HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-03-03
The Plannlng Commlssion of the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular seSSlon
on Wednesday, March 3, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the Clty
Admlnlstratlon Buildlng. The meeting was called to order by Chalrman
Lannlng at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vice Chalrman
Present. Cook, Schmltt, Knapp, Rlpperdan, Lannlng
Absent None
The mlnutes of February 18, 1976, were approved as presented.
Secretary revlewed the method for recelvlng testlmony at public hearlngs.
1. PubllC Hearlngs
A. Amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan deallng
with a new Police Statlon and Clty Yard and to designate the
eXlsting Clty Yard slte for resldentlal use.
The Clty is proposlng to construct a new Pollce Statlon and Clty Yard on
7.1 acres of property presently zoned M-1 and purchased from Rockwell
Internatlonal. The present Clty Yard site lS proposed to be designated
for medium denslty resldentlal development WhlCh would be conslstent wlth
Bridgeport. The flrst step in the process is to amend the Land Use Element
to the General Plan to show the proposed changes. Public hearlng opened.
Commlssloner Knapp asked lf the law suit flled against the Redevelopment
Agency would have an effect upon the proposed changes to the Land Use
Element. Secretary replled that the site for the Police Statlon and Yard
lS outslde the Agency boundaries and the Clty Attorney is of the opinion
that the law suit has no effect. Commlssioner Cook asked if the law SUlt
would have an effect upon the proposed expenditure of funds for the Pollce
Statlon and Clty Yard. Secretary replled that the law SUlt would have no
effect. Public Hearlng closed. Knapp moved to approve the proposed
amendments and recommended to Clty Council adoption of the amendments.
Seconded by Lannlng and unanlmously approved. Resolutlon 973.
2. Oral Communlcations
Gllbert Nelson, 1001 Seal Way spoke to the Plannlng Commlsslon regardlng
the rezoning of the Pollce Statlon - Clty Yard slte and wa~ of the oplnion
that the property should not be rezoned. He stated that the Police Statlon
should not be moved from the coastal distrlct where the crlme rate lS
hlghest. He stated that the trailer park should be zoned as a trailer park.
A questlonalre passed out to the residents of the coastal dlstrict indlcated
that most people favored the Police Statlon in the coastal dlstrlct and
the DWP property as a park. He stated that the eXlstlng Pollce Station
was adequate ln Slze and could be reinforced for $600,000 as well as re-
novated. He suggested the City hire an efflclency expert to show the pollce
how to properly ut1l1ze the existlng facillty.
3. Wrltten Communlcations
All wrltten communicatlons were wlth speclflc agenda ltems.
4. New Buslness
A. Rossmoor Racquetball Club, PR-2-76
Appllcant 1S requesting approval for a 12' x 71 wall mounted, internally
1llumlnated s1gn In the C-2 zone of the Rossmoor Buslness Center. The
s1gn reads: "Rossmoor, Racquetball, Handball, Open to the PubllC". The
s1gn was lnstalled wlthout approval and the appllcant is seeking approval.
Commlssioner Schmltt was of the oplnion that the sign was In keeplng with
other signs ln the area but was concerned with applicants lnstalllng
s1gns and then coming to the Planning Commlsslon for approval. Schmltt
moved to approve PR-2-76, seconded by R1pperdan and unanlmously approved.
Resolutlon 974.
B. Church of Religious SClence, PR-3-76
Appllcant 1S proposlng to lnstall a 3' x ~' free standlng s1gn ln the C-1
zone at 915~ Electric. The sign would be 5~' in overall height and 1S ln
the shape of a bound book reading' "The Inner Science Center - Books".
Knapp moved to approve PR-3-76, seconded by Lannlng and unanimously
approved. Resolutlon 975.
C. Noya and Sons, PR-4-76
Appllcant is request1ng approval of a 191 h1gh free standing slgn of 80 sq.
ft. 1n area for a Marine bus1ness at 200 Mar1na Dr1ve. Mr. Noya, 200 ~arina
Drlve and Paul Taylor of Long Beach Neon spoke in favor of the slgn stating
that the s1gn was needed to provide v1sab1lity to customers traveling along
Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. The Plannlng Commission d1scussed var10US alter-
nat1ves to the slgn, and the res1dent1al character of the neighborhood. It
was brought out ln dlScussion that other sign1ng was on the bUllding and
that the applicant proposed to add sign1ng to other faces of the bUlldlng.
The Planning Commlsslon wished to conslder all s1gning for the bUlldlng at
one time. The Plannlng Commlsslon requested the appllcant to provlde plans
for all signlng at the next meet1ng. Matter was held over untll March 17th.
D. Parcel Map for Pollce Station and Clty Yard
Hal Halldin, Clty Englneer submltted a Parcel Map and Staff Report to the
Plannlng Commlss10n for the new Police Statlon and C1ty Yard s1tes. The
Parcel Map meets all the requlrements of the State Subdlv1s10n Map Act and
City Ordlnances. Schmltt moved to approve and recommend to Clty Councll
approval of the Parcel Map. Seconded by Knapp and unanlmously approved.
Resolut10n 976.
5. Report from Secretary
Comm1~s10ner Schmltt asked about trucks unloading on Main Street and causlng
a trafflc and safety hazard. Secretary stated that many buildings on Maln
Street had no 10adlng zones due to the age of the buildings.
Commlssioner Cook referred to the Clty Englneer a percelved trafflc hazard
on Marlna Drlve near 5th Street. Commlssioner Ripperdan asked If land-
scaplng had been lnstalled at the Fotomat on Paclfic Coast Hlghway. It
was brought out that some landscaping had been installed. Commissloner
Cook asked If sldewalk would be lnstalled on the streets where no sidewalk
eXlsts. Hal Halldln, Clty Engineer stated that shortly City Councll would
ba asked to utillze an eXlsting State provision to require sldewalk on
properties which serve as routes for school children.
Chairman Lannlng adJourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Recordlng Secretary