HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-04-19 'e e - ~ CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 19, 1989 MEETING The regular meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on was called to order in C1ty Counc1l Chambers by Chairman Sharp at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleg1ance was led by Mr. Rullo. ROLL CALL Present: Cha1rman Sharp Comm1SS1oners Rullo, F1fe, Suggs Also Present: Edward M. Kn1ght, D1rector, Development Serv1ces Barry Curt1s, Adm1n. A1de, Development SerV1ces Absent: Comm1SS1oner Jessner (excused) Cha1rman Sharp stated that 1 tern #6, ZTA 2-89, under Scheduled Matters was removed from ton1ght' s agenda because Comm1ss1oner Jessner, who was the author, 1S absent. It w1ll be placed on the May 3, 1989 agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Cha1rman Sharp requested the three Consent Calendar 1 terns be cons1dered separately because Comm1SS1oner F1fe was not present at the Apr1l 5, 1989 Comm1ss1on meet1ng. 1. MINUTES of APRIL 5, 1989 MOTION by Rullo to approve the Plann1ng Comm1ssion M1nutes of April 5, 1989; SECOND by Suggs. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 ABSTAINING: F1fe 2. PLAN REVIEW 7-89 215 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD MOTION by Suggs to approve Plan Rev1ew 7-89; SECOND by Rullo. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 3. PLAN REVIEW 8-89 1517 & 1517 1/2 SEAL WAY MOTION by Rullo to approve Plan Review 8-89; SECOND by F1fe. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 e e e , ) Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of Apr11 19, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING 4. VARIANCE 3-89 242 & 242 1/2 FIFTH STREET RESOLUTION NO. 1538 Mr. Kn1ght del1vered the staff report on Var1ance 3-89 Wh1Ch 1S a request by appl1cants to dev1ate from Sect10n 28-2312 of the ~. Mr. F1fe asked why the subJect property can't be replatted 1nto two adJacent 25' lots. Mr. Kn1ght sa1d our zon1ng Code requ1res that a lot be 50' 1n w1dth. If you want to create a new lot thru subd1v1s1on, it has to be 50' 1n w1dth. You cannot create a new 25' lot because that would be 1ncons1stent w1th the C1ty'S General Plan and zon1ng sections of 1tS Code; the Subd1v1s1on Map Act won't allow that. The owners could bU1ld two separate homes and subd1v1de them as a condom1n1um and be able to sell them off separately. There 1S a veh1cle to create ownersh1p but there 1S no veh1cle to create 1t as "fee slmple" ownership. Our zon1ng Code allows you to comb1ne lot 11nes for bU1ld1ng purposes. It w111 allow you to comb1ne lots and create larger lots and be able to ignore underlY1ng property 11nes. The owners would be allowed to convert that to a condom1n1um because that's a new subdiv1s1on of the property. If they had two 25' foot lots next to each other they would be able to bU1ld exactly what they are be1ng allowed to build now (by th1S var1ance). PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Kurt De Me1re * Seal Beach The appl1cant stated these w111 be bU1lt as homes and there are no plans for them to be resold 1n the near future. He owns the property W1 th th1S slster. They plan to knock down the older eX1st1ng structures and rebu1lt new homes. MOTION by Rullo to approve Var.1ance 3-89, by the adoption of Resolution No. 1538, subject to reV.1S.1on of cond.1t.1on #4 to read n... the s.1te w.1ll be .1n complete conformance with the zon.1ng requ.1rements for two adjacent twenty-five foot lots ...n; SECOND by Fife. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 Mr. Kn1ght noted the f1rst Subdiv1s1on Map Act was adopted 1n 1912 and 1t was two pages at that t1me now 1t'S about 400 pages long. ~ , e Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of Apr1l 15, 1989 SCHEDULED MATTERS 5. PLAN REVIEW 6-89 88 RIVERSEA SEAL BEACH TRAILER PARK Barry Curt1s delivered the staff's report wh1ch 1S a app11cant, Mark Isenberg, to add 305 square feet to floor of an eX1st1ng two-story cabana. Th1s w1ll bedroom, bathroom and laundry room. request by the second 1nclude a e Chairman Sharp quest10ned spr1nklers 1n new construct1on 1n the Tra1ler Park, saY1ng he thought new add1t1ons requ1red spr1nklers plus retrof1 tt1ng the rema1nder of the tra1ler. Mr. Kn1ght rep11ed that the C1ty Counc1l overturned (on appeal) a prev10us Plann1ng Comm1SS1on recommendat1on to sprinkle the second story and retrof1t the f1rst floor w1th spr1nklers. The C1ty Counc1l sa1d that you would only have to put spr1nklers in the new area. The C1ty Counc1l asked that a po11cy statement be drawn and put 1nto the f1le and that all such cases, where you've got an eX1st1ng two-story cabana W1 th no spr1nkler system, that 1 t be requ1red only to put spr1nklers 1nto the new add1 t10n area. Cha1rman Sharp asked Mr. Kn1ght 1f the C1ty Counc1l was told th1s recommendat1on came d1rectly from the Orange County Fire Department for the safety of the people? Mr. Kn1ght sa1d "yes" and they st1ll overturned the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on. e Comm1ss1oner Rullo sa1d he recommended spr1nk11ng the ent1re tra1ler and if necessary, let 1t go back to the C1ty Counc1l on appeal and let them make a dec1s1on aga1n. He stated he does not want to be respons1ble to g1ve h1S O.K. to someth1ng l1ke th1s when he doesn't