HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-05-03
The regular meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1ssion was called to
order 1n C1ty Counc11 Chambers by Cha1rman Sharp at 7:30 p.m.
The Pledge of Alleg1ance was led by Mr. Jessner.
Cha1rman Sharp
Comm1ss1oners Rullo, F1fe, Suggs, Jessner
Edward Kn1ght, D1rector, Development Serv1ces
Barry Curt1s, Adm1n. A1de, Development Serv1ces
MOTION by Suggs, SECOND by Fife to approve the PlannJ.ng
Co~ssJ.on MJ.nutes of April 19, 1989 as presented.
AYES: Sharp, Rullo, FJ.fe, Suggs
ABSTAIN: Jessner
Staff Report
Barry Curt1s read the staff report Wh1Ch 1S a request by
appl1cant, Terry Brennan, to add a second story cabana of 822
square feet to an exist1ng tra1ler.
Comm1ss1on Comments
Cha1rman Sharp noted th1s second floor add1t1on completely covers
the eX1st1ng tra1ler in all dimensions.
MOTION by Suggs, SECOND by Rullo to approve Plan RevJ.ew 9-89 wJ.th
the seven condJ.tions J.n place.
AYES: Sharp, Rullo, Fife, Suggs, Jessner
Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of May 3, 1989
3. PLAN REVIEW 10-89
Staff Report
Barry Curt1s del1vered the staff report on Plan ReV1ew 10-89,
Wh1Ch lS a request by appl1cant, Don Ph1llips, to add a two-story
cabana of 690 square feet to an eX1st1ng tra1ler 1n the Seal
Beach Tra1ler Park.
Barry Curt1s 1ntroduced a letter from Greg Stepan1cJ.ch of the
C1ty Attorney's Off1ce, dated 5/3/89, Wh1Ch glves the1r legal
op1nJ.on of spacJ.ng requJ.rements between two-story cabanas J.n the
Seal Beach Tra1ler Park (copy attached for reference):
"Sect1on 28-2319 establ1shes special development
standards for two-story cabanas w1th1n a mobile home or
tra1ler park. Subsect10n E(3) prescr1bes the spac1ng
requ1rements as follows:
"No two-story cabana shall be located closer than
twenty feet from another two-story cabana."
We 1nterpret th1S prov1s1on to requ1re a m1n1mum of
twenty feet between the cabanas themselves, rather than
between a cabana and a tra1ler."
Comm1ssion Comments
Cha1rman Sharp saJ.d these plans d1ffer from prJ.or second story
addit10ns he'd seen ... th1S add1t1on lS separate and bes1de the
tra1ler, not d1rectly above 1t. It covers about three (3') feet
of the eX1st1ng tra1ler. Barry Curt1s sa1d 1t lS off-set to make
up for the twenty (20') foot separat10n between adJacent two-
story cabanas.
More Than One Entrance
On rev1ew1ng the plans, the Comm1ssJ.on noted there 1S more than
one entrance and plans must be changed to have only one entry and
the ab1l1 ty for only one. Barry Curtis saJ.d "currently there
appears to be more than one entrance ... but the owner has not
been consulted at th1S t1me" about rev1sed plans.
Comm1SSJ.oner Jessner sa1d he d1d not want to act on Plan Rev1ew
10-89 untJ.l the CommJ.ss1on reV1ews the revised plans.
Spac1ng Requ1rements
Not1ng the C1ty Attorney's 5/3/89 letter, the Commiss1on sa1d J.t
wanted an 1nterpretat1on, adv1ce and comments from the Orange
County F1re Department on th1s construct1on before tak1ng any
Page 3 - Planning Comm1SS10n M1nutes of May 3, 1989
act10n on th1s Plan Review. The Fire Department 1n1 t1ated
regulat10ns for d1stance between tra1lers and cabanas.
Mr. Jessner stated he felt 1t was not the 1ntent of the orig1nal
ord1nance to "sk1rt" the twenty (20') foot distance. Mr. Kn1ght
sa1d th1s issue was d1scussed at the 2/1/89 Plann1ng Comm1ss10n
meet1ng, saY1ng the zone text amendment says "no two-story
cabanas shall be closer than twenty (20') feet from another two-
story cabana" and says noth1ng about off -sett1ng . The City
Attorney says its "cabana to cabana --- not tra1ler to tra1Ier".
The Comm1SS10n quest10ned who's 1nterpretat10n do we go by?
