcant an oppor- tunlty to submlt revlsed plans. Plans have not been submltted at thlS tlme. Chalrman Lannlng dlrected the matter to be contlnued untll Aprll 7, 1976. 5. New Buslness A. Marlners Savlngs, PR-5-76 Appllcant lS requestlng approval of a tenant dlrectory slgn of 32" x 36" to be located In a planter adJacent to 13820 Seal Beach Blvd. The overall helght of the slgn would be 51. Knapp moved to approve PR-5-76, seconded by Lanning and unamlously approved. Resolutlon 978. 6. Report from Secretary 1. Secretary dlstrlbuted copies of the Draft Envlronmental Impact Report on the proposed redevelopment of the Seal Beach Traller Park. 2. Coples of census material from the 1976 Census was dlstrlbuted to the Plannlng Commlsslon. Chalrman Lannlng adJourned the meetlng at 8:10 p.m. tl~~ Recordlng Secretary