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Min~tes of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 4, 1976
The Plamning Conunission of the City of Seal Beach met 1n rogular session on
Wednesday. February 4, 1976, 1n the Council Chambers of the City Administration
Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lanning at 7:30 pr1
and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Vice Chainnan Ripperdan.
Present: Cook, Schmitt, Knapp Ripperdan, Lanning
Absent: None
The mtnutes of January 7, 1976, were approved as presented.
~ec~etary reviewed the Method for receiving testimony at public hearings.
1. Public Hearings
A. Lucille Jones. V-1-76
Applicant is proposing the construction of three offices and twelve
space parking lot with variance request for less than required loading zone
in the C-l zone of Main St. Public Hearing opened. Lucille Jones, 311 Ocean
Ave. stated that the project provides more parking than required by code,
the offices are quite small and should not require loading space, the project
is designed by the sarne designer who desinned the project for the neighboring
property owner and the projects are compatible. The 10adinq zone is adjacent
to the ~odding zone on the neighboring property. Uo one else spoke either
in favor of or in opposition to the project. Public Hearing closed. The
Planning Commission discussod the merits of the project and asked about
agreements between the two property owners for use of the loading zones.
Applicdnt indicated that there were no written agreements. Schmitt moved
to approve V-1-76 with no reference to the joint use of the loading lones,
seconded by Ripperdan and unanimously approved. Red. 967. Mr. Cook
complimented the applicant on the design of the project.
B. ~ & t1arM Rootl iebA CP-1-76
~cant 1s requesting a Conditional Use Pennit for enlargeMent
of two bedrooms, addition of a bathroom and laundry room, and replacement of
a nonconforming 2 car garagE.,)lith an overs..1Zed 2 car carport and roof deck
on al1nonconforming duplex in the R-3 zone. Puul1c Hearing opened. Secretary
stated that a letter was received in support of the application from John
Serban, 1107 Seal W~. Jerry Rootlieb, 1005 Seal Way spoke in favor of the
application. Mr. Cook asked how many square feet were being added to the
uuilding. Applicant replied 375 square feet. fir. Ripperdan stated that
the plans were difficult to read because all information was not accurately
shown. No one else sp~ke on the application. Public Hearing closed.
Cook moved to approve CP-I-76. seconded by Knapp and unanimously approved
Res. 968.
C. Public Hearing on an amendMent to Sec. 28-506 (5) (a) & (d) of the
zoning ordinance dealing with g1ass deck enclosures on the first level on
"A" Ro,,, lots in Surfside. Secretary presented a staff report. Public Hearing
opened. Steve Rowe. Board Member, spoke in favor of the aMendment but
raised a number of concerns:
1. Safety: recol1DTlends safety glass
2. Enforcement: feels that enforceMent of violations \'lould be a probleM
3. Standardization: recommends that standards be incorporated in the
zoning ordinancco
Mr. Rowe stated that the stockholders favor the enclosures but the Board of
Directors is opposed to enclosures. Al Daley. A-69 surfside. spoke in favor
of enclosures. William siversonD A-3 Surf side. spoke in favor of enclosures.
R.H. Maul. A-10I surfside, spoke in favor of enclosures. Ellen Rowe stated
that a problem exists with the wording on the stockholders' measure voted
upon in their meeting. f1rs. Daley spoke in favor of the enclosures. John
Palmer. A-I surfside, spoke in favor of enclosures. Public Hearing closed.
Commission members discussed the concepts of safety glass, height of the
individual glass panels. requirements of the Uniform Building Code and
adequacy of the amendments as proposed. Schmitt moved to approve the amend-
ments and recommend to the City Council adoption of the amendments with the
change to the amendment as follows: No glass panel 'shall be less than three
feet by three feeto seconded by Cook and approved by the following vote:
AYes: Cook. Schmitt. Lanning
Noes: Ripperdan, Knapp. Res. 969
Mr. Knapp expressed concern about roofing of the glass enclosures.
2. Oral Communications
There were no oral communications.