Publ1C Hear1ng Opened
Don Phil11ps * 66 Riversea Road
Mr. Phil11ps noted he has two lots, side-by-s1de, with the
present tra1ler OccupY1ng one lot. He wants to build onto the
second lot. There is no intent to create a second entrance or
second un1t. He sa1d he has f1ve ch1ldren ... and he wants to
create space for h1mself upsta1rs. The downsta1rs (in future
years) could possibly be for someone to do 11ght housekeeping for
James Coppedge * 500 E. Pac1fic Coast H1ghway. Seal Beach
Mr. Coppedge addressed the entry 1ssue by stating the primary
entry to th1s dwel11ng 1S located to r1ght of sta1rwell. To ga1n
access to the sta1rs you must enter the mobile. The other
access, from the sta1rwell, 1S to the spa. The 1ntent was to
enable the owner to reach the spa from the upsta1rs W1 thout
hav1ng to go thru the rema1nder of the dwel11ng.
Mr. Kn1ght expla1ned to Mr. Coppedge that the opportunity does
eX1st to create a second un1 t and the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n 1S
request1ng that opportunity be removed. Mr. Kn1ght sa1d it would
be appropr1ate to cont1nue th1s 1tem for two weeks, to the
May 17, 1989 Comm1ss10n meet1ng.
COlDlR1.SS10ner Sharp requested Plan Rev1ew 10-89 be cont1nued to
the May 17, 1989 Plann1ng COJDlD1SS10n meet1ng. The COJDlD1SS10n
wants to hear from Orange County F1re Department at that date
Page 4 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of May 3, 1989
1. CUPs for Offlces ln Commercial Zones
2. Development of Master Plan for Rossmoor Center
The CommlSSlon decided to dlSCUSS these two lssues concurrently.
Ed Knlght said Mr. Flfe brought up the posslblllty of requlrlng a
Condltlonal Use Permlt (CUP) for offlces that occur in commerclal
zones and Mr. Jessner brought up the posslbllity of utllizing a
master plan at the Rossmoor Center to monltor use changes in the
Mr. Knight sald staff feels that requlrlng a CUP for an office
use ln a commercial zone lS good for protectlng the City'S
commerclal base WhlCh Seal Beach should be looklng at slnce 1 t
has a very poor sales tax base. Requirlng a master plan gets
away from plecemeal plannlng, but with a CUP requlrement that
would automatlcally put Rossmoor ln touch wlth the City.
Commlss10ner Flfe sald staff recommendatlons "A" and "B"
concerned hlm. He would llke the verbage changed to add "no more
than 10% of any flrst story space could be used for any purpose
other than retalls sales use". Also add "Any conversion to
offlce usage of any eXlstlng C-2 space that has been used for
retal1 sale purposes at any tlme ln the flve (5) years preceding
appllcation be subJect to the requlrement of a CUP Wl th some
showlng on the part of the property owner that he can't feasibly
use lt as retall space". He noted that as procedures stand now,
the Center could go rlght through the Planning Department and
changes would not be seen by the Plannlng Commlsslon. Mr. Flfe
sald he assumed from Rossmoor Center's letter of 3/3/89 that they
thought the Plannlng Commlsslon would be exerclslng veto power
over thelr retal1 leases and thls lS not so.
Chalrman Sharp sald he was concerned the Plannlng Commlsslon was
lnterferlng wlth retall buslness to a pOlnt lt shouldn't be. He
dldn't thlnk the Commlsslon should go with the master plan ldea.
Mr. Jessner sald hlS concern stemmed from what he sees gOlng on
at the Center ... a large offlce bUlldlng structure gOlng up on
one end and a group of seven mOVle theatres belng bUllt ln the
center of the complex. He sald a few days ago he walked thru the
complex and there was a very hlgh percentage of vacanCles wlthln
the complex. What lS the lntent of the owner for thlS Center?
Are they trYlng to flll up these vacancles? Or Just empty out
the Center to do something else? He would 11ke thlS clarlfled.
Chalrman Sharp sald he talked to Dottle PhllllP, the Center's
manager. She sald the Center lS trYlng to upgrade the Center and
be very choosy on tenants.
Page 5 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of May 3, 1989
Mr. Suggs stated the Center has spent several m11110n dollars
there 1n the last few years and he doesn't see any maJor m1stakes
they have made. He felt they had the C1ty'S 1nterests and the1r
own 1nterests at hand. He said the C1ty should cooperate w1th
them and let them take the lead as to who gets 1n and what type
of construct1on they prov1de.
Mr. Fife sa1d he is concerned about the Center's ult1mate long
range plans. The Center has enough vacant lot space that 1 t
could be a cons1derably larger reta11 center than 1t 1S. If all
that space disappears w1th new off1ce construct1on it may doomed
to be a marginal center w1th a 11m1ted future.
