HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1976-02-18
The Planning Commisslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon
on Wednesday, February 18, 1976, In the Councll Chambers of the Clty
Admlnlstratlon BUlldlng. The meetlng was called to order bv Chalrman
Lannlng at 7.30 p.m. and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vlce Chalrman
Present: Cook, Schmitt, Knapp, Rioperdan, Lannlng
Absent. None
The minutes of February 4, 1976, were approved as presented.
Secretary revlewed the method for recelvlng testlmony at publlC hearlngs.
1. PubllC Hearlngs
A. Grady M. Lawson, V-2-76
Appllcant lS proposlng the constructlon of a four-car tandem garage and
qarage apartment in the R-3 zone wlth varlance request for less than
required slde yard adJacent to an alley. PubllC hearlng opened. Mrs.
Lawson sald she would answer any questlons. Mr. Schmltt asked the
Secretary to clarify certaln items on the plans. No one else spoke In
favor or in Opposltlon to the appllcatlon. PubllC hearlnq closed. Knapp
moved to approve V-2-76 wlth the flndlngs contalned In the staff report.
Seconded bv Cook and unanlmously approved. Resolutlon 971.
2. Oral Communicatlons
Jean Dorr, 231 6th St., asked about Sollcltatlons by Glrl Scouts and who
controls issuance of Sollcltatlon permlts. Secretary stated that he would
refer the matter to the Pollce Department.
3. Written Communications
There were no written communlcatlons.
4. Unfinished Buslness
A. Tentatlve Parcel Map - Blxby Ranch Co./Western Federal
Savlngs & Loan Assn., 12220 Seal Beach Blvd.
Appllcant lS requestlng tentatlve parcel map approval in conJunctlon wlth
a new financlal instltutlon bUlldlng to replace a temporary faclllty In
the C-2 zone. J. G. Johnson, 15460 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, representlng
Blxby Ranch Co., sald he would answer questlons. Staff showed the
Planning Commlssion schematic drawlngs of the proposed bUlldlnq, parklng
layout and overall plan for the property.
Knapp moved to approve and recommend Clty Councll approval of the tentatlve
. parcel map, seconded by Lannlng and unanlmously approved. Resolutlon 972.
~ 5. Report from Secretary
Secretary said that he would be out of town on March 3rd and Charles Antos
would act as Secretary to the Plannlng Commlss;on on March 3rd.
Chalrman Lanning adjourned the meetlng at 7:53 p.m.
Recordlng Secretary