3. Written Communications
Secretary reported on a letter from the Planning Commission chairman of
San Juan Capistrano on the concept of an Orang~County Planning Congress.
Secretary reported on a letter from Kimi Cabe \lhich requests horse stables
near Gum Grove Park and Councilman Blackman's reply.
4. New Business
A. Business Pro erties Plastolite Products
Applicant 1S propos1ng t e 1nsta at on 0 an en 1 cat on/tenant directory
sign for the Business Properties shopping center at Westminster and Seal Beach
Boulevard. This sign is the last free-standing sign which the Planning
Commiss10n approved in concept in the comprehensive sign plan for the center.
The sign 1S 11' in overall height, identifies the center and notes the types
of tenants in the center. Knapp moved to approve PR-1-76, seconded by
Schmitt and unanimously approved. Res. 970.
B. Parcel Map - Bixby Company, 12220 Seal Beach Boulevard.
The applicant requested that the matter be continued until February 18. 1976.
in order to permit the parcel map to be revised. The Commission directed
the matter to be held over until February 18.
C. Report on Amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan
dealing \lith Public Facilities.
Secretary introduced Hal lIalldin, Public \lorks Director and Ed Cibbarell1.
Police Chief. who attended the meeting to answer any question the Planning
Commission might have regarding the facilities. Secretary presented a staff
report on the proposed amendments. Chairman Lanning asked ahout the earth-
quake-worthiness of the existing police station. Hal Iialldin stated that
police stations must be designed to 2 times the requtred earthquake standards
of a normal public building. The present police station does not meet any
earthquake standards, let alone 2 times the requirement. Cook asked about the
City Hall Building. l1r. Halldin stated that City Hall meets the requireMents
for earthquake standards. r1r. Cook asked what use the existing pol ice station
might be put to in the future. Mr. Halldin stated that no use has been
determined but that the building might be strengthened if future use Here
determined. Schmitt asked about parking for the new City Yard and Police
Station. f4r. Halldin stated that the police station and yard would have
a parking lot designed into the complex. He stated that the police vehicles
are maintained by City forces and the close location of the ~/O facilities
rrou1d provide savings to the city in gasoline and efficiency of Manpower
usage. Knapp asked about the use of the 1ACt of excess prope~y that the
city is buying. Mr. Halldin answered that a use has not been determined
but it could be used for a future nursery (horticultural) or an aniAal shelter
if the City continues to operate animal control. Schmitt asked about road
access to the site. ~lr. Halldin stated that access would be via Seal Beach
Boulevard and the access road could be incorporated into the Circulation
Element plans as an extension of First Street. Cook asked about the stateAent
in the Police Chief's report regarding "Prison labor." Chief Cibbarell1
answered that trusteesar~ personhel already convicted by a court and serving
a court- i'mpos.ed ,I sentence, not persons arrested and awaiting trialo Cook
asked about police services to population; specifically about crime rates in
Leisure World vs. the Coastal District. Chief Cibbarelli answered that due to
the sUlililer influx of beach users, the crime rate in the Coastal District is
higher than in other areas of the City. Police officers also answer calls for
service as well as calls for criminal investigations. Leisure World has a
high rate of calls for service. Their crime rate is relatively low due to
the walled community. It should be noted that Leisure World's security force
does not answer calls on criminal matters. Cook asked about residential
uses for the existing City Yard site and the highest and best use for the site.
Secretary and Mr. Halldin answered, citing compatible uses, number of poten-
tial units and anticipated number of people. It was also pointed out that
Coastal Commission staff favored residential uses for the site. The Planning
Commission directed staff to advertise for a public hearing on r1arch 3. 1976,
to consider amending the Land Use Element to the General Plan dealing with
public facilities.
5. Report from Secretary
Secretary reported that Chairman Lanning and he attended an Orange
County Board of Supervisors meeting on the second year H.C.D.A. fund allocation.
and that Seal Beach should receive $90,000 for the Senior Center.
Cook asked about the Child Care activity on 5th Street. Staff
wrote to the person involved but have not received a repl,.
Chairman ~anning adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.
Recor~ Secretary