MOTION by F1fe for the Plann1ng Comm1ssion to direct the Plann1ng
D1rector to, at th1S time, prepare recommendations for a spec1fic
zon1ng text amendment on the 1ssue of conversion and/or new
construction 1n this commercial zone for office usage. And to
put forward to a future meeting the question of whether or not we
would like to have the owner come here and g1 ve us 1nput as to
h1S long range and/or master plans for the Center. Also, mod1fy
paragraph "A" would prov1de that (at end of paragraph)
"overall w1th no more than 10% of any f1rst story space used for
any purpose other than reta1l sales usage." And the word
"development" in the f1rst line be changed to "development or
conversion project".
Mr. Rullo suggested the f1gure be " ... 30% of any f1rst story
space". Mr. Kn1ght suggested that the language could be "office
use on the f1rst floor 1S only 1nc1dental for the bus1ness at
hand". Mr. F1fe suggested second and third stor1es are not best
used as reta11 space but f1rst story is.
MOTION WITHDRAWN by F1fe and moved that the Plann1ng D1rector
prepare spec1f1c language for a proposed zone text amendment
deal1ng w1th the matter of new development and/or conversion of
eX1st1ng space 1n the C-2 space for commercial off1ce usages.
Issued Cont1nued
Cha1rman Sharp sa1d there 1S no rush on th1s 1tem and 1t w111 be
cont1nued to a future meet1ng 1n June or July. Mr. Kn1ght sa1d
the Comm1ss1oners have g1 ven staff d1rect1on. He agreed the
reta11 committee should get 1nvolved. Mr. Kn1ght sa1d he could
advert1se th1s for a Publ1C Hear1ng as a zone text amendment,
n~tify some of the reta11 owners 1n the commun1ty and the
Comm1SS1on could rece1 ve test1mony. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on
could reach conclus1ons, and on a vote, refer 1t to the retail
comm1 ttee for the1r recommendat1on and get the1r 1nput to the
ci ty Counc11 as well as the Comm1ssion' s 1nput to the C1 ty
Page 6 - Plann1ng Cornm1SS10n M1nutes of May 3, 1989
Bruce Stark * 204 Ocean. Seal Beach
Mr. Stark congratulated Ed Kn1ght on h1s new pos1t10n as Plann1ng
D1rector at Dana P01nt. Add1 t10nally, Mr. Stark sa1d he felt
Plann1ng Comm1SS10n dec1sions were not admin1stered "even
handedly". Mr. Stark alluded to a 25' x 117.5' property that was
turned 1nto "un1que parcel of land" and wh1ch rece1ved a waiver
for park1ng requ1rements; no name and no address g1ven. Cha1rman
Sharp took except10n to th1s, stat1ng he knew of no such
dec1s10ns by the Planning Comm1SS10n.
Four Homes on F1rst Street
Mr. Kn1ght sa1d the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and
Tentative Parcel Map were approved by the C1ty Council w1th all
the recommendat10ns of the Planning Comm1SS10n 1ntact---
1ncluding the he1ght restr1ct10n 1n back and the number of un1ts.
Mola Development
Mr. Kn1ght sa1d the City Counc1l cons1dered Mola Development at
the1r 5/1/89 meet1ng. The Response to Comments to the
Supplemental EIR have not been completed so th1s 1tem was
cont1nued to the City Counc11 meet1ng of May 15, 1989 where they
w111 be 1n a pos1t10n to make a dec1s10n on the Mola plan. Th1S
dec1s10n could take two forms:
1. They could approve the proposed plan which the Plann1ng
Commiss10n has already cons1dered in a Pub11C Hear1ng (1ncluding
the Vest1ng Tentat1 ve Tract Map). The proJect would then be
2. They could refer back to the Cornm1ss10n one or more of
the var10US alternat1ves on the Spec1fic Plan. In referr1ng th1s
back to the Cornmiss10n 1t w1ll not be a Public Hear1ng and the
Cornm1SS10n would not be cons1dering any Tentat1ve Tract Map. The
Comm1ss10n would be rev1ew1ng the alternat1ve(s) --- g1v1ng the1r
1mpress10ns and recommendat10ns to the C1ty Council at a future
date. wi th that 1nformat10n 1n hand the Council can make a
final dec1s10n. After this, the applicant could reapply for a
Vest1ng Tentat1ve Tract Map wh1ch would come through th1s
Comm1SS10n as a Pub11c Hear1ng.