feel 1t'S r1ght. The entire tra1ler should be spr1nkled. Cha1rman Sharp agreed completely W1 th Comm1SS1oner Rullo. Mr. Sharp sa1d the safety precaut10ns have been checked and rechecked by the F1re Department ... and they have a real reason ... not Just to make the trailer owners spend money. It's for the protection of the Tra1ler Park residents. Comm1ssioner F1fe also agreed, 1n look1ng at cond1 t10n #6, wh1ch 1nd1cated that access to the upper level cabana 1S 1ntegrated W1 th the tra1ler's entry. Mr. F1fe sa1d if a f1re started in the tra1ler and burned out thru the tra1ler's access door, escape from the cabana would be blocked. He proposed that 1nstead of forc1ng the app11cant to appeal to the C1ty Counc1l that the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on mod1fy cond1t1on #2 to requ1re that spr1nklers be installed through the cabana and eX1st1ng tra1ler --- leav1ng h1m the opt1on to either 11 ve with that or appeal to the Counc1l. Comm1SS1oner Suggs noted that the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on has been thru this and spelled out exactly what k1nd of spr1nkler system should be 1nstalled. Mr. F1fe quest10ned cond1t1on #3, wh1ch requ1res the exter10r wall to be constructed of stucco or one- hour f1re rated mater1al ... and felt a more l1kely 1ntrus1on of fire in a tra1ler would be f1re burn1ng up through the roof of . . e e e . . . Page 4 - Plann~ng Comm~ss~on Minutes of April 15, 1989 the traller and through the requlre that the floor of materlal ln ~t. floor of the cabana. the cabana also have We should flre-rated Commlss~oner Rullo asked Mr. Kn~ght what the flre ratlng on a floor was? Mr. Knlght sald you usually get 3/8" plywood or 1/2". He sald he was not sure that was suff~c~ent for one-hour. To get to one-hour would not be much more diff~cult that standard constructlon techniques. PUBLIC HEARING The appl~cant was not present. No one ~n the aud~ence w~shed to speak for or agalnst thls proJect. MOTION by F1fe to adopt the recommendat~on of staff on Plan ReVlew 6-89 SubJect to the following revisions: 2. A l~fe safety spr~nkler system shall be 1nstalled throughout the add1t1on and eX1st~ng tra~ler in accordance with the requ1rements set forth ~n the Nat10nal Fire Protection Assoc1ation (handbook). 3. The exter10r wall and the floor of the cabana shall be constructed of stucco, or one-hour f1re rated materlal shall be ~nstalled under wood s~d~ng. SECOND by Rullo. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE There were no oral commun~cations from the aud~ence. STAFF CONCERNS Hazardous Waste Management Plan Mr. Knight sald the Cl ty Councl1 cons~dered the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan (the Plan) at the~r Apr~l 17th meetlng. They cert~f~ed the EIR and approved the Plan. Now more than 50% of the c~t~es ~n Orange County have approved the Plan. The County of Orange has approved it as of 4/25/89. It w~ll now go on to the state of Callforn~a and the state Department of Health w~ll e~ther approve lt or reJect lt (stat~ng why). The County could d~spute th~s or go back and make the var~ous changes. If the State approves lt, it w~ll come back here ~n s~x months w~th probable changes to the c~ty's General Plan and the zon~ng Code and poss~bly a new ord~nance that would set fac~llty sit~ng cr~ter~a, and certa~n zon~ng cr~ter~a. ZTA 1-89 re Fence/Wall Heights The Clty Counc~l cons~dered Zone Text Amendment 1-89 wh~ch concerned fence and wall helghts for noise m~tlgat~on. The . , e e e "" . Page 5 - Plannlng Commlssion Meeting of Aprl1 19, 1989 Plannlng CommlSSlon had recommended rejectlon of thlS ZTA but the Clty Councl1 dld accept the ZTA, puttlng In criterla for ten (10') foot walls subject to an ordlnance belng prepared by staff. Lampson would not be part of that approval; lt would be PCH, Seal Beach Blvd., Westmlnster and the freeways. Plannlng Commissloners Institute CommlSSloner Flfe and Mr. Knight attended the Plannlng CommlSSloner Instltute In Monterey, CA. Planning Commlssloner's Booklets Ordered Mr. Knlght has ordered a new Plannlng Commlssloner's booklet for each Commlssioner WhlCh outllnes procedures and State laws regardlng belng a Planning CommlSSloner for a communlty. COMMISSION CONCERNS Mr. Sharp asked Barry Curtls lf he had a chance to check lnto the F&M Bank slgn in Rossmoor? Barry sald he has begun to look lnto lt but has not reached a concluslon. Mr. Knlght addressed CommlSSloner Flfe's requested lnformatlon about lmprovements on Lampson Avenue that were tled to the Blxby Speclflc Plan. Mr. Knlght lS to prepare a memo for the CommlSSloners. The monles that were set aSlde thru the Speclflc ~ were spent for lmprovements on Lampson; Mr. Knlght wll1 get a 11St of those lmprovements. Mr. Sharp asked staff when the entrance to 7th Street from the B1Xby complex wll1 be opened. Mr. Knlght lS to flnd out. CommlSSloner Rullo sald he attended the "Day at Gum Grove Park" on Saturday. It was a nlce functlon.l ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, cpa-. ~a-._ Joan Flllmann secretary Department of Development Servlces *** The Mlnutes of the Planning CommlSSlon are tentatl ve and are subJect to the approval of the Plannlng CommlSSlon. *** The Minutes of the Aprl1 19, 1989 Planning CommlSSlon meetlng were approved on ~n.....~ ~C"\~ 1989. *_