HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-01-04 . CITY OF SEAL BEACH MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 The Plannlng CommlSSlon of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon, In Clty Councll Chambers, wlth Chalrman Sharp call1ng the meetlng to order at 7:29 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by CommlSSloner Suggs. ROLL CALL Present: Chalrman Sharp CommlSSloners Rullo, Flfe, Suggs, Jessner Also Present: Ed Knlght, Dlrector, Development Servlces Department CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendars 1 terns "A" and "B" were dlscussed separately because Commlssloner Rullo was absent at the 12/7/88 meetlng. A. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1988 . MOTION by Suggs to approve the Mlnutes of December 7, 1988 as tyPed; SECOND by Flfe. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSTAINED - RULLO B. PLAN REVIEW 16-88 301 OCEAN CommlSSloner Suggs asked Mr. Knlght lf the gabled roof would add to the roof elevat!on thus brlnglng the house out of conformance. Mr. Knlght sald no, lt was correct as presented. MOTION by Flfe to approve Plan Review 16-88; SECOND by Suggs. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSTAINED - RULLO . . . . Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of January 4, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS A. VARIANCE 7-88 216 5TH STREET Var1ance 7-88 1S a request by appl1cants, Gordon and E1leen Sadofsk1, to perm1t a fence 1n the requ1red front setback approx1mately 2.5 1nches 1n excess of the allowable 42 1nches 1n he1ght. Th1S 1tem 1S cont1nued from the December 7, 1988 Plann1ng Comm1ss10n meet1ng so that Mr. Kn1ght would be able to contact the C1ty Attorney, Greg Stepan1c1ch, to see 1f the "surround1ngs" f1nd1ng would be appl1cable 1n th1S case. Mr. Stepan1c1ch repl1ed that 1t was not a good f1nd1ng and not a good bas1s for approval because of a modern change 1n the Code that would enforce th1S var1ance even though other fences 1n the area may be non-conform1ng. That was the only poss1ble spec1al c1rcumstance of the three f 1nd1ngs that could have been made. Therefore, staff 1S st111 support1ng th1S var1ance be den1ed. MOTION by Suggs that Var1ance 7-88 be den1ed; SECOND by Jessner. MOTION CARRIED 3 -- 0 NOE VOTE - FIFE ABSTAIN - RULLO SCHEDULED MATTERS - There were no scheduled matters. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - There were no oral commun1cat10ns from the aud1ence. STAFF CONCERNS ROSSMOOR SHOPPING CENTER Cha1rman Sharp asked Mr. Kn1ght about the Rossmoor Shopp1ng Center but 1t was agreed not to comment on th1s unt11 the proJect gets further along. STATE LANDS PARCEL Cha1rman Sharp asked Mr. Kn1ght for an update on the C1ty Counc11 meet1ng of January 3, 1989, regard1ng the proposed hotel for the State lands parcel. Mr. Kn1ght sa1d the State lands property 1S located on corner of Pacif1c Coast H1ghway and F1rst Street, 1mmed1ately across from Oakwood Apartments and 1S a vacant 2.7 acre parcel. In August 1986 the Comm1SS10n recommended, and Counc11 adopted, a Spec1f1c Plan Wh1Ch agreed to a hotel or a d1nner theatre/restaurant use for that slte. Slnce that t1me the or1g1nal lessees for the slte term1nated the1r lease 1n favor of a new lessee - Seal Beach Gateway - who has the spec1f1c 1ntent of bU1ld1ng a hotel on that slte. They carne 1nto the Plann1ng Department two weeks ago w1th a prelim1nary plan call1ng for 120 hotel rooms w1th a 4000 square foot restaurant. Staff is 1n the process of rev1ew1ng that plan r1ght now. The Plann1ng Department and Eng1neer1ng Department w111 subm1t . . . . Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of January 4, 1989 comments to them and at that t1me they'll make correct1ons to the plans and subm1t the add1t1onal exh1b1ts the C1ty'S ask1ng for. Then the process w111 beg1n through the var10US boards and comm1SS1ons. In approx1mately 1 2 months the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on w111 reV1ew th1S 1tem. Th1S prel1m1nary plan lS a slte plan w1th elevat1ons. ADJOURNMENT Cha1rman Sharp adJourned the meet1ng at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully Subm1tted, ~~~~~ J an F11lmann Secretary THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION. * * * . The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of Janua~y 4, 1989 were approved by the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on on January 18~, 1989. -4::= .