Fence Heights
Mr. Jessner, not1ng Mr. Kn1ght's comments regard1ng C1ty Counc11
action on ra1s1ng fence heights from 8' to 10'asked on what bas1s
the Counc11 approved 1t. Mr. Knight rep11ed the1r approval was
based on aesthet1cs vs. n01se m1t1gat10n and pr1vacy. The C1ty
Page 7 - Plann1ng Comm1ssion M1nutes of May 3, 1989
Counc11 felt the commun1ty benefitted more from n01se m1tigat1on
and pr1vacYi the extra two feet was 1mportant.
W1th the staff cr1ter1a 1n place, 1f these ten foot fences do go
up, they would be sUbJect to a reV1ew by the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on
for cons1stent treatment etc.
Mr. Jessner was concerned about the present fenc1ng at Seal Beach
Boulevard and Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway saY1ng 1t lS a shambles---
every house has a d1fferent fence, a d1fferent he1ght, some
fall1ng over -- 1t'S an unplanned eyesore. At PCH at Bolsa you
have the same type of fences.
Mr. Rullo sa1d a ten foot fence would requ1re redes1gn. Owners
would not be able to Just add to the1r eX1st1ng fences of SlX or
e1ght feet ... the foundat1on would not hold a ten foot fence.
To hold a ten foot fence would requ1re a much larger foundat1on
(for even an e1ght foot fence). Mr. Knight sa1d he talked to the
C1ty's BU1ld1ng Inspector and aff1rmed Mr. Rullo's 1nformat1on.
Most of the walls 1n the C1ty are SlX feet.
Mr. Jessner asked the Planning Comm1SS1on for a consensus to
recommend to the Counc11 that 1f they do want to go to the ten
foot he1ght that before we Just vote th1S 1n we give thought
toward plannlng and aesthet1cs.
Mr. F1fe asked staff why the Counc11 exclude Lampson? Lampson
has h1gh speed veh1cles very close to homes. He d1dn't th1nk the
two foot ga1n was suff1C1ent in n01se m1t1gat1on and pr1vacy lS
Just1fy what lS likely to become a hodgepodge.
MOTION by Jessner that the Plann1ng Comm1ssion recommend to the
C1 ty Council that they hold off on estab11sh1ngjvot1ng on th1S
add1 t10nal fence raise 1n he1ght because of the reasons ra1sed
ton1ght and StUd1ed further. Lampson should be restud1ed.
MOTION by Jessner, SECOND by F1fe to 1n1t1ate an agenda 1tem w1th
regard to the fence height.
AYES: Rullo, F1fe, Suggs, Sharp, Jessner
MOTION by Jessner, SECOND by F1fe that the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on
recommend to the C1ty Counc1l that they hold off or resubm1t
the1r w1shes on th1s add 1 tional fence ra1se in he1ght to ten
(10') feet and stud1ed further. Lampson should be restud1ed and
AYES: Rullo, F1fe, Suggs, Sharp, Jessner
Page 8 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of May 3, 1989
Safety Improvements/Lampson
Mr. F1fe asked Mr. Kn1ght
1mprovements made on Lampson?
would get 1t.
1f he had the l1st of safety
Mr. Kn1ght said "no" but that he
Ed Kn1ght's Res1gnat1on
Cha1rman Sharp asked Mr. Kn1ght about h1s res1gnat1on. Mr.
Kn1ght sa1d h1s res1gnat1on was announced at the C1 ty Counc1l
meet1ng on Monday, May 1, 1989. Ed Kn1ght has accepted the
pos1t1on of Plann1ng D1rector at the C1ty of Dana P01nt.
Cha1rman Sharp adJourned the meet1ng at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Subm1tted,
Department of Development Serv1ces
The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of May 3, 1989 were approved by
the Planning Comm1ssion on rY\~ 11r~ 1989.
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Kr. Edward Knight;
Director of Development Servioe.
Ci ty of Seal Beach
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, CA 10740
R8: Trailer Park cabanas
e Dear Bd:
You have requested our opinion aa to the applioable
apacinq requirements between two-.tory cabanas in the Seal Beach
Trailer Park. Section 28-2319 establishes .pecial development
atandard. for two-story cabanas within a mobile home or trailer
park. sub.ection B(3) prescribes the .pacinq requirements as
"No two-.tory cabana .hall be located closer than
twenty f.et from another two-.tory cabana.W
w. interpret; this provi.1on to require a minimum of
twenty feet between the cabanaa themselves, rather than between a
cabana and a trailer.
It you have any further questions regarding this
matter, plea.e give .e a call.